Heart Choices: 2010-08-08 -->

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TSMSS ~ I Love You Lord

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I'm linking up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders

This morning I awakened early before it got too hot so I was able to have my quiet time on the outside patio.  This song was playing in my head so ...I sang it aloud. 

I noticed the bunnies in the yard didn't run away from the sound of my voice.  I had to laugh because my singing voice isn't anything to write home about.  But I'm sure the Lord doesn't mind.  It's the heart intent that really matters and my heart was praising Him.

Happy Saturday!

Blessings and love,


Time Alone

Time alone?  Is that something you crave?  Or are you the kind of person who would go crazy being alone?

I had the opportunity to spend time alone this past week.  A friend offered me the keys to her mountain home in Flagstaff.  I couldn't wait to get there.

Greg couldn't get away so I went alone.  I brought my Bible, journal and two books.  And believe me, that's all I needed.  I went for long walks in cooler weather.  It was quiet and peaceful and ...just what I needed.

I hope to share some of what I learned over the next week.  With no interruptions and leaving the busyness behind, I was able to have long prayer times.  I prayed for many of you during this time.  

I hope you'll check back this week as I share some of what God has been teaching me.

Blessings and love,


I'm At Laced With Grace Today

Laced With Grace
Today I'm over at Laced with Grace.  I encourage you to hop over and read my post about being still.

Can you relate to this Joyful 'toon?

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