When I see or hear the word jealous, I have a vision in my head of a green eyed monster. Not a pretty picture either.
But in our world today, it's quite common to read "I'm so jealous" in a comment after a friend writes something good that happened in her life in a Facebook post. While I realize this may be a common idiom of the times in which we live and certainly not meant to be hurtful, I can't help but have that vision in my head.
My good friend Jamie posted a photo of her young daughter after a tennis match. She just won her match but her friend lost hers. I loved this photo Jamie captured of the two friends. Marybeth won but is consoling her friend who lost. No gloating; just kindness.
I love this Scripture:
"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." Proverbs 14:30 (NIV)
Blessings and love,