Heart Choices: 2011-05-15 -->

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Love Has Come

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

Life may seem a bit chaotic and uncertain, but love has come and ...His Name is Jesus.

We may continue to face challenges in this life but one day ...every knee will bow and acknowledge Him.

In the meantime, will you spread His love to all you come in contact with?

I know this life is filled with sorrow
And there are days when the pain just lasts and lasts But I know there will come a day When our tears are washed away With a break in the clouds His glory coming down And in that moment

Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That God is love
And love has come for us all
Every heart set free
Every one will see
That God is love
And love has come for us all

For anybody who has ever lost a loved one And you feel like you had to let go too soon I know it hurts to say goodbye But don't you know it's just a matter of time 'Til the tears are gonna end You'll see them once again And in that moment

Oh, and on that day
We will stand amazed
At our Savior, God and King
Just to see the face
Of amazing grace
As our hearts rise upand sing

Glory, glory, hallelujah
Thank You for the cross
Singing glory, glory, hallelujah
Christ has paid the cost

Spread His SONshine today!

Blessings and love,


Finish Strong ~ Laced with Grace Today

Today I'm over at Laced with Grace.  I'm writing about finishing strong.  Whether it's the end of a school year, a long chronic illness, financial uncertainty ...we want to finish strong.

Life may be uncertain but if we walk by faith we will make every moment count.

Laced With Grace

I encourage you to link over to Laced with Grace to continue reading.

Blessings and love,


Count Your Blessings

As I was contemplating my post for today, the song "Count Your Blessings" was playing over and over in my head.  With all the uncertainty and struggles, it's good to sit back and actually ...count my blessings.

So I continue my list of simple blessings and link up with Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience.

I love how the parents dress their little preschoolers each day.  I had to chuckle at a few of the t-shirts they wore and of course, Miss Debbie had to snap a photo.

#68 Kambria's happy shirt brought a big smile to my face.

#69  The cutest t-shirt

Rachel asked me what her shirt said after I told her how precious it was.  She thought that was pretty cool and that her mom really is cute.

#70  Brother for sale

I wonder who put the price tag on Hunter's shirt.  I loved it.

#71 The blessing of unique backpacks.  Vera was so excited to show me the new one she got.

On my long drive in to work, I look for simple blessings.  Tara, my carpool buddy, has gotten used to me pointing out something that grabs my attention.  For some time now, I noticed people riding horses along the road but never had my camera ready.

#72 A glimpse of a horse in the middle of the city.

I also had the unique pleasure of accompanying Tara to pick up her wedding dress after work on Friday.  Tara is getting married to her fiancée Josh at the end of July in West Virginia.  Her mom is quite a distance away so I was so happy to be there for her.  Her dress is so elegant and I know she will make a beautiful bride.

#73  Seeing Tara in her wedding gown

I was sick all weekend but I got to spend lots of time with my hubby Greg.  He was also sick.  I guess if I'm counting my blessings I must be thankful for this time together.

#74  Spending time with Greg

Blessings and love,

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