Today is Thankful Thursday and Lynn of Spiritually Unequal Marriage is hosting. She has chosen the theme of discerning the voice of God. You can read other posts on this topic by linking there.
When I checked Lynn's blog to discover what the theme would be I was taken back. You see, I just had a conversation with my friend Helen yesterday about this very topic. So, I guess it was perfect timing to write about this today.
I'm so thankful that as a child of God, He hasn't left me alone in this world to figure things out by myself. The Bible is His inspired word that teaches me how to live and love. He speaks to me through His Word. I've had times when a particular verse of Scripture practically leaps off the page even though I may have read it many times before.
Sometimes I've heard people say God told them to do something and yet it directly contradicts what is written in the Bible. I don't believe them because He doesn't contradict Himself.
I think the biggest barrier to hearing the voice of God is ...not listening and instead being so distracted with things of this world. If I don't take the time to spend with the Lord in prayer and reading the Bible, how can I expect to hear from Him?
Another obstacle is not obeying what God's already told me to do. When I disregard what He's already said, it's called disobedience (or sin). So, how can I expect Him to speak to me about something else in my life? Sin interferes with my intimacy with God.
I don't pretend to have all the answers about hearing from God. There have been times when I haven't been able to hear from God. I need to remember that I don't live a life of faith by my feelings. I know in my heart that God has never left me and I still believe even when ...I don't hear His voice clearly.
On this thankful Thursday, I'm so thankful that I have a personal relationship with God through Jesus. I can walk by faith knowing that He loves me and cares about my life. How awesome is that?