Heart Choices: 2010-07-25 -->

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Hosting In Other Words Tuesday

This Tuesday I will be hosting In Other Words Tuesday.

The quote I have chosen for us to write about is:

I will have a linky set-up for you so you can add the direct link for your IOWT post.  I encourage you to join in. 

If this is your first time, simply include the quote and write your thoughts on it.  We often end up with different ways of looking at a quote which makes it even more interesting. 

See you on Tuesday!


The Reluctant Entertainer

Are you a reluctant entertainer?  Do you feel like everything has to be perfect?
  • An amazing meal
  • A perfectly clean house
  • Interesting conversation
  • Well behaved children
You get the idea!

Having such high expectations would be enough for me to throw in the towel and say ...never!

That's where Sandy Coughlin comes in handy.  I've been following her blog and her tag line is ...real entertaining for real people.

Sandy's written a book called "The Reluctant Entertainer" and she's here to rescue us wanna be entertainers.

Melissa of The Inspired Room is offering a giveaway: an apron, tea towel and a copy of Sandy's book.  You can link to her post here and learn more.

I created the widget below to accumulate opinions about Sandy's new book.  If you've read the book, feel free to share and interact directly below. 


Although I'm not doing much entertaining lately, I certainly hope that will change in the near future.

Blessings and love,


In Other Words Tuesday ~ Waiting

It's In Other Words Tuesday and I'm linking up with Tami of The Next Step.

The following quote was chosen by Tami:

I often admire people who get to fulfill their calling in the spotlight. 

I think of:
  • Beth Moore who has an incredible gift of teaching from God's Word
  • Max Lucado; this man can churn out several books a year and they're all good
  • Sandi Patty, Mandisa and Michael W. Smith can sing and lead us in worship

And I love it!  I've been blessed by each one of them as they're obedient to God's call on their lives.

Years ago, I had my own dreams of speaking and writing.  I enrolled in a Dale Carnegie speaking program and received four pens for my talks.  I was asked to return as a graduate assistant to demonstrate each type of speech for the new students.  It was an honor and a good experience for me.

I worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist for 25 years.  This photo was taken on my last day of work with Dr. Scott Robertson.  We worked together for more than ten years.  I gave some speeches and taught a few workshops for heart patients but speaking never became my fulltime job.

After leaving nursing, I attended CLASS; Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers Seminar with the Littauer's in Maryland.  I learned to think on my feet and prepare talks and Bible studies.

But life always seemed to get in the way.  For the last few years, I've worked with my husband in his entrepreneurial endeavors.  I've learned so much about technology, social media, consulting and even HTML. 

On occasion, I wondered if I was missing God's call on my life.  But I refused to give up hope.

Heart Choices was a name the Lord had given to me about 15 years ago.  When domains were available, I registered both the .com and .org.  I also registered the trademark with the state.  I wasn't sure what the Lord would have me do with it though.

And then ...I discovered blogging!

I began blogging back in 2007 but not on a regular basis.  Over time, I discovered my voice and prayed about what God would have me share.  I realized that heart choices weren't always about heart health but involved spiritual issues as well. 

Heart Choices isn't a wildly popular blog compared to so many others.  But it's become a ministry for me.  It doesn't really matter if I get one comment or twenty.  I don't want to be into numbers and comparisons.  If one person is blessed or helped, I'm blessed.

I've always loved to mentor and to be mentored.  With blogging, I get the best of both worlds.  Bloggers come in all ages and levels of spiritual maturity.  And we get to interact with each other.

So, I'm content in the place I am right now.  I don't know where God will lead me next. 

But I have faith to  believe He will show me ...in His time. 

And I'll be patiently waiting.

Blessings and love,


Praying the Names of God ~ Husband


I'm back to studying Ann Spangler's book "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.  This week the focus is on the  name of God as ISH or Husband.

God is the ideal husband, the One who protects and provides for His people.  He does not abandon us or divorce us.

  • In the Old Testament, ISH (meaning husband), symbolized the ideal relationship between God and Israel. 
  • In the New Testament, Jesus is revealed as the sacrificial bridegroom of the church.
According to Ann's study, our destiny and our greatest purpose as God's people is to become His bride.

What a beautiful analogy!

As a believer, God wants you to know Him as your protector, provider and lover of your soul.  He is so faithful, unlike many human relationships. We can always count on Him.  His love is unfailing.

"For your Maker is your husband --
the Lord Almighty is His  name --

the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
He is called the God of all the earth. 
The LORD will call  you back
as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit --

a wife who married young,
only to be rejected," says your God.
"For a brief moment I abandoned you,
but with deep compassion I will bring you back.
In a surge of anger
I hid my face from you for a moment

but with everlasting kindness
I will have compassion on you,"
say the LORD your Redeemer.
Isaiah 54:5-8
There have been too many times when I've wandered seeking my own way. 

How thankful I am that God loves me and continues to call me back to Himself.  He is so faithful.

Blessings and love,

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