Last year I worked through the summer. I taught Culinary Camp to first through fourth grade children and ...loved it!
But recently, my husband and I have moved into a small condo and there's still much to be done. Boxes are piled high on the back patio and throughout the living room. More painting and decisions regarding design need to be made. I need time to regroup and arrange our new nest.
My heart has been melted by the little children. As a woman who was never able to be a mom, I believe God has enlarged my tent. I had the privilege of spending five days a week with 19 adorable 3-4 year old children. Take a look at these little hands and feet. Are they cute or what?
I wrote down many of the cute things the children said during the school year. I placed them in a jar on my desk and today I hope to write them all out.
Here are just a few I want to share with you today:
Evan said: "Miss Debbie, my mom calls me Buttercup."
Maya said: "My pee-pee is yellow. Mommy says I have to drink water."
Danielle said: "My brother has hair under his arms. He's a real man."
I complimented Raja on his new haircut and he said, "I took a bath too."
Max shook his hand after coloring and said, "My hand is dying. The battery is dead."
All I can say is to ...enjoy each moment with your child. They grow up so very fast.
Blessings and love,