Sometimes life can get so hectic that we never stop to notice the blessings all around us.
Counting those every day blessings isn't too hard when I'm surrounded by children all day long. They always seem to delight in the simplest of things. Adults can learn much from them.
One of the young boys in my after school group brought a tortoise to school for show and tell. Of course, he had to take it out and show it to us too. The laughter and fun as they were handling and observing the tortoise was contagious.
And in our three year old class, the children are learning and discovering too. During our exploration time, they move from one table activity to the next. They find new ways to play with ordinary objects.
Although it continues to be hot in Phoenix, sometimes I forget to stop and notice how truly beautiful our surroundings are. I love the mountains. And did I mention how thankful I am to be located back near the heart of the city? I am close to everything. Woo hoo!
I pass by Camelback Mountain every day in my car. There is a carving in the mountain that looks like a monk that is praying. Can you see him in the picture?
We had a Vision Fair at our church on Sunday. Our pastor encouraged us to get involved in our community. There were vendors from many organizations sharing volunteer opportunities.
These two ladies have a love for sewing. They found an organization that needed people to share life skills with other women. So now they volunteer at
House of Hope as they teach women how to sew.
#491 The beauty of the mountains in Phoenix
#492 A church family that cares about others and is committed to serving others
#493 Living close to the heart of the city
#494 Smiles and laughter of children
#495 The opportunity to share the Gospel with a teacher from my school
#496 An amazing sermon on "The Will of God"
#497 Getting to participate in an online Bible study by my friend
Lisa Shaw
#498 Being back to work full time
#499 Discovering a website called
Rainy Mood where I can hear the sound of rain any time
#500 A little bit of rain for Phoenix this past week
I'm counting those every day blessings with Ann of
A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.
Blessings and love,