"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." Proverbs 15:30
Today, I want to focus on the gift of friendship. I remember as a teenager, hearing it said that when you get older if you have more true friends than you have fingers on one hand, you're very fortunate. People change and move on but only a few continue to remain friends. I feel very fortunate to not only have friends that I've known since the second grade but true friends that I've gained more recently.
Anna May, me, Susan (in front), Linda and Helen
Jim, me, Barb and Sue
A few of the group of 12
Me and Jean, my forever sister
Terri and me
Pauline and me
Jamie & family in San Antonio
Susie who has been a mentor
Marcia and me
Maria and Debbie
Wow; I'm really grateful for these Thankful Thursdays. I found myself smiling as I was posting a few of my favorite friends. Be sure to visit Iris' blog for more Thankful Thursday posts.