Heart Choices: January 2013 -->

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Don't Miss Out on your Yes

Yes is a very powerful word.  When I say yes to something, I say no to many other good things.  Did you catch that?  Why would I say no to good things?

I say no to many good things so I have time for God's best yes during this season of my life.

What does that mean in practical terms?

I believe God has called me to something specific in this season of my life.  However, there's a potential problem.
  • I need to work 
  • I love to read 
  • I love to spend time with my friends 
  • I love to go hiking
  • I love to read blogs
  • I enjoy Facebook
  • I love Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)
  • I want to get my home more organized
  • I want to start an herb garden
  • I want to design something pretty but practical for our back patio
  • I want to invite friends over for lunches
  • I have a beautiful tea set and would love to plan a tea
How do I do all of those good things if I believe God has called me to do something more specific?  I need to examine how I'm spending my time.

Speaking and Writing

Many years ago, I believed God was calling me to speak and write.  I attended CLASSeminars where many Christian communicators are trained.  I signed up for the speaking module.  I attended the Dale Carnegie course so I could continue to improve my speaking.  I graduated after receiving five pen awards for my speeches.  I was asked to become a graduate assistant and I said yes.  I had the opportunity to demonstrate each type of speech to the new classes.

But I still tend to get nervous speaking in front of people. I worry that I will forget what to say or that people will see my nervousness.  However, as I look back whenever I forgot about my self and instead focused on the audience and the message I wanted to share with them, I remained calm inside and did well.  But I still have this tendency to procrastinate doing something until I believe I have it down perfectly.

Moses' Assignment From God

I think of Moses.  Exodus 3-4 gives the account of Moses' encounter with God.  He told Moses that he had been chosen to go to Pharaoh to bring His people out of bondage in Egypt.  What was Moses' response to this calling on his life?  Did he say yes Lord?

Moses responded with doubts and questions:
  • "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?" Exodus 3:11
  • "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" Exodus 3:13
  • "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say 'The Lord did not appear to you'?  Exodus 4:1
  • "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.  I am slow of speech and tongue."  Exodus 4:10
  • "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."  Exodus 4:13
As I read about Moses being called by God for an assignment, I have this inner dialogue going on. "You've got to be kidding Moses.  The Almighty God is calling you to do something and you have all of these excuses.  He's told you He will be with you.  He even told you He will give you the words to say.  What's wrong with you?"

But as I think about this, I have to think of my own responses to the Lord.  Instead of immediately saying yes, I offer excuses or I procrastinate too.  

My Assignment for this Season

In this season of my life, I am writing an eBook.  I have it about 70% written.  But I get distracted and want to have fun.  I realize days have gone by since I've written.  But in order to say yes to what I believe the Lord is calling me to do now, I need to say no to many good things.

So what do I do?
  • I set my alarm early so I have time to write before work
  • I delay getting my home designed just the way I want it
  • I postpone many of those lunches with my friends
  • I cannot participate in BSF at this time but I can have my daily quiet time
  • I limit my Facebook time
  • I exercise on my treadmill when I come home from work
  • I spend many hours during the weekend writing
  • I pray!
So let's get personal.  Has God called you to something in this season of your life?  Are you so busy with many good things that you're not doing a good job with the assignment He has given you for this season?  

I remember hearing Anne Graham Lotz talk about the years when the only conversation she had was with her little children and all she seemed to do was to clean up messes.  However, in another season of her life her children were grown and she said yes to a call God had for her life.  She began to speak and write and impacted many people, including me.

I ask you to not get so caught up in so many good things that you miss out on God's best yes for this season of your life.

I'm linking up with Bonnie for this Faith Barista Jam on the topic of YES.

Blessings and love,

photo credit: vasta via photopin cc

Motivation and Habits

Motivation and habit are the two requirements I need to achieve my goal.

Here is my motivation that gets me going:
  • I want to lose some weight
  • I want to have more energy
  • I want to fit back into my 'good clothes'
  • I want to feel comfortable again in my clothes
  • I was tired of trying on three outfits before deciding on one for work
  • I'm getting older and know that the risk of heart related problems increases 
  • I have a family history of heart disease
  • I want to stay healthy
Since habit is what will get me to my goal, I decided to return to the habit of eating healthier and exercising regularly.  I used to be in good shape.  I also knew what it felt like to have more energy and feel and look good in my clothes.

So I began.  I agreed to participate in a private Facebook group, a place where we encourage and motivate one another. We are presented with a weekly challenge in addition to our regular exercise and healthy eating.  The challenge for this past week was to drink at least 48 ounces of water every day and do at least two planks per day.  

I have to admit that I had to 'Google' what a plank was.  Once I realized what it was, I decided to participate.  

I was showing them to Heidi at work and as you can see, I had an audience of little children from our class.  What was Miss Debbie doing?  Miss Debbie is working on getting back in shape!

I may never have the flexibility like the children but I can certainly work at it.  After all, being more flexible helps to prevent injuries.

As for drinking increasing amounts of water, I had to measure out how much 48 ounces was.  Because I'm busy all day, I had to place reminders for myself.  I also gave up the Diet Coke I enjoyed at lunch and replaced it with water.  I feel good about that decision but it was hard at first.  

So I'm sticking to my plan.  So far, I've only lost four pounds but that's OK.  I realize it takes time and I'm in this for the long haul. It's not about losing a bunch of weight on a diet and eventually gaining it all back and then some.  I have to be able to live long term with this plan of healthy eating and regular exercise.

I'm motivated and I'm establishing healthy habits.  And I'm linking up with Kim of At Home with Kim for Weigh-In Wednesdays.  It's not too late for you to join us. 

Blessings and love,


The Blessing of Rain and Good Health

Rain is a rare event in Phoenix.  However, this past weekend we experienced rain.  My red geraniums loved the rain.  As I count my every day blessings, I'm so thankful for the rain in the desert of Phoenix.

There have been many children in our school who have been out sick.  Children tend to forget to cover their mouths when they cough. So, our Pre-K 3 class had a lesson from Nurse Brandie.

The children learned about washing their hands with warm water and soap.  They had to sing "Happy birthday to me" two times so they would realize how long they should be washing.

The next day when we were in computer class, Sam asked to go to the bathroom.  In the quiet classroom, the computer teacher and I looked at one another and laughed as we heard singing coming from the bathroom.  "Happy birthday to Sam, happy birthday to Sam ..." He remembered to sing it twice as he washed his hands.

The children practiced how to cover their coughs.  They use their elbow instead of their hands so they don't pass germs when they touch someone.  Now I hope we will all stay healthy through the rest of the school year.

Source: facebook.com via Pat on Pinterest

And so I continue to count my every day blessings ...

#650  Rain in the desert of Phoenix
#651  Beautiful flowers in bloom
#652  Hearing my dad's voice on the phone
#653  Reconnecting with more friends from my past on Facebook
#654  Looking forward to seeing my friend Kathleen of Sassy Granny
#655  Hearing the sound of rain on my roof
#656  The consistency of eating healthier
#657  Feeling stronger as I continue to do my exercise
#658  Encouragement from my Weigh-In Wednesday Facebook group
#659  Sharing what God is teaching me in this season
#660  Rereading "Abide in Christ" by Andrew Murray
#661  Almost finished with "A Heart that Dances" study by Catherine Martin

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

I'm also linking up with Kim of At Home with Kim for Morning Moments.

Blessings and love,


Five Minute Friday ~ Again

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with A Gypsy Mama.  Lisa-Jo gives us one word each Friday and we get to write on that word for five minutes flat.  Our word for today is: AGAIN.


The physical place may have changed over the years.  But the habit hasn't changed.  For the past 18 years, I awaken early so I can spend time reading my Bible, praying and writing in my journal.  I call it my morning quiet time.  It's become a necessity in my life. You see, there have been many changes.  A change in homes, a change in finances, a change in the freedom I experience.  But one thing that hasn't changed is this time that has become constant in my life.

The amount of time spent has changed.  When I wasn't working, I could spend hours reading, learning and growing.  In this season of my life, the time is limited.  But I choose to set my alarm earlier so I can make the time.  

Again I rise early.  My tools are ready.  Coffee set to go.  Bible and journal ready and available.  Pen and marker right there.  Meeting with the Lord each morning has enabled me to weather many storms in my life.  He has given me strength for each new day.  He knows the plans He has for my life.  And I want to live right in the center of them.

So again I have my quiet time before I venture out into the world.


Blessings and love,


Weigh-In Wednesday ~ Challenge

It's Wednesday so it must be Weigh-In Wednesday.  In our Pre-K 3 class it will be Wacky Wednesday when we do our Open Court backwards.  Heidi and I like to keep the little ones challenged. After all, the alphabet and the sounds each letter make are important to learn.

But back to this Weigh-In Wednesday post about challenges.

Challenges ...do you like them?  Or do you tend to stay in your comfort zone?

I have to admit that I find it easy to continue doing the things I normally do.  I make my plan and I stick with it.  But I want to begin to change things up a bit.  So when Kim of At Home with Kim posted about a weekly challenge, I thought to myself 'you can do this Debbie.  Yes you can!'.

We have two challenges this week:

  1. Do at least two planks every day. 
  2. Drink at least 48 ounces of water a day.
First of all, I have to admit that I didn't even know what a plank was.  I had to Google it!  :)


So in case you don't know what a plank is, check out this short video.  I started doing them in addition to my daily treadmill exercise.

My routine is to immediately head to my treadmill when I get home from work.  My husband knows not to distract me and has my water ready.  Thank you Greg!


Our second challenge is one I need to work on.  You'd think that since I live in Arizona, I would automatically drink lots of water.  In the summer season I drink lots of water but I tend to forget when the weather is cooler.  When I get home I start drinking water but then I have to wake up at night a few times.  I need to drink more water earlier in the day so I get a good night's sleep.

I wrote about creating habits last week.  In case you missed it, you can read all about it here.

Creating healthy habits is so important.  But it takes 21 days to form a new habit.  I'm working through those 21 days so it becomes automatic.

It's not too late to join in.  Be challenged and be accountable.  It's actually fun.  I'll be writing about my progress each Wednesday so stay tuned.  Here's to good health!

Blessings and love,


Counting Every Day Blessings

Every day blessings come in a variety of ways.  On Saturday, I had the pleasure of spending a few hours with my blogging friend Iris of Grace Alone.  She is also the founder of Laced with Grace, a Christian women's devotional site.  I am honored to be a monthly contributor there.

Although I'd met Iris in person once before, it had been much too long since 2009.  So we agreed to meet at Starbucks in Tempe, Arizona.  The weather was so beautiful; sunny and in the low 70's. What a welcome relief after our cold spell this past week.  I know you Northerners are probably rolling your eyes but remember that we move to the Phoenix area for the weather (the winter weather in particular).

So what do two bloggers talk about?  Well, I'm not going to share our conversation with you but I will say that we talked nonstop. What fun and ...such a time of encouragement.

Iris was sporting her new pink cowboy boots.  So of course I had to snap a photo of them to share with you.  Aren't they cute?

In my quest to lose the extra pounds I put on over the last few years, I've come to know Kim of At At Home with Kim.  She started a Facebook accountability group so we could share recipes, tips and advice with one another.  In the process, Kim decided to form another Facebook group so we could stay grounded in the Word of God.  That same encouragement has spilled over to our group as we share what we are learning in our morning quiet time.  What a blessing to get to know more women with a heart for the Lord.

Pre-K 3 Class

Speaking of blessings, I can't help but write about those little blessings in our Pre-K 3 class.

The children are too cute.  I love how they learn new motor skills. We are up to the letter N in the alphabet.  And Heidi and I have been working on getting each child to count up to 100.  We count every day and so far we have two children who counted by themselves all the way up to 100.  Our goal is to have 20 stars in our class!  We can do it; yes we can!

I found these cuties on Pinterest.  I had to laugh because many of the children have these tiny oranges in their lunch boxes.  I get to help them with their lunches and whenever a child has them, they lift them up and say "Miss Debbie, look what I have."  We always say "Cuties for my cuties".  :)

#635 A wonderful meeting with my blogging friend Iris
#636 Beautiful weather in Phoenix
#637 Sitting outdoors enjoying the weather in January
#638 A three day weekend
#639 Equality for all people regardless of skin color or background
#640 Recognizing that we're all level at the foot of the Cross
#641 The encouragement I've been receiving in my weight loss quest
#642 New friendships as we encourage one another on Facebook groups
#643 My sweet next door neighbor Caroline
#644 I get to work alongside of someone I like each week day; Heidi
#645 My husband who encourages me to get on the treadmill every day
#646 My hubby who tells me how pretty I am after 28 years of marriage
#647 The cuties in our Pre-K 3 class
#648 That I get to see little children learning each day
#649 For God's Word that speaks to my heart each morning

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience as we count those every day blessings.

Blessings and love,


What's On Your Bucket List?

What's on your bucket list?  You know ...the things you want to do before you die.

I recently watched a 2007 movie called The Bucket List starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It's about two men with terminal illnesses who end up as roommates in the hospital.  They decide to escape and experience as many items on their bucket list as they can before they die.  Along the way, they learn important lessons.

Too often people get to the end of their lives only to discover they never got to experience many of their dreams.

When I worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist I remember a patient who worked in a job he hated for most of his adult life. Finally, he got to the day of his retirement.  He longed for the time when he'd be able to spend his days fishing and traveling.  But several months after retiring, he had a heart attack and ...died.

A 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone called Time Enough to Last made such an impression on me.  It's about a quiet bank teller who loves books.  He longs for time alone to read.  He takes his lunch break in the bank vault so he can read in solitude.  One day during his lunch hour, a nuclear bomb goes off.  The bank teller survives and finds himself alone as he emerges from the vault.  He quickly locates the library and finds books scattered all over.  Finally, he can read to his heart's content.  But as he reaches for a book, his glasses slip off and break.  Now he has plenty of time but he cannot do what he longed to do; read.

Is there something you long to do?  What's been keeping you from doing it?

Have you been postponing it for a time when:

  • You are retired 
  • Your kids are grown up
  • You have more money
  • You have more education
Is there still an unfulfilled dream inside of you?  

Blessings and love,

mccmicb via photopin cc

Faith Barista Jam ~ Beloved

 I'm joining in on this week's Faith Barista Jam.  Bonnie gave us the following writing prompt:

"How is God calling you to become the Beloved?"

When I think of the word beloved, I don't think of myself.  I think of my husband.  I think of Jesus.  But me being the beloved seems kind of odd to me.  And yet the question posed for this jam is how is God calling you to become the Beloved?  That is Debbie, right?

Even as a child, I had this hunger to be loved.  In my young eyes, I was different. I was born with a congenital heart defect.  I couldn't run and play with other children. I was sidelined in life because I couldn't keep up. I had to make frequent trips with my mom to the 'city'.  That was what we Long Islanders called New York City.  My doctors were located at New York's Columbia Presbyterian Hospital. My mom and I would sit for hours as we waited in the Clinic for my name to be called.

I was told I was special.  And my parents told me I was loved. But Beloved?  I didn't believe that.

I was always a dreamer.  I guess sitting on the sidelines for the first seven years of my life allowed me plenty of time to day dream.  I dreamed of my wedding.  I dreamed of walking down the aisle to my Beloved.

Many years have gone by since I was a child.  I am a very healthy adult.  Thankfully, my open heart surgery at the age of seven was a success.  I made up for lost time by my determination to keep up with the other children to prove I wasn't odd or different.

But beloved?  Am I becoming the Beloved of God?

You see my life has had lots of ups and downs.  My husband of 28 years loves me.  My family loves me.  But life hasn't always been easy or fun.  There have been many challenging times.

As a beloved of God, would that happen?

What I've discovered over the years of my faith journey is that I can know the Truth.  I go to the Truth; the Word of God; the Bible.  My emotions don't always feel what the Truth says.  But I still believe it and it seems that over time it is proved right to me.

As I grow in my love for Jesus, He shows me that I am His beloved. He holds me when I need comfort.  He provides friends to walk alongside of me just when I need them.  He provides what I need but not always all I want.  He knows what's best for me.  That's my Beloved.

Song of Solomon 2:16 says what I need to hear:

Blessings and love,


Weigh-In Wednesdays ~ New Habits

It is the third Wednesday of the new year.  Are you keeping those New Year's resolutions?  You know, the list of things you were going to do and the new habits you were going to develop?  I'm just checking in.  Maybe you didn't write resolutions but instead chose a one word for 2013.  Well, it's important to make sure you're making progress.  I did both.  I wrote a few resolutions and I chose a one word for 2013: SURRENDER.

So how am I doing?

I'm doing pretty good.  Not perfect mind you, but I didn't expect that.  After all ...I'm human.

But one thing is starting to take shape for me.  The habit of exercise is being renewed in my life.  I used to have the habit of daily exercise.  I did that for years and frankly never thought twice about it.  It was a HABIT.

Well, that went by the wayside when my life turned upside down a few years ago.

I used to have a beautiful workout room with all my equipment in one place.  I could watch TV or check out the beautiful view of the mountains.

Now I have a treadmill squeezed into my husband's office in our small condo.  But the treadmill works!  So I made the decision to get back in the habit of daily exercise.  Already, I'm beginning to feel more energetic.  I don't dread coming home from work and hopping on my treadmill.  My husband understands that I need that time and he does all he can to be sure it happens.  No distractions!

I've also been planning my meals.  Well, I guess I have to qualify that.  I'm doing better.  On Sunday afternoon, I prepare a few meals in advance.  I used my crock pot and I also made a huge salad with lots of veggies.  So I have meals to take to work with me for lunch. My  hubby has been a big help as he often helps with dinner.  He is so creative with the leftovers and makes delicious meals.  Thank you Greg!

I'm also loving our Weigh-in Facebook group.  It has been so encouraging to share recipes and things that work.  We are also accountable to one another; love that and I need that.

The important lesson I take away from this weight loss issue is:

Healthy habits must be developed.

It takes 21 days to create a new habit.  So for at least 21 days it may be hard to keep at it.  But if you do, you may find that you  no longer dread the behavior as it becomes a part of your daily life.

What habit are you in the process of developing?  Are there any healthy habits that you've developed and care to share?

I'm linking up with Kim of At Home with Kim for Weigh-In Wednesday.

Blessings and love,


What is the First Thing you do Every Morning?

What do you do first thing in the morning?  Do you pour yourself a cup of coffee in your attempt to fully awaken?  Do you take a shower?  Do you turn on the television to check the morning news or open up your newspaper?  Do you get on your computer?

I want to challenge you to spend time at the feet of Jesus.  You may know the story of two sisters; Mary and Martha.

Acts 10: 38-42 says:
As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, He came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to Him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said.  But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made.  She came to Him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?  Tell her to help me!"  "Martha, Martha,' the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

I'm in the midst of a Bible study called "A Heart that Dances" by Catherine Martin.  She wrote about the culture of the day when the above passage occurred.

Disciples sat at the feet of their teachers.  I think of the children in our Pre-K 3 class who sit and listen to their teachers.  (Well, they listen most of the time.)  In those days, the role of disciple wasn't open to women.  It would shock Hebrew men if a woman assumed the position of a disciple.  And yet, it says Mary sat the Lord's feet listening to what He said.  She soaked in His teaching.  This was radical at that time.

Martha was upset that her sister wasn't helping her with the preparations.  After all, these were the things a good hostess would do, right?  Of course, she complained to Jesus.

And how did Jesus answer Martha?

Jesus answered her with love.  "Martha, Martha".  He repeated her name.  He was able to see into her heart.  He knew she had a beautiful gift of hospitality.  But He assessed Martha's condition of being worried and upset about many things.  She had a priority of serving others.  That may seem like a good priority. But it was distracting her from the priority of sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen and learn.

Jesus challenged Martha.  Mary didn't reject being hospitable.  But she chose Jesus as her priority.  And that was the best priority.

So, now it's your turn.

What will you choose as your priority?

Each day you and I have a choice to make.  Of course, we also have many responsibilities.  After all, we may have families, children who need help, homes to keep orderly, meals to prepare, getting ready for work.  But will you choose to begin each day sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen, learn and obey?

  • Set your alarm clock thirty minutes earlier.  
  • Arrange your Bible, journal and pen in the place you want to study.  
  • Get the coffee ready to brew the night before.  
Spend that time first thing in the morning in the presence of the Lord.  I can tell you from experience that it will change your entire day.

I'm linking up with Kim for Morning Moments.

I'm also linking up with Charlotte for Spiritual Sundays.

And Joan of The Beauty in His Grip.

Blessings and love,


Five Minute Friday ~ Dive

It's Five Minute Friday when I get to link up with The Gypsy Mama. Lisa-Jo gives us one word each Friday.  We get to write for five minutes flat.  Our word for today is ...DIVE.


I remember the first time I dove off the high board at the public swimming pool.  I stood in line many times but at the last minute I got scared.  But this time, I would do it.  There was no turning back when I climbed those stairs to the top.  There were people in line. As I stood on the diving board my legs were shaking.  I held my nose and jumped.  I felt the rush of water.  When I surfaced, I was smiling.  I did it!

I think of my walk with the Lord.  I was afraid of diving in.  What if I became like one of those Jesus freaks?  What would people think? After all, I wanted to have friends.  I didn't want to be seen as someone who thought they were holier than others.  So I dabbled.  I'd put my foot in the deep end but take it out.  I had moments when I felt inspired and got in line.  But I got scared and backed out.

When I finally dove in, I realized how much I had been missing.  It was refreshing!  When I gave my whole heart to the Lord, He opened my heart in ways I never knew was possible.  He gave me a love for others.  He opened my eyes to see things from His perspective.  I didn't feel holier than others.  I suddenly had a compassion and love for others.  His grace and mercy extended to me overflowed to others.

So dive in!  Don't dabble or simply put your foot in the deep end.  Go for it.  You will not regret it.


Blessings and love,

 photo credit: Roberto_Ventre via photopin cc

Faith Barista Jam ~ One Word

Bonnie of Faith Barista invited us to join her for our first Faith Barista Jam of 2013.  And this is what she gave for her prompt:

"What is your one word for 2013?"

My word is SURRENDER.  I wrote about my one word here.  But I think I still have more to say about it.

Many years ago, I probably read every single book that Catherine Marshall wrote.  I was inspired by her writings.  Maybe you've heard of the book Christy?  It was made into a television series starring Kellie Martin.  It was the story of an idealistic young girl who became a teacher to the children of a remote town in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.

Catherine was married to Peter Marshall who became the well known Scottish Chaplain to the Senate in the 1940's.  I remember watching the movie "A Man Called Peter".  It was about how the couple met, his ministry in Washington DC and his early death.  I even took my nieces to the church where Peter Marshall was a pastor when we visited Washington DC.

Meeting God at Every Turn was a book Catherine wrote that especially impacted my heart.  As the wife of a well known and highly respected pastor and the mother of a three year old son, she had responsibilities.  But Catherine had been diagnosed with tuberculosis and was forced to be bedridden. She prayed for God's healing as she felt so useless in bed.  But ...she continued to be sick.

She was confined to bed for three years.  However, during that time she helped her husband with his sermons and writings.  And she prayed and talked to God.  The Lord was doing a mighty work in her heart. She finally prayed what she called the prayer of relinquishment.

Lord, I understand no part of this, but if you want me to be an invalid for the rest of my life -- well, it's up to You.  I place myself in your hands, for better or for worse.  I only ask to serve You.

How many of you could pray a prayer like that and really mean it? But that ended up being the beginning of Catherine's healing.  She slowly began to get better.  Before her death in 1983, she wrote many books and impacted many people, including me.

I've prayed that prayer of relinquishment.  I can tell you from experience that it helped me through many situations that I had no control over.  It requires trust in God.  And it comes back to my one word for 2013; SURRENDER.

I think of Paul and how he wrote in Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV)

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. 

I'm in the middle of a Bible study by Catherine Martin called A Heart that Dances. I was once again reminded of Catherine Marshall's prayer of relinquishment.  During those three years of illness requiring bed rest she came to know God in a more intimate way. That's what happens when you spend time with God.

How like God to bring to my mind something I needed to remember at the beginning of a new year; my year of SURRENDER!

Blessings and love,

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