It's Thankful Thursday and Laurie of Women Taking a Stand is our host for this month. Laurie writes about strength for today on her Thankful Thursday post. To be more specific ...God's strength.
I have to admit that I'm a pretty strong woman. I think it has to do with my Norwegian genes. You remember the Vikings, don't you? Pretty scary, at least according to my husband. :)
I'm not only strong in my body but also in my mind. And that can get me into trouble sometimes, especially when I insist on exerting my own will.
I've been studying Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God" with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always. This week the focus has been on God as El Olam; the everlasting God.
The older I get though the more I realize that I have some physical limitations. I may still be strong physically but it takes much more effort to keep my weight down. There have been days when I'm just too stressed or simply too tired to exercise. And at this season in my life, that's something I really need to continue to do.
But I'm also grateful that I'm realizing my need for God. I need His strength when I don't think I can continue. When I'm so strong in myself, I don't always see that need for God.
As I've been going through a season of trials, I've been depending more and more on the Lord and less and less on Debbie. And that's a good thing!
I'm so thankful that God has provided me with many blessings.
My Aunt Ruth (my father's only sibling) was attending a conference at the Phoenician with her sister-in-law Ann. I had the opportunity to meet them at this beautiful resort for the day.
Isn't this place beautiful? The weather was perfect for eating on the patio of The Terraces. Thank you Ann.
My aunt and Ann were attending a conference for the Jewish Voice Ministries. This is a Christian organization whose focus is to proclaim the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus) to the Jews and to all the nations of the world. I got to meet their President Jonathan Bernis.
But then we left to go shopping at Nordstrom. I haven't been shopping in such a long time but it was nice to check out the latest syles and to watch Ann shop. She knows her way around this store, that's for sure; lol.
I was so thankful that El Roi (the God who sees all) knew that I needed a fun day like this.
I'm also very thankful for Greg's sister Amy. She's been such a support and a true friend to me. We've become so much closer in the past year and for that I'm so grateful. Btw, as you can see, Amy is a strong woman too. We even arm wrestled at our family Thanksgiving get together. :) I think it was a draw, if I remember correctly.
I'm glad that I have this opportunity to connect with other thankful bloggers on Thankful Thursday. I'm on the lookout for all that I'm thankful for and that changes my perspective. And I have to add that it gives me strength to continue ...trusting God.
Happy Thankful Thursday!