Heart Choices: Fear vs Faith -->

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Fear vs Faith

What is currently fueling your life? Is it faith or fear?

Even if you’re not a believer, I can say with assurance that you live by faith to some degree:
  • You probably  have faith that on a two way street the car driving on the opposite side will not veer into your lane.
  • You have faith that when you sit down the chair will hold up underneath you.
But what is faith on a spiritual level?  

To continue reading, hop over to ...Laced with Grace.
Laced With Grace

Debbie Petras
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  1. I often ask myself, "Am I experiencing doubt/fear in the midst of my faith or faith in the midst of my doubt and fear. There's a BIG difference. I've heard it said that "Faith doesn't make things easy, but it makes ALL things possible." If all we needed to do was judge our lives and make decisions by what we saw in our circumstances...we wouldn't need faith...we wouldn't need God. AND I've learned that my faith is only relevant if I'm living my life with a confident hope and faith in God for simply WHO HE IS...not only what He gives. Thank you for this awesome post sister!
    With joy,

  2. Hey, Debbie! i will hop on over to finish reading. This is a powerful topic, my friend. I read "Hidden Joy" last summer by Wendy Blight on this topic. Loved this book.


  3. That same haystack layman "Uncle Am" who taught my father to pray the promises...I'm reading one of the heavily underlined bookshe gave my father...this a.m....when Elijah prayed for rain "I knew the cloud was comingk, I was looking not at the dust, burnt vegetation, parched surroundings...but to GOD".
    One of MY most used promises..."FEAR NOT"...I need it every single day. You really are such a heart sister.

    Carol Joy

  4. I'm heading over to LWG now...By the way, I loved your segue to get me there!

    Trusting Him, Joan

  5. Dear Debbie,
    I tried to comment on your Lace for Grace, but got in trouble with the audio file, and my comment vanished.

    I am often both worried and afraid.
    The more I worry, the more I pray.
    Maybe it's God's way of keeping me close to him. I think so, but I can't say I like it.

    A word of his wonderful promises is this from Philippians" 4:
    6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

    7And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

    Aren't those the best promises one can expect to get; "the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension".
    Peace be with you, now and always.
    From Felisol


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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