Today is Greg and my 25th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been so many years.I remember like it was just yesterday as we repeated our vows to one other in the little chapel in Vail, Colorado on November 3, 1984. We promised before God and our families have and to hold from now on, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health.Greg spent much time trying to find just the right song for our small wedding reception at The Lodge in Vail. He was so proud that he found the perfect song when he played it for me. It was Lou Rawls' song "Forever I Do"; the wedding song. I cried.We've been through so much together. We've had our ups and downs. But we've also had many good times.
This is Greg and me on our honeymoon. We spent a few days in Vail after the wedding but then moved on to Keystone where we stayed in a friend's condo.
Greg is all about ...experiencing life. He loves trying new things. In fact, he even planned a company years ago with this very concept. Hmm ...maybe it will still come about?
I had never been snow skiing in my life but of course I had to experience something new with my husband despite my ...fear of heights.
I can't say it went very well but it was a new experience.
Greg is super smart. It was a little intimidating at first as he has an IQ in the genius range. Here he is reading on our patio while vacationing in San Diego.
Our first New Year's Day together, he asked me about my goals for the year and I looked at him and said ..."What goals? Let's just see what happens."
You see, I'd been a fly by my seat kind of gal. But I can tell you that over the years I've learned so much from Greg. Now, I'm the one asking my friends about their goals. LOL.
But this gal loves to read and is a committed life long learner. So, I learned about setting goals and still do that. However, I think I'm reading a fashion magazine in this photo.
This was one of our first Christmases together. Check out my hair style. It was popular at the time.
Greg had worked in New Orleans for several years and wanted to show me what it was like on Bourbon Street. It was a crazy time and many years ago but was an experience.
We had a fun time in Miami with some friends one year. Greg's friend owned this speedboat and it was such a unique and exhilarating experience. We bounced over those waves on the Atlantic Ocean. These were the days of Don Johnson and Miami Vice.
One year Greg took me to Maui. How fun and beautiful an experience that was! Isn't he cute?
We live in the Grand Canyon state so it's a convenient vacation spot. We used to have a boat on Lake Powell which is another amazing place to visit. Greg and I both enjoyed water skiing. He loved that I could drive the boat so he had a chance to ski too.
I noticed a quote on Susan's blog and she gave me permission to use it today:
"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have."
I liked that. Through ups and downs of life, I'm so thankful for my husband and partner through life. I love him more today than the day we married. I think some of the most challenging times can either make or break couples. And I believe we're closer today than ever. And for that ...I'm so grateful.
Happy 25th Anniversary Greg! I believe the best is yet to come.