Heart Choices: 2010-05-30 -->

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TSMSS ~ All Hail King Jesus

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders.
This week I chose a song that I used to sing but haven't heard for some time now.  It may be new to some of you.  It's called "All Hail King Jesus". 
Since I've been studying "Praying the Names Of God" by Ann Spangler, I'm more aware of how big our God really is.  One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord of All. 

Happy Saturday!

Blessings and love,

Friday Funnies ~ Aging Ladies

When I need a laugh, I know exactly where to go ...to Kim of Homesteader's Heart.  I'm linking up today for Friday Funnies for a much needed change of pace.

As a woman of maturity (yeah right), there are many outward signs that I'm no longer that 30 something girl I somehow think I still am.  But in my heart I'll have you know that I'm very young.  :)

However, when I look in the mirror the evidence is unmistakable.  

I first viewed Anita Renfroe's video called Wrinkled Ladies on Tammy's blog at Not Mine but God's Story.  I have to tell you I couldn't stop laughing!

Happy Friday and don't forget to laugh.  After all, it's good for the heart and soul.

Blessings and love,


Thankful Thursday ~ Everlasting Love

Extravagant Grace

Everlasting love; how sweet and reassuring those words sound to my ears.  Did you know that is how God feels about you? 

I am so thankful for His love that knows no bounds. 

Isn't this a beautiful Scripture graphic created by eLisa of Extravagant Grace?
As this is Thankful Thursday, I wanted to share how thankful I am for ...God's everlasting love.

Have you really considered that the Almighty God who created the Universe and set the stars in place cares about you and loves you? 

That is overwhelming for me to grasp and yet I know it's true.  I receive that by faith.  He has proven Himself trustworthy to me over and over again throughout the years. 

Sometimes I meet with Him early in the morning in my office.  I have my Bible and journal open to write down what the Lord reveals to me through my reading and prayer time.  I try to spend some time in silence to meditate on the Scriptures and ...to be still.

Some mornings I listen to Scott Samter teach directly from the Scriptures on Opening His Word Together. What a blessing it's been to learn and grow.  Scott always includes the context and background of the times in which the chapters were written.

Some mornings I enjoy the solitude of sitting on the patio with my Bible and journal.  I never know who will surprise me, like this cute little bunny.  When I remain still the wildlife seem to come closer to me. 

This morning I was so thankful as the Lord was teaching me a lesson.  I had a personal symphony  playing in the backyard. 
  • The birds were chirping
  • A hummingbird was fluttering his wings directly in front of me 
  • Quail were exploring as they were looking for breakfast
  • Jack rabbits were hopping around trying to reach the fruit hanging on the trees 
I had to smile as I realized that God knew each one of His creatures and they weren't worrying about where tomorrow's food was coming from.  They were looking for food for today.  An  important lesson to jot down in my journal.

No matter where I live, I've determined in my heart that this time is a necessity for me.  My husband notices the difference spending time with the Lord makes in my life.  We work together 24/7 so he is the one who sees me in my good times and my bad.  And Greg encourages me to have this daily quiet time.

Do you long for intimacy with the Lord? 

He longs to speak to your heart today. 

But are you choosing to spend time alone with Him?  Or are your day to day activities taking precedence over this time? 

I remember reading that Susanna Wesley had many children and sometimes she would stop in the middle of her day, put her apron over her head and pray.  I'm sure those of you with small children can identify.


How thankful are you for the love of God?  His love is everlasting and unfailing.  May you experience that love in your life today.

Iris of Grace Alone is our host for this month.  You can join in and link there or simply visit other thankful Thursday posts.

Blessings and love,


Guest Post by Sassy Granny ~ Spending Time Alone with God

I'm so excited to have my friend Kathleen of Sassy Granny write a guest post for me.

If you've not had the pleasure of reading her pearls of wisdom, I can guarantee that you will love her.  I can't help but return to her blog to read her posts.

I've also had the distinct pleasure of getting to know her in real life.  What a blessing that has been for me. I've gone to church several times with Kathleen, we've done lunches, day trips to Prescott, Arizona and hopefully much more before she's moves off to the state of Washington in July.  Boo hoo; just when I was getting to know her.  But that's what's so great about blogging friends.  No matter where we live, we get to share our hearts with each other.  So without further ado, here's Kathleen or Sassy Granny's guest post ...

This is what the LORD says:

"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom

or the strong man boast of his strength

or the rich man boast of his riches,

but let him who boasts boast about this:

that he understands and knows me,

that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,

justice and righteousness on earth,

for in these I delight,"

declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 9:23-24

It’s been my privilege and pleasure to get to know Debbie over the course of some months – both virtually and in reality. Thus I am deeply honored that she’d invite me to put in a guest appearance on her blog.

Since Debbie’s request was specific, I’ll begin there:

Spending time alone with God.

First a confession or two:

I have absolutely no credentials apart from Christ. I’m not a Theologian. I’m not even an expert on any one subject unless, of course, it would be about ice cream. Oh, I could provide a litany of things I’ve done, or books I’ve read, or people that have taught me, or me them. But altogether, and in sum, they’d not equal or compare to the enabling grace found uniquely in Christ, and in Christ alone.

Years ago, one of my sisters said to me: “Don’t worry too much about books or conferences; this teaching or that. You get grounded in God’s word and maybe then those other things will have value. Apart from His word, they could be a sad substitute at best, a crafty counterfeit at worst.”

I’ve never forgotten it.

Much is said and touted about “quiet time”, or “doing devotionals”, but I often wonder to what degree those good things are fully embraced. It concerns me that so many of us run to-and-fro to hear this one speak, that one lecture, or another perform. We can always quote our favorites, and sometimes the scriptures. Our nightstands are filled to the lampshade with umpty-umpty books on various – and worthy – subjects. Our experience and knowledge stores are filled to capacity, yet our itch is often not scratched.

I wondered why that is myself some years ago; my own itches somewhat plaguing. It then occurred to me that my priorities were out-of-order - both in sequencing and in function, like the “out of order” soda machine that refuses to give up my beverage, or my change.

That’s when I thought of something truly novel:

Why not spend time alone with God?

No books, no agenda, no list of wants or needs - just He and me. At first I thought it may be a wee bit boring, but nothing could have been further from the truth.

Furthermore, another light-bulb flashed when I finally (I’m often a slow learner) figured out I might live a better horizontal existence if I could get the vertical one to work first. As if a liberal application of Calamine Lotion had been applied, the itch subsided. It continues to subside in direct proportion to my time alone with God.

Neither concept is new. They’re as old as creation itself, and fully embedded in the New Covenant. Love the Lord … Love yourself … Love your neighbor …

My thoughts now shift to: What do I leave you with? “Ten Easy Steps to Spending Time Alone With God” won’t do. It’s exactly what I’m attempting to avoid. After-all, it’s our prescriptions that often jam up the flow of His lavish love, or the enabling word He wants to speak into our lives. We can rest assured that we sheep know, or will know, His voice! Quiet listening sure helps.

Besides, you know yourself what works best for you. If you don’t, then what a great adventure you’ve got ahead in discovering what that is. The only thing I might suggest is that you free yourself of expectations, be consistent, and have a Bible and journal at the ready.

Then I hope you’ll settle in for the adventure of a lifetime. For truly …

Blessed is the man who does not

walk in the counsel of the wicked

or stand in the way of sinners

or sit in the seat of mockers.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD,

and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3

Sassy Granny


Ordinary Christians ~ Extraordinary God

It's In Other Words Tuesday and our host is Jennifer of Scraps and Snippets.

Jennifer chose the following quote for us to write about today:

Have you ever seen a very smart or dynamic person and thought if only they became a Christian God could use them in such a mighty way?

I know I've thought that before. 

But the spiritual viewpoint is usually upside down from what seems to make human sense to me. 

(Photo Credit: Tina Kerski)

It's when I finally come to the end of myself that I can be be used by God for His purposes. 

You see, my flesh gets in the way.  I think of all the wonderful things I could do for God.  But what He asks me to do is to crucify my flesh.  On this side of eternity, I will continue to struggle to some degree.  But my desire is to come to the end of Debbie and allow God to do His work in me and through me.

God can do extraordinary things through ordinary Christians.

  • God chose to use David, a lowly shepherd over Saul as King of Israel.

  • God chose to use an ordinary girl named Mary to be the mother of Jesus.

  • God chose to use Peter, an uneducated fisherman to preach a mighty sermon on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them.
God delights in using the humble, lowly, ordinary people who recognize that they have nothing to offer in themselves. 

I've not read the book "Radical" by David Platt from which this quote was taken.

However, I've read a few reviews that were very positive.  From what I understand, David Platt has written about how the modern day church has surrendered to the American dream instead of living a life of surrender to the Lord.

Are you willing to leave behind luxuries to live out the Great Commission?

I'll have to read the book before sharing any more but it sounds intriguing to me.

I pray that I will see more ordinary Christians making the heart choice to trust our extraordinary God. 

And I pray that it will begin with me.

Blessings and love,


I Need a Vacation

Do you ever feel like you need to get away?  I'm in great need of a vacation but since that's not going to happen for a while, I decided to do something different. 

Have you ever heard of a virtual vacation?  After all, I love to daydream. 

So, do you want to come along with me?  Let's 'hit the road' and find some fun places to visit on vacation.

(Photo Credit: Victoria)

Before we get started we have to eat right?  I'm always hungry.  When my niece Kristin and I travel together it's great because she's the same way.

(Victoria Magazine)

I love flowers.  Check out this scene in Nantucket.

(Away Network)

How about driving along the Coastal Highway?

(Coastal Living)

I think I'd like to stay here.  There's nothing like the sound of the ocean and the smell of the salt air.

(Coastal Living)

Oh my, what about this view?

(Coastal Living)

I could get into this!

(Coastal Living)

A relaxing bubble bath is definitely on the agenda for a virtual vacation.

(Coastal Living)

I think I'd like to sleep this close to the ocean front.

(Coastal Living)
Of course, this virtual vacation would include lots of sitting and talking and probably blogging.  I'd have plenty of fresh coffee, lemonade and sunblock as I burn easily.

You'd think I live on the ocean but no ...I live in the desert.

Maybe that's why I want my virtual vacation to be on the beach.

I hope you enjoyed our vacation.  I guess I better get back to reality now.


The Lord My Rock

I'm continuing to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always

This week our focus is on the LORD my Rock or Yahweh Tsuri.

Ann writes:

"Rocks provided shade, shelter, and safety in the wilderness and were used to construct altars, temples, houses, and city walls.  Heaps of stones were also used to commemorate important events in Israel's history.  God's commandments, given to Moses, were etched on stone so that all generations would learn his law.  The word "rock" epitomizes his enduring faithfulness."

No matter what appears to be happening in this world today, God's plans and purposes stand firm. 

I know I can depend on Him for ...He is faithful.

There is no Rock like our God.  1 Samuel 2:2

My husband's family name is Petras.  When we got married more than 25 years ago, I took his last name as mine.  I was thankful that it was a name that meant something. 

Petra is the Greek word for rock!

What a great word for God's protection, permanence and faithfulness!

Right now, I'm not sure what's going to happen in my life. 

Those of you who have read Heart Choices for some time know that I like to have my plan and to work my plan.  But how will I ever truly learn to depend on God as my Rock when I'm always trying to maintain control?

Do I really believe and pray to the Lord my Rock? 

It takes faith to believe.  When I am scared, I feel like Indiana Jones when he takes his leap of faith.  Do you remember this scene?

I'm not a fan of heights.  I like to have my feet planted firmly on the ground.

In the midst of uncertainty and fear, I make the heart choice to trust God as my Rock.

The Lord knows what's best for me.  He is reliable and faithful.  He holds me in the palm of His hand.

Are you willing to step out in faith and trust Him?

Blessings and love,

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