Heart Choices: 2012-08-19 -->

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Hosting "In Other Words Tuesday" This Week

This Tuesday I have the pleasure of hosting "In Other Words Tuesday".  Each week we get to write on a quote provided by the hostess and link up to their blog.

The quote I choose for us to write on is:

"What we do as followers of Christ flows out of who we are in Christ"   Scott Savage, Minister to Young Adults, North Phoenix Baptist Church

I encourage you to consider writing a blog post on this quote.  Return to Heart Choices on Tuesday to link up.

What does this quote say to you?  How would you respond?  Do you agree or disagree?

I would love to read your posts.

Blessings and love,


Five Minute Friday ~ Join

I'm participating in Five Minute Friday with Lisa-Jo of The Gypsy Mama.

Each week, Lisa-Jo gives us one word to write on for 5 minutes flat. It's been a great exercise for me to learn to gather my thoughts quickly.  Our word for this week is ...JOIN.


Sometimes it can be easier to sit on the sidelines.  To be an observer and not join in.

I think of the years when I didn't want to join a church.  It was easier to watch what I called Church TV each Sunday.  I could hear a positive uplifting message and be good for the week.  What I realized though is that I really wasn't growing in my faith.

The first time I attended my church, I sat on the back row not wanting to be noticed.  I had to check this out but wasn't sure about it.  Two ladies sat in that area and when the pastor asked us to greet one another, they immediately came over to me and reached out their hands.  They introduced themselves as Snow and Frost.  That was their last names and I could never forget their kind friendly faces.  I decided to come back the next Sunday and the next.  Each time Snow and Frost would be there looking for me.  When I missed a Sunday and came back the next, they told me they missed me.

So many people say they don't want to join a church.  After all, they are all a bunch of hypocrites they say.  But after joining myself, I realized that we all have our own pain and hurts and ways of dealing with them.

I gained so much by joining my church.

  • I learned from my pastor as he preached from the Bible
  • I became involved in the lives of others
  • I felt the love of other believers who prayed for me
  • I was able to worship God together with other believers
  • I was encouraged in my walk of faith

Blessings and love,


My Letter to God

I'm joining Bonnie for another Faith Barista Jam today.  She has invited us to write a letter to God.  The only requirement is to ...be real.

At first, I was hesitant.  After all, that's kind of personal.  But after joining in last week with a letter to my younger self, I found it very revealing and I hope it blessed a few people.  So I will be transparent once again.  So here goes ...

Dear God,

First of all, I want to thank you for loving me and forgiving me.  Your grace is amazing to me!  I'm so glad I am your child and that you will never leave me, no matter what!

I also want to thank you for how you created me.  Although I didn't understand as a young child, the congenital heart defect turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  I came to understand what it felt like to be different and to feel like I didn't quite belong.  Some of the children didn't understand when I couldn't run and play with them and this saddened me.  But you tenderized my heart.  I knew how this felt.  I believe that you gave me a vacuum in my heart that could only be filled by you.

I know I was a prodigal for many years.  I was afraid I was missing out on fun times.  But through it all, I learned many life long lessons.  I also realized that all the fun the world offers cannot compare with the peace that you provide. When I became serious in my relationship with you, it impacted the way I viewed life and people.

I was so thrilled when life seemed to be going so well.  I quit my nursing job and had time to volunteer, develop hobbies and spend more time with family.  I remember that every time I walked into my dream home I almost had to pinch myself.  I was so thankful and always told you so.  I never expected to lose it all!  I didn't think I'd done anything wrong and I believed I was generous with others.

However, as time goes by I realize that you taught me valuable lessons.  I learned to hold very loosely to the things of this world.  I learned to abide in you and to lean on you.  You became my strength.

Just today I was realizing how much I've grown over the past few years.  You taught me many valuable lessons.  And even though I live in a very small condo and I'm working full time in a career that is not nursing, I am content.  I am surrounded by little children all day long.  They are quick to give hugs and tell me they love me.  I remember the years of trying to get pregnant with no results.  Now I spend my day with little ones.  You are so faithful to remember my heart's desire!

Thank you Lord for each day you give to me.  Help me to use each day in a way that is pleasing to you.  May I share your light and love to others.  Guide me and lead me every step of the day.  Thank you for speaking to my heart through your Word.

In Jesus' name I pray,

Blessings and love,


Do You Notice Blessings All Around You?

Sometimes life can get so hectic that we never stop to notice the blessings all around us.

Counting those every day blessings isn't too hard when I'm surrounded by children all day long.  They always seem to delight in the simplest of things.  Adults can learn much from them.

One of the young boys in my after school group brought a tortoise to school for show and tell.  Of course, he had to take it out and show it to us too.  The laughter and fun as they were handling and observing the tortoise was contagious.

And in our three year old class, the children are learning and discovering too.  During our exploration time, they move from one table activity to the next.  They find new ways to play with ordinary objects.  

Although it continues to be hot in Phoenix, sometimes I forget to stop and notice how truly beautiful our surroundings are.  I love the mountains.  And did I mention how thankful I am to be located back near the heart of the city?  I am close to everything.  Woo hoo!

I pass by Camelback Mountain every day in my car.  There is a carving in the mountain that looks like a monk that is praying.  Can you see him in the picture?

We had a Vision Fair at our church on Sunday.  Our pastor encouraged us to get involved in our community.  There were vendors from many organizations sharing volunteer opportunities.

These two ladies have a love for sewing.  They found an organization that needed people to share life skills with other women.  So now they volunteer at House of Hope as they teach women how to sew.

#491 The beauty of the mountains in Phoenix
#492 A church family that cares about others and is committed to serving others
#493 Living close to the heart of the city
#494 Smiles and laughter of children
#495 The opportunity to share the Gospel with a teacher from my school
#496 An amazing sermon on "The Will of God"
#497 Getting to participate in an online Bible study by my friend Lisa Shaw
#498 Being back to work full time
#499 Discovering a website called Rainy Mood where I can hear the sound of rain any time
#500 A little bit of rain for Phoenix this past week

I'm counting those every day blessings with Ann of A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.

Blessings and love,

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