Today I'm hosting "In Other Words Tuesday". I invite you to participate by writing your own take on the following quote. Come back to Heart Choices and link up with your direct URL. If you are not a blogger, you are welcome to add your comments on our quote for this week. I love to read your thoughts.
“The eternal perspective is the ability to see all of life from God’s point of view and have what you see affect how you live in the present. Simply stated, the eternal perspective is the ability to walk by faith in God’s Word.”~ Catherine Martin, from A Heart To See Forever
Walking by faith can be challenging. It's one thing to say you believe that God is in control. But what happens when your emotions get in the way? What happens when you aren't seeing answers to the prayers you've prayed again and again?
I don't know about you but there are times when I want to see, hear and feel where I'm going. And yet God calls us to walk by faith and to trust Him.
I'm in the process of unpacking boxes as we're getting settled in a small condo. I was delighted when I happened upon a box filled with my journals. I love to write and as I opened several there were stories I'd almost forgotten. Prayer requests were written. From this vantage point, I was able to see that the Lord had heard my cries and many were answered. Not all were yes. Some were no or not yet. But I realized God had better plans for me than some of my requests.
Looking back through the pages of my journals gave me such hope. It was a reassurance to me that God was active and in control of my life, even when I didn't always
FEEL it. I could believe God's Word. There is truth in God's Word.
Believing God encourages me to walk by faith.
This world is not my permanent home; I'm just passing through. However, while I'm here I want to allow Him to use me for His Kingdom purposes. I pray that He will give me eyes to see and ears to hear from His perspective.
I can listen for His prompting as I stay close to Him. Instead of becoming impatient with the grocery clerk who is obviously having a difficult day, I may be able to offer her a smile and word of encouragement instead of being cranky myself.
2 Corinthians 4:18-19 says:
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
How about you? Are you so focused on the here and now of life that you forget that this world isn't your permanent home?
- Spend time in prayer and reading your Bible each day.
- Take time to listen to what He has to say to you personally.
- Ask God to give you eyes to see and ears to hear what He wants for you.
- Ask Him to give you His eternal perspective.
Keeping an eternal perspective will change the way you live in the present.
Blessings and love,