On this Thankful Thursday, I am linking to Lynn's blog at Spiritually Unequal Marriage. Lynn is hosting today and you can find other participating blogs there. The theme Lynne chose for this week is wisdom.
The world offers wisdom in many ways including pursuing higher education, philosophy, reading, traveling and mentoring. There is nothing wrong with learning new things. I've written and stated many times that I consider myself a life long learner. I don't know everything and I'm always eager to learn and grow.
But many people settle for living their lives being wise in their own eyes. And often, this kind of wisdom can change depending on the society, culture and times.
I'm so thankful that I have a place to go to find ...wisdom that doesn't change.
I'm realistic to know that I need all the help I can get and I know where to go for that wisdom ...the true Word of God; the Bible.
On this Thankful Thursday, I want to share with you a place of wisdom that's been such a blessing to me. It's called Opening His Word Together.
Scott Samter teaches a Bible study in his home every Monday. His wife Jill downloads his teachings for all to listen. Many of you may follow Jill at Forever n Ever n Always where she shares her life of raising 8 children according to Biblical principles. I've learned so much reading her blog for the last year.
I often take the freedom I have for granted. I have many Bibles in different translations. I've attended many Bible studies. I attend church every Sunday. But there's nothing like reading God's Word and allowing it to penetrate my soul and spirit and then ...applying it to my life.
If you want to be challenged to live out what you believe, take some time this week to visit Scott's blog. Maybe you've never studied the Bible for yourself. You may have depended on your pastor or priest to teach you. But if you are a true believer, you have the Holy Spirit within you to help you understand.
You can study Hebrews or Romans verse by verse. Scott reads each verse and is well prepared with background information on the author, the times it was written, the culture at that time and so much more. You will be challenged to walk your talk before others. It takes a little bit of an investment of time since each chapter runs about 45 minutes. But it's well worth the time. My life has been impacted greatly by this free ministry.
That's why on this Thankful Thursday, I am so thankful for this ministry called Opening His Word Together. I pray that you will discover it for yourself and stop by and say hello to Jill or Scott. I can guarantee that ...you'll be greatly blessed.
And don't forget to visit other participating blogs by linking to Lynn on this Thankful Thursday.