Today I'm participating in the meme In Other Words Tuesdays. Nina of Mama's Little Treasures is our host today. The quote she chose for us is:
First of all, Anne Graham Lotz is one of my favorite Christian speakers and authors. I've had the privilege to hearing her speak in person on several occasions and ...even got to introduce myself and shake her hand. I'm sure many of you have done the same but it was such a thrill for me. You see, Anne was a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Teaching Leader for many years before she began her itinerant ministry. And I was involved in the same international organization as a BSF Children's Leader for 8 years and ...loved it. So, I guess she's been a role model for me.OK, so back to our quote. I have a natural tendency to stay within my comfort zone. My husband has constantly tried to coax me out of it as we've worked together for the past few years. But I'm slowly learning that to grow you must step out and it's not all that comfortable at first.On a spiritual level, I'm also learning much about this too. It seems that I tend to learm more ...through difficulties. Each morning I pray Romans 12:1-2 (with my personal paraphrase):"I (Debbie), in view of God's mercy, offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is my spiritual act of worship. I will not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but I will be transformed by the renewing of my mind. Then I am able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."When I start my day with this beginning, I am reminded that I have choices to make during the day. - I can satisfy my flesh (which still rears its ugly head too often this side of eternity) OR
- I can submit to the Holy Spirit's leading.
And to be sensitive to His leading, I need to spend time with the Lord everyday. By the way, I must give credit to Scott Samter of Opening His Word Together as I've been listening to his teachings on Romans. Great stuff and he's Jill's husband of Forever n Ever n Always.
So, how does this relate to Anne's quote above?
When I submit to the Lord, He is able to use me as a vessel for His purposes. He often provides me with those divine appointments that I can think are interruptions. But when I'm tuned in, I know it's what He would have me to do. And what He has me do is often what I'm not all that comfortable doing first.
For years, I thought He was calling me to teach people about heart disease. It made sense since I worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist for 25 years. It was what I knew and in my comfort zone. But life happens and instead I went to work with my husband and had to learn ...about technology.
And in the process, I happened upon blogging. What do you know?
Instead of simply teaching people about heart disease, I have an audience where I'm free to write about the REAL HEART ISSUES. Yes, heart disease may be a part of that but the true message and the need of every heart is to be filled with Jesus. I would never have imagined doing that years ago when I was planning a different path. I may be able to do this only in my spare time now ...but it's a start.
I'm learning that when I allow God to work in and through me, life can be an adventure. I'm discovering more and more as I learn to walk by faith and not just by sight. It takes trust but each day I'm growing ...and so thankful.
Now don't forget to hop over to Nina's blog to find other participating posts for today's quote.