Take a look ...
So yesterday I decided to go to the movies by myself. Harkins Theaters, here I come ...
I found myself seated next to a retired teacher who also came alone. :)
The movie is about a writer who is in Paris with his fiance and her parents. Gil (the writer) is played by Owen Wilson. He is clearly different from his fiance in his desires and personality. He is a romantic at heart and loves to walk the streets of Paris. In the process, he is transported back to Paris in the 1920's where he meets many of his literary heroes like Ernest Hemingway and Pablo Picasso.
I remember walking the streets of Paris with Greg. It was such fun to sip a cup of coffee in a cafe along the Champs-Elysees, purchasing a baguette and placing it under my arm, taking the train to Giverney to see Monet's home and gardens.
I have a question for you:
What would you do if you could go back in time and live in a world that you thought was better than your own?
I am a romantic. I have a tendency to daydream. At times, I long for a time when life wasn't so complicated; a time when people sat and had coffee and ...were not in a rush.
Technology has changed things; some good and some not so good. I feel sad when I see some parents pick up their child who has spent most of the day at school with a cell phone in their ear. Or they may be so busy texting that they miss the cries of their child longing to be hugged. Btw, not all the parents are like this (just a few).
It seems that everyone is too busy today. With long to-do lists, are we missing out on the NOW?
Of course, there are things that are necessary but over commitment is something I see all too often.
This morning Greg and I sat outside at 5 am and watched the bunnies and quail interacting in the backyard as we sipped our morning coffee. Being quiet and being in the NOW; how quaint.
So are you longing for a time when life was more simple?
Or will you consider taking a look at how you spend your time in this life NOW?
It's something to think about ...
Blessings and love,