Heart Choices: 2012-11-25 -->

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Remembering Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar was one of the people who has inspired me most in my life.  He died on Wednesday at the age of 86.  He was the best salesperson but more importantly he was a Christian who ...walked his talk.

Many years ago, I began reading his books and listening to his tapes. I had a thirty minute drive to work as a nurse.  It was the perfect amount of time to soak in some wisdom from Zig.  He helped me motivate many heart patients to make healthier lifestyle choices.  It got to the point where I could quote him word for word.

I can hear him even now in that southern husky familiar voice saying:

You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.

I purchased his performance planner and dutifully wrote out my goals for that year.  I had two pages for each goal, including what I needed to do and what obstacles I needed to overcome to accomplish each one.  As I look back at those goals, I see that I accomplished every single one of them.  There is something to be said for writing them out like this.

A goal properly set is halfway reached.

I've seen Zig Ziglar speak several times.  One year, my husband and I purchased tickets to attend a luncheon where Zig was speaking. We had a table right up front.  I didn't want to miss a thing!

Zig spoke about the importance of fathers.  He said that the majority of men who are in prison either had no father figure in their life or a troubled relationship with their father.  He encouraged all of the men in the audience to be an active part of their children's lives.

At the end of the talk Zig left the podium and I quickly got up so I could speak with him before he left the room.  He graciously signed one of his books for me and then he smiled at me and asked me if I knew what Ephesians 2:8-9 said.  Thankfully I did.  Those verses speak about the grace of God and how we cannot earn our salvation. Although this luncheon wasn't a Christian conference talk, Zig so kindly shared his faith in Jesus. What a beautiful example for me!

I was able to email his son Tom Ziglar in more recent years to share how much his dad influenced me.  He wrote back to me and told me he read my note to his father.  I was thrilled!

This morning I listened to his memorial service.  It was held in a Baptist church in Dallas, Texas but I heard it live on Zig Ziglar Radio. What a blessing!  Zig even planned his own funeral down to the message and songs.  The first song they sang was "Because He Lives" and of course, I began to tear up.

I believe Zig Ziglar is in heaven and he will be meeting up with his daughter.  But best of all, he will see Jesus.

I leave you with this video so you can hear Zig Ziglar for yourself.

Blessings and love,


Five Minute Friday ~ Wonder

It's Five Minute Friday when I link up with Lisa Jo of The Gypsy Mama.  She gives us a word each Friday and we get to write on it for five minutes flat.  Our word for today is WONDER.


Wonder can be defined as an emotion comparable to surprise that people feel when perceiving something rare or unexpected.  What do I think of when I hear the word WONDER?

I think of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Three in one.  Amazing, awesome, overwhelming at times but ...oh so wonderful.

My heart overflows with thankfulness as I consider the real meaning of Christmas.

To think that God loved me so much that He wanted to be in relationship with me.  But the only way I could know Him was to be without sin and that wasn't possible.  So He sent Jesus into this world, fully human and yet fully Divine.  He lived a sinless life and died on the cross for my sins and yours.

When I received this amazing gift personally, my name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  I was forgiven and free to be in relationship with God.

Does that fit the definition of wonder?  You bet it does.    

The wonder of the gift of Christmas.  It's a gift that's free to each one of us.  


Blessings and love,


You Matter

Do you believe that ...you matter?

It can be easy to think that who you are and what you do really doesn't matter.

We live in a time when people want to be known.  With social media, anyone can become famous even if it's for five minutes and maybe for the wrong thing.

I enjoy watching reality TV shows like The Voice and The X Factor. I'm amazed by the talent that may never have been discovered. These platforms provide an opportunity to be heard and seen by millions.

There are moments when I wish I could sing.  Unfortunately, I didn't inherit that gene from my parents.  I'm glad that our classroom of twenty 3 year old children don't seem to notice if I'm a little off key as we sing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands".  :)

It can be easy to begin to compare yourself to others and ...feel disappointed.

Remember this ...

God created each one of us with unique talents and abilities. Maybe you'll never be discovered for your singing ability.

What you do with what you've been given is key.  You matter.

  • Offer the gift of encouragement to someone in need.  
  • Take a break from texting and read a story to your child.  
  • Pray for those you promised to pray for.  
  • Listen patiently to that person who takes forever to express themselves.  
  • Call a friend who is going through a rough time.  
  • Write a blog post even if you get no comments.  (That post may be just the one that touches another person's heart and just what they needed to read.)

What you do matters.  This list is just a beginning.  I have the feeling you can add to my list.  

Blessings and love,


It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around my house.

I was sick for the past week.  So, our Thanksgiving was very quiet. I was supposed to make the stuffing for our family get together. Since we didn't get to attend, I decided to use all the ingredients I purchased for the stuffing. I made the stuffing on Saturday night.  So Greg and I have been having stuffing and gravy with Costco's rotisserie chicken and ...loving it.

Yesterday when I felt better, I rummaged through our boxes and found the Christmas tree and decorations.  I have a confession to make.  For the past two years, I didn't set up our tree.  We were in transition and living in a temporary place.  It had been very hard on me as I loved our previous home.  The photo above was taken there with the tree in front of the fireplace.

Well, I realized something.  This same Christmas tree looks very lovely in our small condo.  We may not have a fireplace and lots of room, but it's kind of cozy and warm.

I've been playing Christmas carols and getting into the spirit of the season.  And I'm feeling much better.

I had to include this photo of my niece Kristin with her hubby Kevin and baby Kenzie.  Aren't they the cutest?  I just wish I could be there in person to pinch those cheeks of little Kenzie!

I'm heading back to work tomorrow.  I've missed those kids but it's been good to have a little break.

Keep counting those every day blessings ...

#599 A quiet Thanksgiving
#600 Time with Greg
#601 Finally feeling better
#602 Phone conversations with family in Florida
#603 Time for rest and plenty of naps
#604 Watching movies in bed
#605 Seeing "The Magic of Belle Island" with Morgan Freeman (I enjoyed it)
#606 Unpacking my Christmas tree
#607 Listening to Christmas carols
#608 Unpacking my favorite Christmas books I love to reread this time of year
#609 Enjoying the beautiful Phoenix weather
#610 Hearing a great sermon by a missionary to Thailand
#611 Appreciating good health


Blessings and love,

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