Heart Choices: 2011-05-08 -->

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Strong Enough

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

The song I chose for this week is "Strong Enough" by Matthew West.  I've always considered myself to be a strong person.  But my personal strength can get in the way at times.

Instead of looking to 'self' for strength, I need to allow God to be my strength.  I need to come to the end of 'myself' and allow Him to work in me and through me.  That's real strength.

Where does your strength come from?

Blessings and love,


Teacher Appreciation Week

Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week.  It was my very first celebration like this and ...I loved it!

For the 25 years I worked as a nurse, I never experienced anything like this.  But I guess patients come and go while teachers get to stay with the same students and parents all year.

This is how Heidi and my desks looked all week.

Many of the children brought in a flower or two for each of us.  They were all so lovely and our room smelled awesome.

There was a lily in the bunch and three year old Lily got a kick out of that.  She said "That's a lily and I'm a Lily" and laughed.  Too cute!

I couldn't miss this opportunity to take a photo of my friend and co-worker teacher Heidi with her son Scott. They are standing outside of our classroom.  Scott is in my first grade after school program too.

And here's a photo I captured of our students giving Heidi some love.

In the middle of this celebration week, we still had to do some work. The children are learning to read using their site words.  I cannot believe how three year olds can learn so quickly.  They get to hold a site word and the whole class reads together.
The children were so excited as we started with a caterpillar and over the week watched as it transformed into a butterfly.  We took them outside so we could release the butterflies.
One of the butterflies was so slow to leave as he clung to the orange slice.  But when he finally let go and flew, the children were so excited and waved goodbye.

All week we had the opportunity to wear jeans and even flip flops.  I loved that as I usually live in flip flops.  This photo was taken in our teacher's lounge.  My car pool buddy Tara is standing to the right of me.

We have an exploration time every day for the children.  Ellie was playing with the building blocks instead of actually building with her classmates.  But it provided me with another photo opportunity!

Oh and did I mention that the Parent Association provided us with an English Tea?  What a special treat it was!

It doesn't get much better than this!  Thank you for all your hard work and time Mrs. Parrish.

We had a Pep Rally for Teacher Appreciation Week too.

Our cheerleaders got in on the action and excitement of the pep rally.  Some of these girls are only three years old; too cute!
The winner of our Mismatched Outfit award went to Mrs. Jones.  She went all out.  I just hope she didn't have to stop at the grocery on her way home from school; lol.

Check out these sunglasses!  It was hot and sunny during the pep rally.

Here are some of the teachers playing musical chairs.  The kids got a kick out of this one.  Of course, there's Heidi in her mismatched outfit and dancing.  I love working with Heidi as she always makes everything such fun.  That's a good thing with three year olds!

Many of the children participated in Crazy Hair Day.  Here's Mena who is one of my first grade after school students.  It's a good thing it washes out!

I would love to share more but this post would go on and on.  But we did get to have 15 minute chair massages, a candy bucket and a special lunch brought to Heidi and I from one of our student's moms.  Thanks Jennifer!  It was delish!

All in all, teacher appreciation week was a hit!  We had such fun and it provided me with many photo opportunities.  So to all you teachers out there ...keep up the good work!

You are appreciated!

Blessings and love,


Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Roses and coffee ... a great combo for me.  Can we talk?

I used to struggle with Mother's Day.  My mom died six years ago and ...I miss her so much.

 I was unable to have children.

I truly believe mothers should be celebrated and honored.

But I would find myself cringing inwardly like I was a failure when the mothers were asked to stand on Sunday morning in church.  I'm sure many women who struggle with infertility can identify.

Fast forward many years.  I'm now well past child bearing age.

And God has blessed me.  No, I don't have my own children.  But I get to spend my days with 19 three year olds who shower their love on me and the other teachers.  What a blessing this has been!

And yet, I would never have imagined how special this time would be. Going through many challenges in the past years have taken a toll.  There were times when my emotions got the best of me.  But I'm learning to not depend on my emotions but instead to focus on the Truth.

God loves me.  He is with me through the storms of life.  

Even when I cannot feel Him, I know He is there.  And sometimes I just know ...He is carrying me.

I want to send warm wishes to all the mothers.  You deserve a day of well wishes and applause.  It's hard raising children in the day and age.  So ...

Happy Mother's Day!

Blessings and love,

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