Look at me. I have something to tell you. That is what I hear every day as I work with a classroom filled with three and four year old children. There are times when I've had a child touch my face with their hands to turn my face towards them. They want the attention as they have something to say. See me!
There are times in my own life when I pray and pray but feel like I'm not receiving answers. For a moment I wonder ...do you hear me Lord?
I've been reading the Bible in one year on an app I loaded to my Kindle. In Genesis 16, there is an account of Hagar. Abraham had a son with her when his wife Sarah seemed to be unable to conceive. Of course, it was another example of not waiting on God's perfect timing. But Hagar was forced to leave with her son Ismael as Sarah wasn't happy with their treatment of her son Isaac. That's the story in a nutshell. But what stood out to me was that God saw Hagar and her son and knew what was happening. He provided for them. He is El Roi; the God who sees.
What a beautiful reminder for me. He sees me. He knows all that is going on in my life.
As I returned to work after a two week break, I was walking from the parking lot to our classroom. I suddenly heard a voice yell out "Miss Debbie". I looked up to see the head of four year old Hilton sticking out of the back window of her mom's car. I yelled "Happy New Year" back to her. But I had to laugh. God sees me and knew just what I needed to start my day. :)
Blessings and love,