Heart Choices: Memories of the Hamptons -->

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Memories of the Hamptons

Memories are so precious! Lynnette of Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground changed her weekly meme to "So We Don't Forget". That's fine with me. The older I get the more I want to remember and document it. LOL.

One of my favorite vacation spots is East Hampton, which is on Long Island in NY. The Hamptons are known as a popular place for the "rich and famous". And yes, there are plenty of them in the Hamptons. But there are also very normal hard working people who call it their home.

My forever sister Jean and her family moved to East Hampton back in the mid '70's. They had vacationed there often and fell in love with the lifestyle and beauty of the area. Since I was her son's godmother I got to visit any time I wanted. How cool is that?

Take a look at this beach. I can almost hear the sound of the ocean and the seagulls. Can't you just smell the salt air and feel the cool breeze?

This is Jean and me. We've known each other for 38 years!

This is my godchild Michael. Here we are at his wedding to Christine in 2004. Now he's a dad! It's his birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday Mike!

This photo was taken at Michael and Christine's wedding. That's Michael on the left and his brother Christopher on the right. I was there when Chris was born too. My, how fast time goes by! It seems like only yesterday.

Do you believe I love the beach but live in Phoenix?
I love these precious memories. I have a smile on my face as I remember each photo.

Do you have special memories from a vacation? It's not too late to join in with Lynnette at Dancing Barefoot on ...Weathered Ground.

Debbie Petras
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  1. I loved your memories of the Hamptons! I loved the photos of the beach. I grew up by the beach and took it very much for granted! Great memories

  2. Debbie,

    These pictures are just precious! I love the beach too and every smell and every sound that it invokes! You look so happy there...and your godson is a very lucky man to have you in his life.

    Big hugs to you today, my friend.

    Love ya bunches!

  3. Oh Debbie, I so love the beach. I can hear the seagulls crying, I can hear the waves lapping on the rocks and rushing to the shore, and I can smell the salt air and feel the splash on my face. I can even feel the damp in my hair. Oh honey thank you for sharing. What a wonderful trip. Stop by and say hi, I love it when you visit. Country hugs, Sherry

  4. Ahhhh, I could feel the ocean breeze and hear the water lapping against the sand.

    Now, I can't believe you were wearing long sleeve and jeans. hee hee

  5. Yes, I could absolutely enter into that imaginary place with you. :) I'm with you - I love the beach! The only thing stranger about loving the beach and living in Phoenix, is loving the beach and living in Sedgwick,KANSAS! Talk about nothing like the beach! ha!

    Great memories and great pics. You are a beautiful lady.
    Your Chum,

  6. The pics are very beautiful. I just love the beach & sand. There's something just about being around water that I love. Thanx for sharing your memories. :)

  7. I found your site very beautiful and distinguished too. Thank you for your good work and continue.


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