Heart Choices: 2009-08-30 -->

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TSMSS ~ The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power

It's time for "Then Sings My Soul Saturday" when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

Today I chose two versions of the same song. I love the group Selah. Their voices blend so well together. The words to their song "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" speaks truth to my heart.

I happened to come across this first video on Bring the Rain. Little Zoe is too cute as she belts this song out here.

I left a comment on Angie's blog Bring the Rain. I thought it would be so cute for the group to see this video. But what I didn't realize is that ...Angie's husband is Todd Smith of the group Selah.

Nothing like putting foot in mouth!

And here is the same song sung by the fabulous recording group Selah.

So you can be the judge now. What do you think of these two unique performances?


Aging Gracefully

Aging gracefully ...is it possible?

On this Fitness Friday I want to address something that we'll all have to deal with eventually ...getting older.

You may only be in your 20's. Or maybe you're closer to 60. But whatever your age, you're older today than you were yesterday.

Take a look at this sign? Is this what you picture for yourself one day?

Now before you start feeling depressed, I want to tell you that there are certain things you can do to prevent that from happening.

And to all of my friends who think that just because they're a certain age they should start slowing down; I say NO WAY!

I've got a new medical word for you. It's called "sarcopenia".

What is it? Sarcopenia is a weakened condition caused by a change in body composition from the loss of muscle mass and an increase in fat.

The bottom line is that as people get older they tend to become more sedentary and so they lose much of their muscle mass. At the same time, the fat on their body increases. And one of the areas where the fat accumulates is around the abdomen.

It becomes a vicious cycle. People tend to sit around because they're feeling tired, thinking they just need more rest. But they actually get more tired from being sedentary and on and on it goes. Something has to change if you want a different outcome, right?

And of course, I'm getting to that. It's called ...exercise!

Big surprise. But you know this is Fitness Friday!

Actually the older we get the more important it is to continue to get exercise.

Losing weight might be important but consider focusing on building muscle at the expense of fat.

There's just no getting around it. If you want to have energy for whatever you enjoy doing and you don't want to become old and frail, you've got to ...exercise!

And building muscle is the key to feeling better, especially as you get older.

Now don't worry about becoming muscle bound. Women do not build muscle like men.

But I have to say that I wouldn't mind having the muscle tone of Nicole C. Mullen. How about you?

BTW, Sandy is on hiatus from Fitness Friday for a bit because she's in the midst of posting about what the Lord has been saying to her. Of course, you know her blog is called ...God Speaks Today.

I'll be back next Friday to share more tips on aging gracefully. So, no matter what your age, it's never too late or too early to get started.

(Elderly people sign photo credit: Freefoto)


Thankful Thursday ~ Slowing Down

It's Thankful Thursday and our host for this month is Laurie of Women Taking a Stand. The theme Laurie chose is slowing down.

Well, that's a great topic. It seems that we are busier than ever. With our to-do lists and organizing skills, we often attempt to squeeze more activities into our days.

I remember when my mom used to go food shopping once a week; on Friday night. Now, I find myself running to the grocery store several times a week. And then I think of all the gas I waste by doing that. I need to get more organized. Or maybe I simply need to stop ...and slow down.

I'm thankful for:

  • My daily morning quiet time with the Lord
  • The sound of rain as I awakened one morning last week
  • The sound of the birds chirping away in our backyard
  • Waking up with a song of praise in my head ...and heart
  • Being able to work from home on my computer
  • The smell of cardamom as I make up a batch of Norwegian waffles
  • Taking the time to sit and read a good book
  • An unexpected segment of "So You Think You Can Dance" last night with the 15 best dances of all their seasons
  • Reading blog posts on My Romantic Home, French Garden House, The Inspired Room and Nesting Place.
  • Sipping a cup of tea while reading Victoria Magazine

These are just a few of the things for which I'm thankful today as I consider slowing down. How about you? Do you ever take the time to slow down and be still? Or are you always running to the next activity or appointment? Do you enjoy a time of peace and solitude? Isn't it time you got refreshed?


Memories of the Hamptons

Memories are so precious! Lynnette of Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground changed her weekly meme to "So We Don't Forget". That's fine with me. The older I get the more I want to remember and document it. LOL.

One of my favorite vacation spots is East Hampton, which is on Long Island in NY. The Hamptons are known as a popular place for the "rich and famous". And yes, there are plenty of them in the Hamptons. But there are also very normal hard working people who call it their home.

My forever sister Jean and her family moved to East Hampton back in the mid '70's. They had vacationed there often and fell in love with the lifestyle and beauty of the area. Since I was her son's godmother I got to visit any time I wanted. How cool is that?

Take a look at this beach. I can almost hear the sound of the ocean and the seagulls. Can't you just smell the salt air and feel the cool breeze?

This is Jean and me. We've known each other for 38 years!

This is my godchild Michael. Here we are at his wedding to Christine in 2004. Now he's a dad! It's his birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mike!

This photo was taken at Michael and Christine's wedding. That's Michael on the left and his brother Christopher on the right. I was there when Chris was born too. My, how fast time goes by! It seems like only yesterday.

Do you believe I love the beach but live in Phoenix?
I love these precious memories. I have a smile on my face as I remember each photo.

Do you have special memories from a vacation? It's not too late to join in with Lynnette at Dancing Barefoot on ...Weathered Ground.


Wordless Wednesday

No need for more words. This Joyful Toon says much for today, doesn't it?


What I Learned This Week

"What I learned this Week" is a new meme for me. It's hosted by Jo-Lynne of Musings of a Housewife. You can join in or find other participating blogs by linking there.

The overall theme of Heart Choices is how our day to day choices determine what our tomorrows will become. And those choices impact our body, soul (mind, will and emotions), and spirit. I'm determined to be a life long learner.

No matter what age or season of life I'm in, I want to continue to ...always learn something new.

So, this meme is perfect for me. And here are a few of the things I learned this week:

  • It's fun to have a break once in a while. While hubby Greg was on an overnight trip, my friend Helen spent the night. We had time to talk and talk ...and talk.
  • Women talk so much more than men. LOL.
  • It's hard to follow 300 blogs. I reached my capacity!
  • Consecration is an ongoing process. After doing 7 days of laying it all down with Lisa Shaw's Ladies on a Mission ...I've only just begun.
  • I've learned that it's refreshing to be real and authentic. The past week of participating with Ladies on a Mission has been such a growth opportunity for me and a blessing.
  • We must continue to pray for our President, whether or not we agree with him. If you missed Tuesday's post on IOWT, you can read it here.
  • I've been listening to Scott Samter teach 1 John on his blog Opening His Word Together. I don't have to feel guilty that I can't meet every need that I see or know about. But when the Holy Spirit places a specific need on my heart I have the choice as to how I respond. If I say yes and allow Him to meet that need through me ...it brings me such joy.

I guess I've learned even more than this list but it's a start. I'll be on the alert for new things I learn so I can share.

I'll leave you with a photo of my prayer partner Helen. During our time together this week, we also spent time on our knees.


In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Man's Heart

It's time for another "In Other Words Tuesdays" when I link up with other participating bloggers as we share our take on a quote for the week.

Today our host is NINA of Mama's Little Treasures. Her quote comes right from the Scriptures:

Oh my, how thankful I am that God is sovereign. Even the king's heart is in the hands of the Lord. That gives me peace for today as I consider all that is going on in the world.

You see, the world judges others by the outside. Many leaders possess outward qualities such as charisma, great communication skills, tolerance and so people listen to their words of promise for a better tomorrow and ...world peace.

But only the Lord knows the true intent of every heart. God sees beyond the outward to the inward motives and desires. Whether a person is in an important leadership role or not, God knows them ...inside and out.

That's also a warning for me. I can think I'm doing all of the right things and making sacrifices for God. But if the intent of my heart isn't right then ...it means nothing.

It reminds me of Romans 12:1:

God has given us so much and He desires our whole heart; not a part of it.

As I surrender it ALL to Him ...He can work in and through me.

And only then will I live a life of love that is pleasing to Him.

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