Heart Choices: 2011-06-05 -->

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The Power of Your Name

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

This week the song that touched my heart the most is "The Power of Your Name" sung by Lincoln Brewster. The words to this song have such strong meaning for me.  I want to go beyond "religion" and to live out my life through the power of His Name.

Happy Saturday!

Blessings and love,


The Power of Encouragement

Encouragement can be very powerful.  Encouragement is something we all could use sometime.  Some people crave it.  Some people think they can easily do without it.

"We have different gifts according to the grace given us...if it is encouraging, let him encourage..."Romans 12:6-8 (NIV)

I think I have the gift of encouragement.  There have been times in the past when I wished I had a more visible gift.  I would see others who could sing solos and bring people to tears.  But the only people that don't seem to mind my off key singing are the preschoolers I work with. Singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" with hand motions doesn't qualify as an inspiring solo.  :)

I realize that we all need a little encouragement along the way.  I love to be able to give that encouragement.  But sometimes the encourager needs a little encouragement ...especially when life has been challenging.

An unexpected word of encouragement
Out of the blue, I received a beautiful photo card from blogger Cindy of Letters From Midlife.  Cindy has the gift of encouragement.  She quietly notices when someone needs encouragement and ...she follows through and does something to encourage.

Janette of Janette's Sage is an encourager.  While navigating a time of uncertainty in her family's life, she is always there to lend a word of encouragement to others.  She always tries to make lemonade out of lemons and she wrote about it here.  But Janette has reached out to me personally in so many ways this past year and encouraged me.

Felisol of On the Far Side of the Sea is an encourager.  She is my Norwegian 'sister'.  I love to keep up with my Norwegian heritage by reading many of her posts like this one.  She always seems to sense when I need an extra dose of encouragement and she does so ... through her comments on Heart Choices.

There are so many other bloggers who have been such an encouragement to me.  There are too many to name but here are just a few.  I hope you take the time to visit them.  Those who encourage also need encouragement.

  • Sonja of bits and pieces ....  I know that the Lord brought this godly woman into my life.  She is also of Norwegian descent and has become a true mentor and sister to me.
  • Kathleen of Sassy Granny ...I met her in person when she lived in Arizona.  She's since moved to the Seattle area but I was privileged to spend quality time with her several times.  What a joy and an encourager she is.
Sassy Granny AKA Kathleen
  • Bethany of Raindrops & Rainbows ...what an encourager!  She is such an example to me and yet she's probably half my age.  When my sister Christine was going through some challenges, she wrote and asked if she might send her a card of encouragement.  My sister received many cards from Bethany and it was just what Chris needed.  That warmed my heart and ...encouraged me too.
Bethany & her hubby on their 10th anniversary
I cannot forget to mention Lisa of Sharing Life with Lisa.  I was thrilled to meet her in person last year when I visited family in Florida.  Lisa drove hours just to sit and talk with me and ...encourage me.  Best of all, she is a prayer warrior and ...follows through on that.

There are so many friends who have encouraged me including Helen, Terri, Sue, Linda, Anna May, Jill, Tara, Heidi.  Each one of these women reach out a hand of love through a card, a hug or simply listening to me  And for that ...I thank you.

I'm linking up to Bonnie of The Faith Barista as she jams about the gift of encouragement.  Btw, she has also been an encouragement to me.


Blessings and love,
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