Heart Choices: 2010-06-13 -->

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Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ Butterfly Kisses

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.

Since tomorrow is Father's Day, I wanted to find a song to dedicate to my dad. 

My dad walked me down the aisle twice. He has always been one of my biggest supporters. I love that I always know I am loved by my father.

The older I get, the more stories I hear from other women. Many did not experience the love of their father so I realize how rare that is.

Happy Father's Day!

Blessings and love,


This Song Makes Me Smile

I'm such a romantic at heart.  Every time I listen to this song ...I smile!

I think that's a good thing. 
I read somewhere that the girl in this video is Michael Buble's fiance.  I really don't know if that's true or not. 
But I have to say ...this song is awesome!

I really hope you're smiling by now!

Blessings and love,


Friday Photo Flashback ~ 1953

Friday Photo Flashback
It's time for another Friday Photo Flashback when I link up with Alicia of More Than Words.

Dig out those pre-digital camera photos and start your engines ...scanning!

You're going to get two pictures for the price of one.  This photo was taken during my first year which would have been 1953.  Yes, you read that correctly! 

I was born February 1, 1953.  I cannot lie fib since I have way too many high school friends on Facebook.

I think my parents liked to take many photos.  Here I am laughing at another photo of ...ME!

I was definitely a daddy's girl.  I opened the month of February with my birthday and my dad ended the month; February 28th.  I guess I'm not counting Leap Year.

Here's my dad barbecuing in the backyard.  Somehow my mom always claimed she didn't have the barbecue gene so my dad gladly took over. 

Dad also had a ritual of making the family Sunday morning breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, toast and OJ.  And we used to always sit down at the table together saying grace in Norwegian.

My mom created this needlepoint for me to always remember our prayer.

I'll be unpacking boxes tomorrow to locate more photos to share on Sunday for Father's Day.

Blessings and love,


Thankful Thursday ~ Scripture

It's Thankful Thursday and I'm linking up with Iris of Grace Alone.

I'm so thankful that I have free access to a variety of Bibles on my shelf.  I can study using the New International Version, the King James, or The Message.  I can also access many free online Christian websites where I can read the Bible and commentaries.

I never want to take this freedom for granted.  There may be days in the future when I may not have that luxury.

The Bible is a treasure.

I believe with all my heart that it is the inspired Word of God. And I also believe He speaks to me through His Word. It's not a bunch of stories from long ago. I can apply the lessons of Moses and David and Esther to my life today.

Lately, the Lord has been calling me more and more to simply sit and spend time with Him. I have my Bible, my journal and of course, my morning cup of coffee. I look forward to this time more and more. I am beginning to pray the Scriptures. And more recently ...to plead God's promises. (Thank you Sonja)

I am so grateful that I can freely pray directly to God. I don't need a middle man. Because of Jesus, I am righteous before God. When He looks at me, He sees Jesus.

How can I not be thankful for that privilege, especially when I did nothing to deserve it?

Blessings and love,

Fear vs Faith

What is currently fueling your life? Is it faith or fear?

Even if you’re not a believer, I can say with assurance that you live by faith to some degree:
  • You probably  have faith that on a two way street the car driving on the opposite side will not veer into your lane.
  • You have faith that when you sit down the chair will hold up underneath you.
But what is faith on a spiritual level?  

To continue reading, hop over to ...Laced with Grace.
Laced With Grace


The Lord is my Shepherd

I continue to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.

This week our focus is on the Lord is my Shepherd.

(Photobucket image)

The job of a shepherd is to protect his sheep.  Sheep tend to stray.  They need to find pastures so they can eat.  They need protection from wild animals and theives who may try to steal them.

No wonder we humans are described as sheep!

Left to my own devices  ...I stray.
Left to my own devices ...I eat whatever I like.
Left to my own devices ...I am vulnerable.

How thankful I am that ...The Lord is my Shepherd.

Because I have a tendency towards fear, believing and trusting that He is my Shepherd provides me with such comfort.

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
(Psalm 23: 1-3)

As I go through this very difficult season in my life, how thankful I am that He is my Shepherd.  He has His eye on me.  He knows all of the details of my struggles.  He knows my heart and my desire to abide in Him.  My flesh tries to gain control and at times I give in.  But my Shepherd gently guides me back.

As I read my Bible in the early morning, He restores my soul.  He quiets me with His love.  He rejoices over me with singing.

This morning I had the pleasure of listening to the birds sing and to see the quail and bunnies run.  I sat quietly  with my cup of coffee on the back patio ...meeting with the Lord.

What a joy!

My Shepherd knows just what I  need.  My part is to surrender and allow Him to work in me and through me.

How about you?  Are you learning to trust that the Lord is your Shepherd?

Blessings and love,

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