Today I have the pleasure of hosting "In Other Words Tuesday". This is the quote I chose for us to write about:
I made a decision many years ago to begin my day spending time with the Lord.
In some seasons of my life, I had the luxury of spending an hour or more reading my Bible, praying and reading devotionals. In other seasons, my time was more limited. But I learned an important lesson.
I need to begin my day sitting at His feet.
When Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness, God provided them with just enough manna for each day. They had to collect their supply each morning.
That's how I look at my daily quiet time. It's manna for my day.
It's not something to check off my to-do list.
It's not something I HAVE to do.
It's something I choose to do.
It's hard to live a Christian life in a world that doesn't share the same values. There are so many outside influences. Not everyone gets to spend all their time with other Christians. And we are told to be salt and light to a world that doesn't know Him. So we are to get out there and not stay in our holy huddles.
I need this daily quiet time.
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
Romans 12:1-2
I memorized these two verses in the King James version as a child. They are so important to living out the Christian life.
Every day there is a spiritual battle going on. I have to make a choice.
- Will I listen to that soft still voice of the Holy Spirit?
- Will I listen to my emotions and give in to what I want and when I want it?
I have the power within to make the right choice. Having time each morning at the feet of Jesus helps to remind me and readjust my thinking for this day. I see the world through a different lens. And that lens is LOVE.
When I'm filled to overflowing with His Spirit, that love can overflow to others.
How about you? Will you chose to spend time at His feet?
I encourage you to add a comment of write a blog post on this quote and link up below.
Blessings and love,