The "Giving Thanks Challenge" was hosted by South Breeze Farm in Iowa. This is the second year it's been done and the idea was to encourage the attitude of thankfulness.
If you turn on the TV or read the newspaper today, there's plenty of bad news and reasons to become anxious. That's the reality of our world today. But we can make the choice to take time to focus on what's good and the things for which we are thankful. I've enjoyed writing blog posts on Thankful Thursdays and I know for a fact, that it's helped me with my own attitude. So, why not a whole month? After all, God has blessed me with much to be thankful for.
As you can read from my latest posts, I had the opportunity to attend the Women of Faith Conference last weekend. A very special thanks goes to my friend Helen who made this possible. Helen is my Elizabeth. You can read what that means by reading this blog post.I'm also very thankful for Marlene who included us in her group. We were so blessed with excellent seats on the floor level. I couldn't believe it but ...we got to sit in the 1st row!!!
I'm so thankful for: my husband Greg, family, good health, strength and stamina, turkey and the fixings, my church family, bloggy friends, Twitter, Facebook, Classmates, coffee in the morning, good books, friends, freedom of speech and the ability to worship freely and the beauty of God's creation.
Living in Phoenix, the sun does shine most days but I was thrilled with the change in weather we had over the Thanksgiving holiday. It actually rained in Phoenix.
I took this picture from my upstairs patio. Isn't the sky beautiful?
This month, I also had the opportunity to spend an afternoon with one of my favorite families; my friends from San Antonio, TX. They were visiting relatives and took an afternoon to spend with me!
Jamie and Todd introduced me to their newest arrival; little Rachel. They now have five children and I can't believe the wonderful job they're doing. Jamie is home schooling and ... the results speak for themselves. Way to go, Jamie!
I'm also thankful for all the prayers for my friend Jeanie and her new husband Duane. You can link here to read about their situation. I spoke with Jeanie yesterday and she was pleased to report that Duane is now alert and responsive. He knows his new wife and can respond to verbal commands. This is a big thing! He's still on the ventilator and will require more surgery but at least this is positive news. Jeanie said to me, "God is working a miracle." So, keep on praying and thank you.
I'm really enjoying this thankfulness thing. The focus of the Heart Choices blog is to encourage people to make healthy choices; body, mind and spirit. And remember that our day to day choices determine what our tomorrows will become.
Will you make the choice to list what you're thankful for? I'd love to hear from you.