I love to watch the children in our preschool eat cupcakes. They make such a mess! And yet they have such fun in the process.
There are moments in my life when I feel like it's such a mess.
Merriam-Webster has a definition of mess as 'a situation that is very complicated or difficult to deal with'.
Well, that's my life right now!
If you could see what's going on in my brain you'd be amazed. If you could know all the circumstances I'm dealing with, you'd be shaking your head. I feel like I'm juggling so many different tasks. When I commit to do something, I always try to do my best. But then I feel overloaded and become stressed. And then I'm a mess. How thankful I am that I know what to do when I feel a mess.
I stop. I try to get to a quiet place. And I pray.
This happened to me only yesterday when I was feeling a mess. I was able to get away by myself for half an hour to be alone. I silenced the voices of expectation and tuned in to my Savior. I prayed for His guidance. I felt His love as He opened my eyes beyond my mess.
So in the mess of my life, I am humbled and thankful. Jesus always seem to make something beautiful out of my mess.
Blessings and love,