Heart Choices: Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Leaning on the Everlasting Arms -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

I've been studying Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God". This past week the focus has been on God as El Elom. He is the everlasting God. He is not bound by time. He is the Alpha and the Omega with no beginning or end.

The song that came to mind was an old one called "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". The memory I actually have of this song (besides singing it as a kid in church) was from the Million Dollar Movie.

Most of you are probably too young to remember The Million Dollar Movie. But in the days before Tivo or DVD's or even videos, channel 9 in New York had one movie that was on TV every day for the entire week. This way if you missed part of it you could pick it up the next day. The theme song was from Gone with the Wind.

I don't even remember the movie but this song was sung in it with all of the verses. For some reason, it stuck in my mind.

Maybe I was reassured by the thought of being able to lean on God. His everlasting arms would surely hold me secure.

Here are the Gaither's singing this song:

Happy Saturday!


Debbie Petras
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  1. Hey Debbie! Tried to get the video to open but couldn't. That's okay, love the song:-) Oh, and how I love those Everlasting Arms! ♥ For several years I collected an array of writings on the names of God, hoping to really study them. Haven't finished them, but almost bought Spangler's book last year...glad to see you mention it. Some of His names and attributes we learn through deep trial, don't we? ♥

    Got the munchkins here, so will head to bed soon. Hope your weekend is beautiful. Sure loved the pic of you in the middle of all the kids on the slide...the joy on your face is just precious! Love you! {{hugs}}

  2. I LOVE this old hymn...been singing it all my life...means more every day....

  3. Wow! Everyone is posting some oldies but goodies this week. Love this song. Thanks for joining in.

  4. Hi Debbie:

    You and I are on the Gaither page tonight! 'Leaning'... another one of our old favorites from way back when! This version always makes me feel like getting up and dancing!!
    (and i just might!)

    Miss being able to email on the side. Still working out the kinks?

    I know you're in the middle of getting things organized too.

    Hopefully we wil get to 'visit' soon!

    Love & hugs!


  5. So beautiful song and post too! Have a great weekend my dear friend Debbie

  6. Hi Debbie,

    Thank you for sharing a song I've sang since my childhood and one of my Grandma's favorites.

    Love and hugs to you as we all lean on those Everlasting Arms of our precious LORD!

  7. Sweetie, I am leaning very heavy on those precious everlasting arms.

  8. Debbie - what a perfect song to end our week of studying His name as Everlasting God! Love it! They are so sweet all together - showing love to one another while singing!

    Love you!

  9. This goes right along with your theme this week and it is so upbeat. Happy weekend, my friend.

    Still praying,

  10. Love this classic hymn of praise.

    Have a wonderful Sabbath!

  11. Thanks for sharing the video, I love the song....

  12. Can never go wrong with an old hymnal and who better to sing them than the Gaithers. Love their videos.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  13. I think "I'll fix it this way", or "now how am I going to work this one out".....how MANY times must I be brought back to just LEANING ON THOSE EVERYLASTING ARMS...thank you Debbie for the wonderful reminder that His arms are open for us every single day.

    I'll be thinking of you as I go to Hood River today....a picture of Tromso, Norway, no wonder my folks loved it so much. Glad dag!

    Carol Joy

  14. That particular name of God is one I've focused on with all that's going on in Washington. He is everlasting and still in control!

  15. Great great song! One of my favs!

  16. I love that song...thank you for sharing it!

  17. Blessings Debbie, El OLAM...the eternal, everlasting God...that we can lean on and TRUST! I love the truths in this good ole hymn and sung like these guys sing it, is the best!Love Gaither's harmony.

    Definitely a pick me up in the morning kinda song! I know I'm as old as you and I don't know this Million Dollar movie (how did I miss it?)

    I'm so thankful that His everlasting arms are holding me and you!

    Love, peace & (((hugs)))
    (haven't been emailing much for a couple of weeks, so you have not missed anything)

  18. Love, love, love the Gaithers!

    I'll just bet you have a wealth of wisdom to share on the subject of leaning on (and into) the Everlasting Arms.

    When my daughter leaves (April 11), we'll have to get together. If you're still email-disabled, I'll give you a jingle.


  19. Debbie,

    I grew up to this song! I love it. I'm holding onto and leaning very heavily on those Everlasting Arms!

    Love you, my friend!


  20. Hi, Debbie! I would love to read Ann Spangler's book. I enjoy learning about the names of God, so I will put it on my must read list.

    God bless you. I love "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms." It has great foundational, reassuring truth!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!


  21. Such a wonderful, joyful song~ I love it. Have a blessed week, sweet friend. Love you ~

  22. I love this song! I always picture myself in my Saviors arms... all safe and sound. My problem is that I find myself leaving His arms and going my way... I need to lean and rest in my Savior's arms and never let go!


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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