Heart Choices: Don't Miss Out on your Yes -->

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Don't Miss Out on your Yes

Yes is a very powerful word.  When I say yes to something, I say no to many other good things.  Did you catch that?  Why would I say no to good things?

I say no to many good things so I have time for God's best yes during this season of my life.

What does that mean in practical terms?

I believe God has called me to something specific in this season of my life.  However, there's a potential problem.
  • I need to work 
  • I love to read 
  • I love to spend time with my friends 
  • I love to go hiking
  • I love to read blogs
  • I enjoy Facebook
  • I love Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)
  • I want to get my home more organized
  • I want to start an herb garden
  • I want to design something pretty but practical for our back patio
  • I want to invite friends over for lunches
  • I have a beautiful tea set and would love to plan a tea
How do I do all of those good things if I believe God has called me to do something more specific?  I need to examine how I'm spending my time.

Speaking and Writing

Many years ago, I believed God was calling me to speak and write.  I attended CLASSeminars where many Christian communicators are trained.  I signed up for the speaking module.  I attended the Dale Carnegie course so I could continue to improve my speaking.  I graduated after receiving five pen awards for my speeches.  I was asked to become a graduate assistant and I said yes.  I had the opportunity to demonstrate each type of speech to the new classes.

But I still tend to get nervous speaking in front of people. I worry that I will forget what to say or that people will see my nervousness.  However, as I look back whenever I forgot about my self and instead focused on the audience and the message I wanted to share with them, I remained calm inside and did well.  But I still have this tendency to procrastinate doing something until I believe I have it down perfectly.

Moses' Assignment From God

I think of Moses.  Exodus 3-4 gives the account of Moses' encounter with God.  He told Moses that he had been chosen to go to Pharaoh to bring His people out of bondage in Egypt.  What was Moses' response to this calling on his life?  Did he say yes Lord?

Moses responded with doubts and questions:
  • "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?" Exodus 3:11
  • "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" Exodus 3:13
  • "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say 'The Lord did not appear to you'?  Exodus 4:1
  • "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.  I am slow of speech and tongue."  Exodus 4:10
  • "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."  Exodus 4:13
As I read about Moses being called by God for an assignment, I have this inner dialogue going on. "You've got to be kidding Moses.  The Almighty God is calling you to do something and you have all of these excuses.  He's told you He will be with you.  He even told you He will give you the words to say.  What's wrong with you?"

But as I think about this, I have to think of my own responses to the Lord.  Instead of immediately saying yes, I offer excuses or I procrastinate too.  

My Assignment for this Season

In this season of my life, I am writing an eBook.  I have it about 70% written.  But I get distracted and want to have fun.  I realize days have gone by since I've written.  But in order to say yes to what I believe the Lord is calling me to do now, I need to say no to many good things.

So what do I do?
  • I set my alarm early so I have time to write before work
  • I delay getting my home designed just the way I want it
  • I postpone many of those lunches with my friends
  • I cannot participate in BSF at this time but I can have my daily quiet time
  • I limit my Facebook time
  • I exercise on my treadmill when I come home from work
  • I spend many hours during the weekend writing
  • I pray!
So let's get personal.  Has God called you to something in this season of your life?  Are you so busy with many good things that you're not doing a good job with the assignment He has given you for this season?  

I remember hearing Anne Graham Lotz talk about the years when the only conversation she had was with her little children and all she seemed to do was to clean up messes.  However, in another season of her life her children were grown and she said yes to a call God had for her life.  She began to speak and write and impacted many people, including me.

I ask you to not get so caught up in so many good things that you miss out on God's best yes for this season of your life.

I'm linking up with Bonnie for this Faith Barista Jam on the topic of YES.

Blessings and love,

photo credit: vasta via photopin cc
Debbie Petras
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  1. As I was just readjng the beginning, Moses came to mind and you spoke about that, too. That in return made me go into a reflective mood as you challenged us...to listen and know what God is calling for us to do. I'm happy for you that you are continuing to follow your writing as He tells you so. We know that if the inspiration comes.from Him, many will be blessed. Many will hear about Him.

    As I was demoted from work and have all this time on my hands, it is a good tine for me to also say'Yes, Lord, wherever you want me to go...whatever you want me to do...'

    And I'm grateful for sisters like you who help in giving that little "push" we need when otherwise I am also making excuses and trying to avoid His calling...

    May the Lord continue to guide you, protect you and give you His discernment...Keep writing sister...and like how the Spirit was ther for Moses, so is He with those who love Him...Amen to your " yes!"

    1. Correction: reading....time....
      Sorry for the typo's

  2. This past Christmas, I felt led to pour myself into my kids' spiritual life and personal development at a much higher level. My kids are 11 and 12 (almost 12 and 13) so at that critical age. I am watching a video series (Family-id), reading a great book by Dr. Tim Elmore "Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child," talking and praying with them a LOT, and having more intense Bible studies with them. God revealed that I was too wrapped-up in my own Spiritual life and was sideling theirs. Now we are growing closer to God together as a family. I have this awesome window of opportunity with them right now so need to do my best to teach them and be a good example. That means saying NO to my old evening routines (cleaning the house, running, etc.). I moved my stuff to other times so that I can focus on them in the evenings/weekends. I only have them half the time (shared parenting) so have to make every second count. Thank the Lord for revealing my BEST YES for this season of my life! I love this season too! xo

  3. Great commentary here, Debbie. There are so many options open to us that are good. But is it the season for them? To say yes to one thing, we say no to another. We have to be wise to discern the season and trust God with our no's as well as our yes's. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and personal decisions with us on this!

  4. Good morning! This was REALLY good Debbie and has made me think about all of this soo much this morning! Your words are so wise, and so relevant I think. This season in my life IS very definite, and I know it is right where God wants me. And yet I struggle so to do all the things I WANT to do. I am sure I would be soo much happier if I did instead (with a happy heart) just what He wants for me for now. Enjoy your day!

  5. Debbie, I can soooo relate with Moses. I would have been making excuses too -- just like I do today.

    I am SO EXCITED! I didn't know you were in the process of writing a book! I'd love to hear all about it! I feel God nudging me to get started too, but I just keep making excuses! I will be sure to ask you questions how to publish an ebook. ;o)

    Much love!

  6. I believe we could be kindreds in this area of "yes, Lord!" Such truth in your expose on YES!

  7. Your steps for discipline in staying focused are great. I can benefit from more discipline in responding to God's call on my life. May God guide and bless your writing!

  8. Dear Debbie,
    I'm so proud of you staying focused and have the perseverance to fulfill your assignment with God.
    It cannot be easy, being a full time childern's teacher. I know how they being so energetic and full of questions and multitasking all day crave your entire attention while you are at work. Then working out. You are lucky to have Greg making you dinner. I think walking into your writing solitude with God must be a giant challenge. If 70 % is done, I'm sure you'll finish the race and then have some yes-to-Debbie- time again.
    Even Jesus had to rest. It's actually mentioned several times.
    I find FB time a time stealer and not much rewarding, and try to limit it too. Then again I'm with a closed prayer group there and that is so rewarding.Just knowing that there'll always be someone there when I need support, and be able to give the same back.
    That is a blessing.
    Thanks for always speak so nice and gentle to me. I so appreciate that.
    I have you and Greg included in my prayers too.
    Your Felisol

  9. yes, i believe God is calling me to do something this season of my life. and like moses, i've been making too many excuses and even wrestling with God. God has been telling me to simply say YES to Him. This is actually the third message I got since last night.

  10. I L O V E this post! We can all relate. I'm striving to seek God each morning to ask Him how to spend my time and focus. The trick is fighting my flesh throughout the day to obey Him.

  11. Thank you for this post. I sit and look at all the good things and have to continue asking Him what is the best thing you want me to say Yes too? A few years ago He showed me my yes needs to be filtered through my ministry which is being a wife and a mom. So that has been a great filter for me. When good opportunities have come this year to expand my ministry in leading other women I had to go to Him and my husband. So my yes as yours are not all I desire them to be but there is freedom in them when I go before Him and filter them through my main ministries.


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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