Heart Choices: 2013-03-10 -->

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Five Minute Friday ~ Rest

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa-Jo of The Gypsy Mama.  We are given one word each Friday as our prompt and we get to write for five minutes flat.  I set my timer so I don't run over as it's easy to do.  Our word for today is: REST


When I think of the word rest the picture that comes to my mind is something like this Pinterest photo.  I can just picture myself lying in the hammock with a mug of my favorite tea, listening to the sound of the ocean waves and smelling the salt air.  Now that's rest!

However, I am not in this photo.  I don't even live near the ocean.  The reality is that I live in the desert of Phoenix.  Life is not always smooth sailing for sure.  And yet, can I be at rest?

Yes I can!  (Can you hear me Heidi)

I love the rest that the Lord offers to us.  He says to 'enter my rest'.

How can that be?  Each day I make the choice to follow Him. I don't always get it perfect.  In fact, sometimes I get way off track.  But how thankful I am for His mercy, patience and forgiveness.  When I walk in His ways I am filled with His peace no matter how chaotic my world may be.  When I enter His rest, I remember who I belong to.  I remember that Jesus paid the price for my sins.  I have peace with God through Jesus.  I know the end of the story.

And I have to say that gives me peace and allows me to rest in Him.


Blessings and love,


Faith to Follow

I'm joining Bonnie of Faith Barista for another Faith Barista Jam. Our writing prompt for today is:

How is Jesus placing the word “follow” on your heart today?
In order to follow Jesus, I need faith.  I find it amazing that He is the One who initiates relationship.  I read in Matthew 3:18-20:
As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers , Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew.  They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.  "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."  At once they left their nets and followed him.  

Peter and Andrew were going about their normal duties making a living as fishermen.  But one invitation from Jesus and ...they followed Him.

Matthew 3 goes on in verses 21-22:
Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John.  They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.
Once again Jesus initiates the relationship with James and John while they were going about the normal activities of their life.  But they immediately left and ...followed Jesus.

As I reflect on these events, I have to be honest.  Would I respond immediately and follow Jesus?  Or would I say "Well Jesus, I'd love to follow you but I have so much on my to-do list for today.  Could I join up with you tomorrow instead?"

Am I trying to balance my life?  I have my morning quiet time. Check that off my list.  I get ready for the day.  Check.  I go to work.  Check.  I come home and exercise.  Check.  I spend time with my husband.  Check.  Each day I follow a plan, the routine that has become my life.

But if I am to follow Jesus, He just may upset my plans.

I'm amazed by how often I hear (not audibly) a whisper in my heart "trust me". When life seems to be turning upside down once again, He says "trust me Debbie" and "follow me".

I know that He has plans for me.  I know His plans are good.  I know He alone knows what's in my heart.  I cannot hide anything from Him.

So what do I do today?  I make the heart choice to trust Him and ...follow.

  • I pray for His guidance.
  • I pray for wisdom.
  • I pray for His strength.
  • I pray that He would open my eyes to see as He sees.
  • I pray that I will not be so busy with my plans that I miss out on His plans for me
How about you?  Do you ask God to reveal His plans for your life? Do you take the time to read His wonderful instruction book for life; the Bible?  And then do you obey what it says?  Will you make the heart choice to follow Him?

Blessings and love,


Cherish your Friendships

Cherish your friendships.  Life can change suddenly.  I received the phone call in the evening of last week.  My friend Susie had died suddenly.  I could hardly believe this news.  After all, she hadn't been sick as far as I knew.  As news spread among her friends, the overall response was shock.  I think the suddenness and unexpectedness of her death stunned everyone.  And yet we never know when our last day on earth will be.

To continue reading ...go to Laced with Grace.

Blessings and love,


Counting Sweet Blessings

Photo: Munchkins gone wild!
As I continue to count my every day blessings, I have to include this little munchkin.  She's my great niece Kenzie.  She's ten months old and oh so very cute!  I only wish she lived in Phoenix so I could see her every day.
This past week our school hosted a Field Day and the theme was Dr. Seuss.  It was such an exciting day for the children in our Pre-K 3 class.

Photo: Miss Debbie had fun on Field Day; getting my face painted.
The children and teachers got to wear jeans and our class t-shirts. We had such fun going from activity to activity.  I decided to join in and had my face painted with a red heart (of course).

How thankful I am that I get to work with Heidi.  She's such fun and also loves to join in.

She's even a good sport when I took this photo.  She and the kids were actually sitting on the balls and jumping up and down.  I guess I caught her when she was getting ready to sit down. :)

I think you'll get the idea when you check out this collage of the kids participating in some of the activities.  They were so excited and they all fell sound asleep during nap time.  I only wish the teachers could pull up a nap mat too. :)

#723 Getting to see how fast little Kenzie is growing
#724 A fun Field Day at school
#725 Beautiful weather for Field Day
#726 An amazing friend and co-worker
#727 Seeing the children's faces light up with excitement
#728 My dad is back on Facebook
#729 I'm on spring break
#730 Inspiration and time to complete my book
#731 A wonderful sermon to get me prepared for Resurrection Day
#732 Time to wind down this week and get organized
#733 Time to prepare some healthy meals
#734 Beautiful weather so I can go for long walks

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays as I continue to count my every day blessings.

Blessings and love,

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