What goes through my mind when I think of the word DONE is how many projects I have going and still not finished. I'm the type of person who juggles many things at once. I typically read three books at a time.
Last summer I was so excited as I finally completed writing the book I've been working on for several years. I sent it to an editor, and it was such a relief. Little did I realize how much time the edits and all the rewrites take. I continue to work on it. I'm almost DONE!
At the same time, I'm working on another project. Since 2010, I collected funny things my preschool students say. I wrote them on a scrap of paper and threw them into a jar on my desk. I finally began organizing them and adding a narrative about listening to what your children are saying. It's been a fun project, and in the course of it, I've been learning InDesign, an Adobe product.
My husband surprised me with a new camera this summer. I would like to say I finished the tutorials but I'm still learning and practicing. I realize that I am not DONE with most things in my life.
Each project I begin seems to open up new ideas, and my list gets longer with all I want to learn. But then I remember that I'm a life-long learner!
Blessings and love,