It's time to post another Multitudes on Monday when I count my everyday blessings.
It's been a busy week and I've not even begun to get ready for Christmas. Working full time and commuting a distance doesn't leave much extra time.
But I've been so blessed by reading Jennifer Walker Crawford's eBook called "
Keeping Christ as Christmas". It's OK if I don't have a picture perfect house at Christmas. The reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Btw, I highly recommend reading this book which can be downloaded on your Kindle, Nook or as a PDF.
I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with good friends Todd and Jamie. They used to live in the Phoenix area until Todd's business relocated them to San Antonio, Texas. I met Jamie when I was her daughter Ellie's
Bible Study Fellowship teacher in the children's program when she was only 2 or 3 years old. Ellie is now 13 years old and Jamie and I have maintained our friendship despite the distance.
That's the blessing of friendship; picking up where you last left off and feeling comfortable.
Jamie and Todd celebrate their anniversary each year by running in a marathon. They have five kids and still stay in great shape. I just got a text from Jamie.
She placed first in the 35-39 year old women's category. Way to go Jamie.
What an inspiration to me!
Of course, I have to share a few of the everyday blessings I get to experience at work. Working with three year old children opens my eyes to the world in a different way.
I love how excited they are about Christmas. Our class 'adopted' a little two year old boy named Jose from
Crisis Nursery. I love to see their expressions as they place the items they contribute into our huge plastic bag. It's good for them to learn that not everyone has all the toys and clothes that can easily be taken for granted.
The weather in Phoenix has been much cooler lately. Little Evan was so excited. When he saw me in the morning outside school, he raced over and said
"Miss Debbie, I can blow smoke!"
I looked at him questioningly and he proceeded to blow out. He was so excited because he could see his breath! After demonstrating for the other children, they all began doing likewise.
The simple everyday blessings of childhood. Oh how I don't want to lose that excitement for life, no matter how old I am.
And speaking of life niece Kristin and her husband Kevin found out that they will be having a baby girl. Our family is so excited!
They released pink balloons to share the news with our family. Even Katie, Kristin's sister who lives in NYC, was able to hear the news live via Video Chat. The wonders of technology!
I'm so thankful for the blessing of this special time of year. I love to see the Christmas trees all decorated. But I especially love to remember the message of Christmas. May I never take for granted how much God loves us.
#254 Remembering the reason for the season of Christmas
#255 Realizing how much God loves me
#256 The blessing of knowing Jesus personally
#257 Life long friendships
#258 The wonder of children learning and growing
#259 Children learning to give to others
#260 The upcoming birth of a baby in our family
#261 Becoming a great aunt soon
#262 Sharing love with others because of His love in me
I'm linking up with Ann Voscamp of
A Holy Experience for Multitudes on Mondays.
Blessings and love,