It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa-Jo of The Gypsy Mama. We receive a one word writing prompt each week. And then the timer starts. Five minutes is the limit. Ready, set, go ...
Our word for today is ...JUMP
I have a confession to make. Jumping scares me. Just the thought of taking a leap into the unknown is frightening. You see, my personal preference is to know what's ahead. I like to plan my life and then work my plan. But I'm learning that life isn't always so cooperative. Life happens. Plans may even fail.
I want to walk by faith. That involves trust. And it often means taking a leap of faith even when I don't know where I'll land.
I've learned that my circumstances and my feelings don't always match what I know to be true.
So do I trust my circumstances or do I trust God's promises to me?
Even when I feel like He is not intervening according to my timetable, I remind myself that His timing is perfect.
Even if there are times when I feel so alone, I remember and cling to His promise that He will never leave me nor forsake me.
So I choose to jump and trust the Lord in all things. This is what it takes to walk by faith and not by sight.
Blessings and love,
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