Heart Choices: 2010-11-07 -->

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TSMSS ~ More than Ever

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

Today I'm sharing another song that my friend Jamie sent to me for encouragement recently.  I remember a New Year's Eve some years ago when I tagged along with the Burgess' to see the Gaither's in concert.  Even their little children loved each one of these singers and seemed to know most of the words as they sang along.  Little Mary Beth fell asleep in my arms as the clock approached midnight. :)

This song is called "More Than Ever".  No matter what you may be going through in your life, turn to Jesus. 

Now more than ever ...He is so precious to me.

I love to sit at His feet!

Have a wonderful Saturday ...

Blessings and love,


Through the Eyes of a Child

What does life look like through the eyes of a child? 

I've been absent from our blogging community for the last few days.  On Monday, I began working full time in a private school.  I get to spend the day with three and four year olds. 

Life does look a bit different ...through the eyes of a child.
  • For one thing, my quadriceps are so sore.  I love to speak with the children at eye level but that requires this body of mine to constantly bend down.  My husband and I joked that I've been trying to shed the extra weight I've accumulated recently and so I have the feeling it will be working its way off.  I also have much less time to eat.  :)
  • I appreciated the celebration of Veteran's Day so much more through the childrens' eyes.  The school had a special outdoor assembly to honor the military.  We all sang a few patriotic songs, the pre-kindergarten cheerleaders performed in their adorable cheering outfits (so cute), and the band played songs to honor our veterans.  They had a special guest; a veteran of Desert Shield who came in full uniform to speak with the children.  As I gazed at the crowd of children listening intently, I was surprised by the tears that filled my eyes. 
  • I am reminded that children are like sponges, absorbing what they see and hear.  As an adult, I want to be a good example to them.  Even though this isn't a Christian school, I am still a Christian.  I pray that I would be a light to all I encounter and that they will see the love of Christ in me, even when words are not spoken.
  • I am also amazed at what children can learn.  Our three year old class is learning Spanish.  It's been good for me as I took this language for three years in high school but forgot much of it.  As the children learn the words for paper, pencil, scissors and all the days and months of the year it comes back to me too.
  • I get to share the details of my day with Greg.  He even made a 'Welcome Home Debbie' sign.  I returned to a clean house and a crockpot meal.  He's very creative with leftovers and it always tastes great.
I'm thankful that I have a four day weekend so I can rest up.

I found this adorable painting online and thought I'd end this post with it.  I think I'm going to love seeing the world through the eyes of children. 

How about you?  Doesn't life look different through their eyes? 

Have you noticed?

Blessings and love,


Encourage One Another

Laced With Grace

I've been so blessed with such encouragement from my Christian sisters.  I've been going through a difficult season in life and I don't know what I'd do without the love and support I've received from my friends.  

Today I'm over at Laced with Grace.  I hope you will link over and read about how we can encourage one another.  Life is hard and we need each other.

Blessings and love, 

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