What did your mama do that makes her your mama?
It was eight years ago yesterday since my mom died. At times it seems like it was only yesterday and other days it seems like a long time ago.
When I think of my mom I think of laughter. No matter how much pain my mom was in she always found something to laugh about. She always had a joke to share and never wanted her pain to be the center of attention. She was not afraid of being seen as silly. I couldn't help but join in on her laughter.
But the thing I remember most about my mama was how she listened. She was always available to stop what she was doing to sit down and talk. I talked to my mom about everything.
As a child, she was with me as I went through open heart surgery. We waited together in clinics that took all day long. And we talked and talked.
As a teenager, she listened to me talk about boys. She gave advice when asked. She never tried to cut me off or think I was silly. She listened and I always knew she would make time for me.
As an adult, she listened. We talked about our faith, life, family. She listened when I was heart broken when I was unable to have children. She knew how much I'd wanted a family. Even when she was in such pain, she walked up the stairs in my home to comfort me when she knew I was hurting.
I miss my mom. But I have to say that I am comforted to know that one day I will see her again. You see we shared our faith in Jesus. And that is what makes it bearable.
Blessings and love,