Heart Choices: 2009-02-22 -->

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Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my dad's 80th birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!

I used to love the fact that my birthday was on the first day of February and my dad's was on the last day. That is as long as it wasn't ...Leap Year!

I asked my dad if he had any advice about living to the age of 80 and he laughed and said ...don't get into trouble.

Since I won't be able to go to Florida to join my family in the celebration, I thought I'd write a blog post in honor of his special day.

My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. His parents were both born in Norway.

My parents met in church as teenagers and married in 1950. They spent their first married night together at the Plaza Hotel in NYC.

Here's my dad with me and my brother Steve.

Dad always made a great Santa Claus. At least he fooled us when we were younger.

Oh my gosh, check out those hair styles and clothes! Christmas with the family; Dad, Debbie, Christine, Steve and Mom

My mom and dad were very active in the Sons of Norway.

My dad's favorite car is a Corvette. I actuallly had this red one when I was single! When I decided to move to Arizona, my dad drove out with me in this car. My dad and I were always pretty close. I always found it easy to talk to him.

This picture was taken in Norway, one of Dad's favorite places to visit.

Dad's father came from Sumstad, Norway. He took the name of the town when he moved to America. That was a common custom. My parents loved visiting the family farm in Sumstad, Norway.

One year both my dad and I were having trouble at the same time. He had surgery on his knee and I tore ligaments in my ankle. We looked funny hobbling around but it didn't stop us from going to San Diego.

My dad took good care of my mom as she became more fragile and sick. They were married almost 55 years when she died.

Several years later, my dad was fortunate to meet Shari and they got married.

Here is Dad holding a Norwegian almond ring cake that one of his friends made for the newlyweds

Here's Dad and Shari with granddaughters Katie and Kristin

So Dad, although I can't be with you on your 80th birthday, I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated.

Happy Birthday Dad!


An Audience of One

During my early morning quiet time, I read from a devotional called "Streams in the Desert". I can't tell you how many times the day's reading was exactly what I needed to hear.

This is what I read:

"Do the most everyday and insignificant tasks knowing that God can see."

How easy it is to feel that my day to day activities and tasks are unimportant? Does anyone see or care?

Well, God does see and He knows exactly what I'm doing ...or not doing every minute of every day. And He can see into my heart.

Not only doesn He see what I'm doing but more importantly ...He knows my motives for doing what I'm doing. There's no fooling Him!

It tends to change my perspective when I remember this.
So even if I spend my day doing dishes and cleaning toilets, I can do it with the right attitude. Sometimes, I even begin to sing or ...maybe just hum a tune as I'm doing my work.

If I'm in the yard tending to the flowers, I can be thankful for their beauty. I notice little things like the hummingbird that has wandered into my yard.

When I'm sitting at my computer, I can reach out to other bloggers who may be going through a difficult time or have a sick child. I'm amazed at how God brings new people into my life each day. I'm so thankful for these special opportunities to get to know other women.

I've written out a few Bible verses that I keep within my sight at my computer to remind me of who my audience really is.

When I take this perspective, everything seems different. The ordinary and mundane are just fine with me.

How about you? Do you remind yourself who your audience really is?

A Little Help From My Friends

Have you ever felt like this? Overloaded, overwhelmed and ...very distracted?

That's kind of how I'm feeling right now. And I don't like it at all!

When I feel like this, it's hard for me to focus on what I need to do.

Writing has become such a wonderful outlet for me. But I've even been struggling with that lately. I can't tell you how many drafts of posts I've written in the last two days alone.
So, what's a girl to do?

I think I need a little help from my friends!

That reminds me of a Beatles song:

"What would you do if I sang out of tune,
Would you stand up and walk out on me.
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh I get by with a little help from my friends,
I get high (NOT REALLY!) with a little help from my friends,
Oh I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends."

Blogging friends, what do you do when you feel overwhemed and distracted?

Do you ever struggle with your writing?

Or when life gets tough, do you find writing a help?

I'd really like to know how you deal with this. Can I get a little help from my friends? Thank you!
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