Heart Choices: 2011-06-19 -->

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Please Pray

Please pray for my mother-in-love.  We just got word that she fell in her home and broke her hip.  She's in the hospital and will have surgery in the morning.

Gloria is a very independent woman and this will be hard for her.  Here's a photo of her that I took about a week ago as Greg and I were leaving her home after a visit.

Please pray that the surgery would go smoothly with no complications.  I'm praying for the surgeon and nurses involved in her care.  I thank you in advance for your prayers.

Blessings and love,


Summer Camp Fun

I wanted to share a few of my special memories from Rancho Solano's summer camp.

The water slide was a scheduled Friday event.  And in the midst of triple digit heat, it was so refreshing for the  students.

And then there was the process of drying off before their next session.

On our last day of Culinary Camp, the girls shared some more love with Miss Debbie.  :)

Despite the spelling, I got the message and ...loved it!

I also got to spend several hours each day with my little 3-4 year old students.
Deetya loves to do crafts!

Summer camp can be so exhausting for Ava!

This week I've been off spending time with Greg and getting ready for next week.  It will be another two week summer camp session.  I'm rested up and ...ready!

Blessings and love,

WFW ~ Encouragement

It's Word-filled Wednesday and I'm linking up with the Internet Cafe.

Encouragement has become so important to me lately.  I know many who are in need of some encouragement, including me.

Blessings and love,


More Culinary Camp Blessings

Counting one thousand gifts has become such a blessing for me.  I am taking the time to notice the simple everyday things in life.  How often have I missed those special blessings because I was too busy to notice?

So, I continue my counting...

I taught the girls in Culinary Camp all about table manners.  They learned the proper way to set the dinner table.  I found a wonderful way to help them remember the proper placing of the utensils from All Free Crafts. The author shared a story and described  "the fork was the imprisoned princess, separated from her prince (the spoon) by an alligator-infested swamp (the plate) and a mean soldier (the knife)."

Although the girls created their own place mats, I was amazed at how easily they remembered how to do this after learning the story.  Here are a few of their creations:
#98  Observing the creative way the girls drew their place mats

We had a meal in the teacher's lounge since there was a larger table and a working oven.  So we sat around the table and  practiced good table manners.  The school is comprised of people of many faiths.  However, as we sat down one of the little girls announced that we had to say grace.  She held her hands out so others could join in.  Oh, how I wished we could openly do so but ...

#99  My heart leaped with joy to see this little one saying grace

We had a special day when I invited the students to bring a sample of one of their family's favorite recipes.  They had an opportunity to tell the class a bit about the food they selected to bring and we each got a small taste.

Alexandra's parents are from China.  She eagerly shared that her mom's recipe for egg rolls was so much better than what we get at restaurants.  Although the recipe is a family secret, it was filled with delicious pork and tasted oh so good.
#100  Seeing family traditions continue to the next generation

Alyssa shared a coffee cake that is a specialty of her father's.  As we neared the end of the last week of Culinary Camp, she told me that she hoped her dad would now allow her to help out in the kitchen more.

Ryann was so excited to bring in her red apron to wear while cooking.

I was happy to teach the students how to make Norwegian waffles.  They tasted them and seemed to like them.  However, they weren't used to eating waffles without syrup.  Norwegians eat their waffles as a snack and not breakfast.  We often add butter and jam.

#101  Sharing family traditions and food with one another

#102  Hearing the excitement in the girls' voices as they hoped to share all they were learning with their families

On our last day of Culinary Camp, we made cupcakes for the 4th of July.  We made red, white and blue ones using food coloring in three separate bowls.  The students each got to help out and after the cupcakes were cool, they had such fun decorating them.

It did get a bit messy but they were having such fun!  Everyone got to eat one and then they gave a few to several of the teachers and brought the rest home to their families.

#103  Listening to the laughter as the girls were so excited baking and decorating cupcakes

What a fun experience Culinary Camp was for me!  Greg helped me put together recipe books for each girl to take home.  We had a page for each recipe along with a photo so they could share them with their families.  Greg spent hours printing and editing for me in the early hours of the morning before I left for work.

#104  A husband who helps me and loves to hear all of my stories about the children

Are you counting your everyday blessings?  I encourage you to begin.  It will change  your perspective on life.

Blessings and love,

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

I'm so fortunate to have a great dad.  I realize how rare that can be.

My dad always made me feel special growing up.  As a teenager, I had a curfew and if I wasn't home on time Dad would come and look for me.  I always had a dime in my shoe every time I went on a date.  My dad made sure of that.  I know I'm dating myself with that one; lol.  No cell phones back then!

My dad is very proud of his Norwegian heritage.  My maiden name is Sumstad.  There is a town in Norway named Sumstad where my paternal grandparents raised their family.  The farm is still owned by the family and I've had the privilege of actually visiting it.  I hope to one day bring my other man (my hubby) there to visit.

Here are the two men in my life; my dad and Greg.  I love them both!

Happy Father's Day!
Blessings and love,
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