I love to count my every day blessings. It is good to focus on these things. I'm on the lookout for those blessings and they seem to come when I least expect them.
Our family's Lil' Norwegian is an amazing blessing. I love the photos my niece Kristin posts on Facebook of Kenzie.
I completed a study on the book of Revelation called
A Heart To See Forever by Catherine Martin. In one of the study questions, Catherine wrote the following statements about the seven blessings in Revelation.
"That word for bless is makarios and means that your satisfaction comes from God and not from favorable circumstances. It is a wonderful thing to be blessed by God."
I thought of how so many consider blessings to be only the seemingly good things they get or do. But in the Lord's eyes, that is not always so. To find contentment in relationship with Him is the best blessing.
The past week was picture day at our school. The children normally wear school uniforms but they were permitted to wear what they call normal clothes for photos. I had to laugh at this one!
I wish I could show you this whole picture but check out Hadley's shoes. Are they cute or what?
I'm linking up with Ann of
A Holy Experience as I continue to count ...
#535 Completing a study on the book of Revelation
#536 A friend from school went to church with me yesterday
#537 Sharing an iced tea at Paradise Bakery with Iva, a meeting that was long overdue
#538 Getting through last week at school with the many interruptions to our normal schedule
#539 My husband cleaned our condo this weekend
#540 Treasuring my morning quiet time
#541 Enjoying the scenic drive to work each day
#542 My Wednesday evening meetup with Theresa
#543 My accountability groups for losing weight
#544 The evening temperatures seem to be a bit cooler in Phoenix
#545 Looking forward to fall break at the beginning of October
Blessings and love,