I spoke with her yesterday and she shared the words to a song written by Gloria Gaither that had provided such comfort to her.
When I saw what lay before me, Lord, I cried, what will I do?
I thought He would just remove it, but He gently led me through.
Without fire there's no refining; without pain, no relief.
Without flood there's no rescue; without testing, no belief.
Through the fire, through the flood; through the water,
Through the blood, through the dry and barren places,
Through life's dense and maddening mazes;
Through the pain and through the glory,
"Through" will always tell the story of a God
Whose power and mercy will not fail to take us through.
On this Thankful Thursday, I am thankful for words of comfort. They may come through the lyrics of a song, a poem or a story. They may be words of comfort offered by a friend. Or the words of a Psalm. Or a prayer.
It can be hard to understand all of the "whys" in life. Despite our personal struggles and challenges in life, we can make the choice to focus on what we are thankful for.
What about you? Is there a song, a poem or a verse that provides you with comfort?
And don't forget to visit Iris' Thankful Thursday blog for more opportunities to visit other thankful blogs today.