Since this is Fitness Friday, I thought I'd take the opportunity to tell you about a walking program that is sponsored by the American Heart Association (AHA). According to the AHA statistics:
- Walking is the simplest postive change people can make to effectively improve their heart health.
- Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any physical activity.
Sounds good so far, doesn't it?
And the research also shows that walking for only 30 minutes a day can bring the following benefits:
- Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
- Lowers blood pressure
- Reduces high cholesterol
- Reduces body fat and helps control body weight
- Enhances mental well being
- Increases bone density, hence helping to prevent osteoporosis
- Reduces the risk of cancer
- Reduces the risk of diabetes
How many things can you do in only 30 minutes that will bring about ALL of these benefits?
I don't know about you but I'm becoming more aware of the cost of health insurance and health care costs as I get older. If walking 30 minutes a day can help so much, I'm all for it.
Making this one lifestyle choice has so many benefits. And think of the time you can be prayer walking, listening to music, and over time ...feeling more energetic!
What are you waiting for? 
Get out there and as Nike says "Just Do It".
You can find lots of resources on a website the American Heart Association has established for the start walking program. It includes online community support, videos, a personalized walking plan and much more. Check it out!
And by the way, don't forget to stop over at Sandy's God Speaks Today to read her Fitness Friday post. Sandy's topic this week is "10 Commandments of Optimum Fitness".