Heart Choices: 2012-09-23 -->

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Five Minute Friday ~ Grasp

It's Five Minute Friday when Lisa-Jo of The Gypsy Mama gives us a word to write about for five minutes flat.  The word for today is ...GRASP.


When I think of the word grasp, I think of reaching and holding on to the ones I love.  I want to protect them from life and hurts in this world.  I want to teach them and treasure them.  As I look at this photo of little Kenzie (my great niece), I am reminded that I cannot grasp her enough.  After all, she lives in Florida which is a distance from Arizona.  I treasure the times I do have with her.

But I've discovered that instead of grasping, I can trust God with her life.  I can pray for her.

I've tried grasping the things I love in the past.  But I cannot hold on to them tightly enough.

I need to open my hand and release.

I am releasing them to One far more capable than myself.

I am recognizing that He knows what's best.  And I make the choice to trust Him with those I love so dearly.


How about you?  Are you grasping those you love?  

Blessings and love,


The Best Time to Exercise

Source: fitsugar.com via Debbie on Pinterest

When is the best time to exercise?  I've heard that the morning is the best time to exercise.  Maybe the above Pinterest quote is true?

I've been trying to establish new habits with a goal of losing 20 pounds.  I set up a schedule for myself.  I began with the intention of exercising in the morning before work.  After all, I am a morning person.  But as you can see, I have many other items on my morning agenda.

This was the schedule I came up with and wrote about in another post.

  • Alarm goes off at 5am (I don't think about it and quickly get up)
  • Coffee in hand
  • Quiet time with my Bible, journal, pen already set up the night before
  • Exercise on treadmill (time depends on whether or not it is a hair washing day)
  • Weights every other day
  • I try to do my shoulder exercises because of my previous rotator cuff injury (homework from my Physical Therapist Kristina)
  • Make and pack my lunch for work including salads, fruit
  • Have breakfast of cereal and fruit
  • Shower and dress
  • Leave for work by 7:30am
I've found that it's important to evaluate progress each week.  After all, if it's not working why continue?

I had no trouble getting up on time.  I simply had to get to bed at a reasonable hour.  Coffee and quiet time are a necessity.  After all, I need patience and the Lord's guidance each day as I work with little children.

But I found that I was having trouble getting to work on time when I exercised in the morning.

So I've switched things up.  I began to exercise as soon as I got home from work.  Since my husband works from home, I had to have his cooperation.  After all, no distractions.  I get changed and hop on the treadmill for a minimum of 30 minutes.  I'm going to increase the time to 45 minutes in the next week but I wanted to work on establishing the habit first.  It's better to walk on the treadmill at a slower pace for a longer time than to go faster for a shorter time.

This week has gone much better with this amended schedule.  I've been consistent with my exercise.  Greg knows where I'm headed as soon as I get home from work.  He told me that works out better for him too as we eat our dinner a bit later.  We have time to talk and spend time together.

The bottom line is I only lost one pound.  However, I'm not discouraged.  The new healthier lifestyle will eventually convert into a healthier me.  And that's what's important.

I also have another change in my schedule.  I attended one Pilates class that was taught by my next door neighbor Caroline.  I was so sore the next few days but it was so good.  I will be taking this class every Thursday evening.  Flexibility is something I need to focus on!

I'm joining Kim of At Home With Kim for Weigh-In Wednesdays.

So let's get personal.  How are you doing with your exercise?

  • Do you need to evaluate your schedule and change things up a bit?  
  • Is exercise becoming a part of your daily routine?
  • Do you have an accountability group?

Blessings and love,


Nothing But the Truth

It's "In Other Words Tuesday" when we get to write on a quote chosen by our host for the week.  Nina of Mama's Little Treasures chose the following quote for today:

“The greatest distinction between Christianity and other religions is that the death of its founder did not mark the termination of His life and ministry. . . . . The Resurrection is the hinge on which the truth of our faith turns, and without it nothing else would really matter. . . . The dynamic joy of our faith would turn into speculation, and Christianity would be simply one of many human philosophies and religious theories.”
Nothing But the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age by John MacArthur

People can debate all they want.  But if the resurrection didn't happen, my faith is in vain.

I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins, rose again and is alive today seated at the right hand of God, the Father continuing to intercede on my behalf.

This Truth is the reason I can:

  • Be joyful despite difficult circumstances
  • Wake up each  morning with praise on my lips 
  • Forgive easily
  • Be free from the punishment of my past sins
  • Love others with the love of Christ
  • Not worry about always having to prove myself to others
  • See hurting people through His eyes
  • Be certain in my heart that I know the end of the story
  • Be comforted knowing I will see my loved ones again in heaven
  • Know that I am never alone
  • Rejoice that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life
  • Live each day in His strength and not my own
I could go on and on but the list would be so long.

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah.  He claimed to be equal with God. The Jewish religious leaders were appalled by His claims.  Many in our day think Jesus was a good man.  But if Jesus was not who He claimed to be, He really would be a lunatic and a liar.

I believe John MacArthur's quote is true.  

Jesus is alive.

I am free because of this fact.  

35 Then Jesus declared, “I am(AI) the bread of life.(AJ) Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes(AK) in me will never be thirsty.(AL) 36 But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. 37 All those the Father gives me(AM) will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. 38 For I have come down from heaven(AN) not to do my will but to do the will(AO) of him who sent me.(AP) 39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me,(AQ) but raise them up at the last day.(AR) 40 For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son(AS) and believes in him shall have eternal life,(AT) and I will raise them up at the last day.” John 6:35-40

So let's get personal.  Who do you say Jesus is?

Blessings and love,


Where Do Your Blessings Come From?

I love to count my every day blessings.  It is good to focus on these things.  I'm on the lookout for those blessings and they seem to come when I least expect them.

Our family's Lil' Norwegian is an amazing blessing.  I love the photos my niece Kristin posts on Facebook of Kenzie.

I completed a study on the book of Revelation called A Heart To See Forever by Catherine Martin.  In one of the study questions, Catherine wrote the following statements about the seven blessings in Revelation.

"That word for bless is makarios and means that your satisfaction comes from God and not from favorable circumstances.  It is a wonderful thing to be blessed by God."

I thought of how so many consider blessings to be only the seemingly good things they get or do.  But in the Lord's eyes, that is not always so.  To find contentment in relationship with Him is the best blessing.

The past week was picture day at our school.  The children normally wear school uniforms but they were permitted to wear what they call normal clothes for photos.  I had to laugh at this one!

I wish I could show you this whole picture but check out Hadley's shoes.  Are they cute or what?

I'm linking up with Ann of A Holy Experience as I continue to count ...

#535 Completing a study on the book of Revelation
#536 A friend from school went to church with me yesterday
#537 Sharing an iced tea at Paradise Bakery with Iva, a meeting that was long overdue
#538 Getting through last week at school with the many interruptions to our normal schedule
#539 My husband cleaned our condo this weekend
#540 Treasuring my morning quiet time
#541 Enjoying the scenic drive to work each day
#542 My Wednesday evening meetup with Theresa
#543 My accountability groups for losing weight
#544 The evening temperatures seem to be a bit cooler in Phoenix
#545 Looking forward to fall break at the beginning of October

Blessings and love,

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