Heart Choices: In Other Words Tuesday ~ Waiting -->

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In Other Words Tuesday ~ Waiting

It's In Other Words Tuesday and I'm linking up with Tami of The Next Step.

The following quote was chosen by Tami:

I often admire people who get to fulfill their calling in the spotlight. 

I think of:
  • Beth Moore who has an incredible gift of teaching from God's Word
  • Max Lucado; this man can churn out several books a year and they're all good
  • Sandi Patty, Mandisa and Michael W. Smith can sing and lead us in worship

And I love it!  I've been blessed by each one of them as they're obedient to God's call on their lives.

Years ago, I had my own dreams of speaking and writing.  I enrolled in a Dale Carnegie speaking program and received four pens for my talks.  I was asked to return as a graduate assistant to demonstrate each type of speech for the new students.  It was an honor and a good experience for me.

I worked as a cardiovascular nurse specialist for 25 years.  This photo was taken on my last day of work with Dr. Scott Robertson.  We worked together for more than ten years.  I gave some speeches and taught a few workshops for heart patients but speaking never became my fulltime job.

After leaving nursing, I attended CLASS; Christian Leaders, Authors and Speakers Seminar with the Littauer's in Maryland.  I learned to think on my feet and prepare talks and Bible studies.

But life always seemed to get in the way.  For the last few years, I've worked with my husband in his entrepreneurial endeavors.  I've learned so much about technology, social media, consulting and even HTML. 

On occasion, I wondered if I was missing God's call on my life.  But I refused to give up hope.

Heart Choices was a name the Lord had given to me about 15 years ago.  When domains were available, I registered both the .com and .org.  I also registered the trademark with the state.  I wasn't sure what the Lord would have me do with it though.

And then ...I discovered blogging!

I began blogging back in 2007 but not on a regular basis.  Over time, I discovered my voice and prayed about what God would have me share.  I realized that heart choices weren't always about heart health but involved spiritual issues as well. 

Heart Choices isn't a wildly popular blog compared to so many others.  But it's become a ministry for me.  It doesn't really matter if I get one comment or twenty.  I don't want to be into numbers and comparisons.  If one person is blessed or helped, I'm blessed.

I've always loved to mentor and to be mentored.  With blogging, I get the best of both worlds.  Bloggers come in all ages and levels of spiritual maturity.  And we get to interact with each other.

So, I'm content in the place I am right now.  I don't know where God will lead me next. 

But I have faith to  believe He will show me ...in His time. 

And I'll be patiently waiting.

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. I am so thankful that the Lord led you to blogging. Ever since I found your blog you have been such a blessing to me. And I am so thankful (again) that I got you meet you and give you a big hug! I just know God has many more blessings around the corner for you. May He give you peace and satisfaction in the waiting.

  2. Your blogging is most definitely ministry and is a blessing. Glad you kept waiting and trusting for the next thing you were to do! Hope your day is filled with all you need and a bit more as well.

  3. HI Debbie,
    Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! Love the name of your blog.....and how God placed it on your heart. Love even more that it is all for Jesus and if He brings one or 1000, it doesn't matter, as long as you are walking in His will, and submitting to His plan....the gift of teaching whether it be written or spoken is a gift from God and He will use it for His glory and purposes as you allow Him too. I am always reminded though, that teaching isn't necessarily to large people, it can be to our children, one on one as we disciple other believers, here on our blogs, or to an auditorium filled. If one heart is changed for God's kingdom, AMEN. You are the mouthpiece, He takes care of the rest.

    Loved your post and I encourage you to press on!

    Love in Christ,

  4. There is no doubt that He is using your blog to bless and encourage so many.

    You always have a fresh word and a beautiful way of expressing. You FEEl like a friend to those who come here, and your words lift up and encourage.

    You ARE my friend, and I am thankful for you!!! Keep writing!

    Hugs sister...


  5. Sweet Debbie - you are such a precious sister and friend! I have thanked God so many times for you in my life and how He has used you numerous times to encourage our family!

    We adore you and say keep blogging to SHINE bright for Him!


  6. I am glad that you discovered blogging and that I had a chance to meet you in person. Yes, God does amazing things when we are willing to follow in obedience.
    Thank you for sharing from your heart and your transparency.

    Love & peace,
    <>< Iris

  7. I know you have been a great blessing to me....

  8. Debbie, I relate to so much of what you've said here. I too have big dreams, but unlike you I tend to get frustrated as the years go on with little change. Thank you for your example. Thank you for reminding me to fulfill His plans IN HIS TIME. I desperately want to be His light, not my own. The only way to ensure that is to wait on Him. Thanks for your encouragement to do so.

  9. Perfect words and perfect confirmation. I think I'll share my recent lessons on this at my page. Have a lovely Tuesday.

  10. There is no doubt you have blessed MANY with Heart Choices...me for sure! I always thought the name of this blog was soo clever and I had no idea (until a while ago when you mentioned it) that you had been a cardiac nurse for years. I thought it was referring to the "choices" our hearts make to live for Him. Which of course it is as well. ANYWAY, I LOVE this blog and you...Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Debbie

  11. This is my first time to your blog and just wanted to tell you that it was a definite blessing to me this morning. Right now, I find myself in a "desert season"...and have been trying to wait - patiently? - as to what God might be wanting to teach me here before I move forward. It is so easy to focus on those around me who seem not only focused and sure of their calling and purpose but also thriving in it.....and I feel stalled. Your post was very encouraging - and as your blog so blessed me today, I'm sure it has been since you started.

    Glad to have found you this morning! God bless, Jennifer

  12. So good to read about how the waiting and coming to blog!!
    I love and am always blessed when i come to "Heart Choices"

    Have an great week

  13. Thanks...very encouraging.

    His ways are higher than ours, and what He has for us is above anything we ever could hope or imagined.

    I am so new at this blogging thing and still don't know what to make of it...but I can say that I have been so blessed to stop by your blog, to see your interaction, and also your e-mails.

    I look forward to seeing ALL that God has for you and praise Him for what He has already done.

    Sandi Patti also went through some trials.

  14. I completely understand. God is so good . . . HE directs us in ways we do not always understand. I too find myself waiting for HIM. Heart Choices is a wonderful blog. There have been times since I began blogging that I wanted to just quit, each time I have been encouraged by others to continue. Thank you my friend for sharing your heart with me. I appreciate it.

  15. God had a plan when he placed "Heart Choices" on YOUR heart! Isn't it amazing how He works? What began as a creative way to encourage physical health has "morphed" into a place where others can have their spiritual heart ministered to as well! Thank you for being a willing vessel through which He works!

    Living for Him, Joan

  16. Wow, Debbie... you together with your long list of accomplishments is a tribute to the multifaceted lovely creation that God has made you to be...

    And I know that more is still to come.

    I am one of those who are beginning to discover the depths of your heart.

    Yes, blogging is a tremendous tool. I love getting comments, but like you they are not the motivation for my blog. However, my greatest joy in blogging is when I discover another heart that beats like mine.

    Debbie, I have really discovered that in you. You are a delight. And I look forward to the friendship.


  17. I am one of those who have been blessed because you discovered blogging! You have such a heart for the Lord that it overflows onto all of us. Thanks, Debbie, for being faithful to do whatever God calls you to do.

  18. Hi Debbie,
    I saw your comment on One Heart's blog and loved it...I had to come over and say "hi!" from I Owe it All to Him.

  19. I am very blessed by your blogging sis, love you.

  20. I have concluded that living a life or relative insignificance requires far more discipline than living one out in the limelight. It coincides with the verses related to servanthood, and to the last being first, etc. It goes against my grain at times, yet I've found such joy in obscurity.

    Your ministry is profound on a level all it's own. I value your candor and perspectives - - both of which are needed in a world that isn't real fond of the sort of truth that we know is all about one's "heart choices."

    Hugs, Kathleen

  21. God has given you a very special voice, Debbie, and I am grateful that you have listened to the Holy Spirit's calling to speak to so many on your blog. You are honest in sharing what path your life is following, giving Him the glory that is truly His, when all is going well and also when things haven't always gone how you have hoped. Your testimonies of God's faithfulness have touched my heart many times. Heart Choices is a perfect name for your blog!

    Blessings and love, dear friend,

  22. Dear Debbie, As I read this today I couldn't help but see God's hand at work in your life, prompting you to secure the "heartchoices" name, even when you didn't know exactly what to do. You have expressed the similar feelings I find myself dealing with now. I've wondered, "What IS it, Lord, that You have placed me here for anyway?" I thought it was to share His music. Still, with the new path ahead of me, I "stand at the crossroads and look" (Jer. 6:16)--and wait on His leading.
    One thing that helped me tremendously yesterday was in My Utmost (By Oswald Chambers) he tells us while we are focused on the "end," God is focused on the NOW. He is after our present day situation, molding us...shaping us. Normally we fret over "what will BE" and He is trying to make us "BE" in our "NOW's." Hope that makes sense. Oswald says it much BETTER. :) But it brought rest to my soul. ((hugs)) Together on the journey with our Shepherd, He is shaping us TODAY to BE like Him in our Tomorrows. God bless you dear Debbie!
    Love and hugs.

  23. You are such a blessing! Thanks for sharing your story, I love to see how God is using you and how He brought you to here right now.

  24. Debbie,

    The LORD has used you and your blog and personal emails to bless and encourage me OFTEN. He is being glorified in and through you and Heart Choices!

    GOD uses anyone who will avail themselves. I have found that often some of the NOT well known named people have been some of the MOST anointed to speak into my life and heart through the power of the Holy Spirit so just as I avoid #'s and such I also avoid popularity on any and all levels. It doesn't matter if your blog, mine or anyone elses is 'one of the popular ones'; what matter is it giving GOD the glory?! And YOURS is indeed giving GOD the glory!!!

    I love you and I'm thankful that GOD has given you HIS voice in blogging.

    Keep pressing...

  25. God certainly takes us through our paces where our blogging is concerned... does he not? As of late, I've not been getting much traffic, but it's become less important to me over the 2+ years of doing it. I recently ditched my "followers" tab because it became too much of a distraction for me. I haven't perfected it all, nor am I sure what God wants for it to be in days to come, but for as long as the pen allows, I want to be faithful to keep writing.

    Where would I be in this season without my blogging friends? I shudder to think of how completely isolated I would feel.

    Thanks for loving me and supporting me in this time. It means a great deal to me.


  26. Just a little comment from little ole me :o) to add...I am in whole-hearted agreement to your commenters! You are such a blessing and encourager. You speak from your heart and it ministers to the heart of those that read your blog and know you. I can't remember how I found you, but am so blessed that I did. Thank you dear friend!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  27. I just found your blog yesterday through five minute Friday. I feel like I have found a kindred spirit. I just began blogging a couple months ago, and I am sure I will learn a lot from visiting your blog whenever I am able. God bless and keep you. Maria


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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