Heart Choices: 2012-04-15 -->

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God Answers Prayer

What happens when you pray and the answer isn't what you hoped for?

I prayed to have a child of my own for years.

But God ...

He had a different plan than the one I expected.

Instead of my own child, I now have many children to teach, encourage and love.

So, trust the Lord and ask Him to replace your desires with His desires.

"Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. 

   Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth!
You're ending up with far more children 
   than all those childbearing women. God says so!"
Isaiah 54:1  The Message

I'm linking up for Word-filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.

Blessings and love,


The Fruit of the Spirit is Love

Today I am hosting "In Other Words Tuesday".  This is the quote I chose for us to write about:

“The fruit of the Spirit is love.” (Galatians 5:22)
Love is a fruit growing within us from a supernatural source.
It’s not your love, yet it is,
since the Spirit works in you both to will and to do loving things that are on his mind.
You never hear of an apple tree struggling to produce its fruit.
As long as sap flows within the tree, apples will form and blossom.
And so it is with the Holy Spirit and love.
He is our life and bears the fruit – not us. That’s why he was sent to live in us.”
Spirit Rising: Tapping into the Power of the Holy Spirit
by Jim Cymbala

Photo Credit: Iris Nelson
I love to love.  Even as a teenager, I loved love and wanted more of it.  My mom told me I was in love with love.  But life has a way of hurting us as we open our hearts to others.  I too have been hurt by love.

But God ...

God is love.

He loved us so much He sent Jesus to die for our sins.

I received that free gift of love for myself.

His Holy Spirit lives in me.

As I allow Him to have His way in me, I can't help but love others ...including the unloving.

But when I wander and go my own way, it's hard to truly love.

I get irritated and impatient with others.

I believe the key is to abide in Him.

 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 NIV

I watch the orange trees outside.

  • They are planted in soil.
  • They receive water.
  • They receive sun.
  • They receive fertilizer.
The result:
  • Amazing fruit
  • Sweet to the taste
I abide in Him when I:

  • Have my daily quiet time
  • Spend time in His Word
  • Pray
  • Meditate on the Word
  • Quiet myself so I can listen 

Then as I go about my day, I'm already filled with His Spirit.  His love can overflow from me to others.  I listen to that still small voice.  I don't miss those Divine appointments in my busyness.  I don't do this perfectly by any means as I'm a work in progress.  But by His grace ...I want to abide.

How about you?  Is it evident to others that you are abiding in Him? Do others see the fruit of love in your life?  Are you trying to do good things for God but not abiding?

Blessings and love,


Spring Blessings

Spring is here so I'm counting my every day spring blessings today. This beautiful yellow rose is one I photographed on the front patio of our condo.

In our Pre-K 3 class we are already up to the letter "W".  There aren't many letters left in the alphabet so that means our school year is coming to an end.  

The children have learned so much this year.  I love to see them reading to each other using their sight words they've been learning.

I love that the children learn much but have time for play too.  It actually teaches them social skills.

Many of them are now able to go all the way across on the monkey bars.  They get so excited!

Of course, they get tired.  Nap time is so good for them and ...for their teachers.

This is another rose from our front patio garden.  I do believe we have a choice each day.  I choose to make it a wonderful day and notice the every day blessings in my life.

Happy Spring!

#419 A beautiful rose garden in front of our new condo
#420 Watching the children in our class as they grow before our eyes
#421 Seeing the children read to one another
#422 Realizing we all need balance; work and rest
#423 Enjoying children who come from different cultures
#424 Spring weather in Phoenix
#425 Waking up during the night on Friday to the sound of rain
#426 Not having to take care of a yard
#427 A condo that is easy to clean
#428 Having the best pizza from Red Devil Pizza
#429 Enjoying my furniture in the condo
#430 Discovering familiar photos and art pieces as we unpack our boxes

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

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