Heart Choices: 2010-08-01 -->

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TSMSS ~ Alone in His Presence

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday and I'm linking up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

I awakened this morning to the sound of rain and this song in my head.  So of course, I knew I needed to share it with you for TSMSS.  Right now this is where I am in my spiritual walk.  I long to be alone in His presence.  It's a great place to be.

I encourage you to take some time to be alone in His presence today.  You will be blessed.

Blessings and love,


Thankful For Prayer

I'm so thankful for prayer. 

This morning I was reading from the devotional "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presenceby Sarah Young.

When things seem to be going all wrong, stop and affirm your trust in Me. Calmly bring these matters to Me, and leave them in My capable hands.  Then, simply do the next thing.  Stay in touch with Me through thankful, trusting prayers, resting in My sovereign control.  Rejoice in Me -- exult in the God of your salvation!  As you trust in Me, I make your feet like the feet of a deer.  I enable you to walk and make progress upon your high places of trouble, suffering, or responsibility.

I let the words sink in.  Hmm ...there seems to be a repeating pattern in my life lately. I'm learning to trust God and to walk by faith. 

When I don't know what will happen next, I'm learning that I am in His capable hands.

How thankful I am to have friends and blogging sisters who join in and pray for me and with me.  We are a caring community.  I'm forever grateful for the friendships that have blossomed.

Amelia Grace taken by mom Christine Harmon
I'm beginning to feel better and to have hope. 

Recently I've noticed a recurring theme on several of your blogs.  It had to do with intimacy and drawing closer to the Lord.  I want to start splashin' glory as Sara writes.  

I believe the Lord is doing some mighty pruning in my life and it's kind of painful at times.  But it will be worth it.  I want to learn the lessons that are necessary for me to grow.

The Hip Hostess

Look at what I received in the mail yesterday.  I won a giveaway on Melissa's blog The Inspired Room.  You must stop by and visit her.  You will be inspired.  She has so many ideas for creating a warm and welcome home.

I love the apron and tea towel to match.  The pink color is so feminine.  Greg loved it on me.  :) 

Uh, oh maybe I'll have to go back to cooking again.  I really don't mind and we've been taking turns.  

Thank you Melissa!  And check out The Hip Hostess for the cutest aprons.  They make great gifts.

Blessings and love,


When Tragedy Strikes

Arizona Road from Away Network

There are days when I feel so overwhelmed.  I find it hard to focus when my thoughts are all over the place.  I want to get on the road and just go.

I begin to pray and my mind wanders.  Things happen and I don't understand ...why.
I received news earlier this week that a friend died.  Her husband was flying their plane and Lori and their three young children were on board.  The plane crashed due to a malfunctioning door.

Lori was a vibrant and beautiful woman.  She loved the Lord, her family and her children. We served as children's leaders in Bible Study Fellowship several years ago.  I remember her smiling face as she brought her children to class to learn about Jesus.

This morning we learned that her youngest child died in the hospital due to injuries from the crash.  Her husband and two daughters remain hospitalized. 

The tragedy of two lives gone so quickly. A family that will be impacted forever. 

Why Lord?  

I don't understand.

A prayer vigil is being held at their church for the remaining family members. 

We are comforted by the Scriptures:

"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." Psalm 116:15

Although I don't understand, I continue to trust God.

One day we will understand but for now ...I walk by faith.

Please remember the Crane family in your prayers.

In Christ,


Love is in the Air ~ Cooking with Love

What does LOVE look like in your home?

What does love look like in my home this week?

Greg has decided to take over some of the cooking in our home.  He's actually such a good cook, much more inventive than me.  He cooks by taste and never follows a recipe.  Here's what he created yesterday morning for breakfast.

It was a turkey omlette.  He used leftovers from the turkey he made over the weekend, including some gravy.  It was very tasty.  And notice the May/June issue of Victoria magazine.  I've not had the opportunity to read it so he included it on my tray.  Ahh ...he knows what I like.

If you wish to share what love looks like in your home this week, you can link up with Joanne at One So Blessed.

Blessings and love,


In Other Words Tuesday ~ His Perfect Love

For In Other Words Tuesday, I chose the quote above.  I hope you'll join in with your direct link.

I have to admit that I'm the queen of trying to fix myself.  I've spent countless hours and money on:

  • Self-help books

  • Therapy

  • Designer clothes

  • New hairstyle

  • Beauty makeover
You name it; I've probably tried it.  Although several of my 'fixes' may have temporarily helped, that's just what they were ...temporary.

The Only One who truly sees me and loves me as I am ...is Jesus.

I love the Scriptures from Psalm 139:13-14:

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
When I received Jesus as my personal Savior, I became a new person.  Even though I continue to struggle with my flesh, I am declared righteous before God.

So when God looks at Debbie, He sees ...Jesus' righteousness.

Since I did nothing to earn it, all I can do is to receive this gift of love.  And when I truly embrace this love, it begins to overflow to others. 

Have you ever seen someone who has a special radiance about them? They may not have the physical beauty that our world seems to admire.  But there's something so attractive about them.  The love of God within a person can be so beautiful, peaceful and able to draw people in. 

I'd like to have more of that!

So, instead of trying to fix myself, I make the choice to ...fix my gaze on Jesus. 

Instead of focusing on what's wrong with me, I make the choice ...to praise Him. 

And as I fall deeper and deeper in love with Him, I know that love ...will overflow to others.

Blessings and love,


Father's Love Letter

Do you ever have days when all you need to hear is that God loves you?

I had a very challenging weekend filled with much uncertainty.  I am learning to trust God.  But I have to admit that there are moments when I tend to waver a bit, especially when the situation remains the same. 

My husband has been doing his best to comfort me and help me during this season. 

I listened to this beautiful music and read the Scriptures this morning and found it so comforting.  I hope you enjoy it and remember how much God loves you and cares for you.

Blessings and love,

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