Heart Choices: 2010-07-04 -->

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TSMSS~ I Give You My Heart

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

This week I chose the song "I Give You My Heart" as the words have such meaning for me.  My desire is to trust God with all of my heart. 

I hope you enjoy listening to the Oslo Gospel Choir sing it.  My sweet blogging friend Sonja is attending her niece's wedding in Tromso, Norway.  I've really missed her this week.  We're both Norwegian and so she and Carol Joy have 'adopted' me as the third sister.  They are so cute.  You may know her from her blog bits & pieces...

Blessings and love,


Opportunity to Trust

Trust and obey has been my theme for 2010. 

In the midst of challenging circumstances, the Lord is giving me opportunities to ...trust Him.

On Wednesday afternoon, a transformer exploded in the backyard.  With triple digit temps in Phoenix, we lost all power for four hours.  Both Greg and I were in the midst of our work (on our computers, of course) and they suddenly shut down.  All power was gone!

For the next few very hot hours we watched as cranes were lowered into the yard to remove and then replace the burned out transformer. 

Frankly, Greg and I didn't have time to deal with this.  But we were told that we were very fortunate.  Exploding transformers can be very dangerous. 

So instead of being annoyed, I choose ...to be thankful.  

How interesting that I was just reading a devotional from Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence".  Let me share a short excerpt with you:

"I am the firm foundation on which you can dance and sing and celebrate My Presence. This is my high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift.  Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life.  Give up your striving to keep everything under control -- an impossible task and a waste of precious energy."

I think the Lord has a sense of humor. 

Do I like to maintain a tidy and structured environment? 

You betcha!

But He is giving me plenty of opportunities to ...trust Him.

Through each challenge that comes my way, I make the choice as to how I respond.  And I'm choosing to trust Jesus.

Blessings and love,


Word Filled Wednesday ~ Living Water

It's Word Filled Wednesday and I'm linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions

This photo was taken by Richard Doyle, my friend Tina's stepfather.  I'm truly amazed at his talent for photography and his willingness to allow me to share.

Living in the desert of Arizona, I know what it's like to be thirsty.  I keep a water bottle handy at all times to quench my thirst. 

But Jesus was speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well about a different kind of thirst. 

Only Jesus could provide this kind of water.

How thankful I am for this living water.  It's amazing that He provides this free gift to all who receive Him.  His Holy Spirit resides within each believer. 


Birthday Tribute to My Mom

It would have been my mom's birthday today.  However, a little over five years ago she died. 

This photo was one of my dad's favorite pictures of her.  Dad loves Marilyn Monroe and we always thought my mom looked like her in this photo.  What do you think?  Maybe just a little?

As a teenager from Brooklyn, NY Mom and her friends went to Sheepshead Bay to rent horses. I think my mom and dad's first date was horseback riding.  Later, when she and my dad moved to Florida she had the opportunity to take lessons.  She loved to jump and often lingered behind so she could help groom the horses. 

My mom could never just sit and watch TV. She'd always have something in her hands to do.  Needlepoint, knitting, sewing ...she loved it.  Unfortunately, I didn't inherit that gene from her.

But I found a few momentos from her.

Mom prayed that one day she'd be a grandma.  Finally in 1985, my brother Steve and his wife Barb were pregnant.  My mom was so excited.

Here she is with grandchildren Katie and Kristin.

My mom never got to meet Kevin Cummings.  He and Kristin will be married in September.  I know my mom would have loved to witness this wedding.

But I'm so thankful that my mom was able to celebrate her 75th and last birthday in Phoenix with me. 

How thankful I am that she was a Christian.  I'm looking forward to the day when I will see her again in heaven.

In the meantime ...happy birthday Mom!


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