It's Thankful Thursday and Iris of Grace Alone is our host.
Iris and I have both committed to living fearlessly in 2010. We are making the heart choice to trust God in all things instead of depending on our "selves".
It's a moment by moment choice and some days I have to admit I fall back to my old ways. However, the more I walk by faith, the more I see that ...God is trustworthy.
Change is in the air. We sold our home and have been packing all week. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate. Our last move was 12 years ago. We left our 1,400 square foot townhome and moved to a 4,000 square foot home. At the time, I thought I'd never move again. Well, never say never!
In the midst of this change, I'm so thankful for God's peace. This didn't happen overnight, believe me. I struggled and struggled for so long and questioned why and where Lord. I'm learning the secret of contentment and Philippians 4:12 says it so beautifully. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
When I am weak ...He is strong.
And I don't have to manufacture peace. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit that flows from a life lived Him.
I'm actually thankful for change because it allows the Lord to teach me life lessons. I'm learning that He is trustworthy even if I don't know exactly what the future holds.
Blessings and love,