Heart Choices: The Lord My Rock -->

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The Lord My Rock

I'm continuing to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always

This week our focus is on the LORD my Rock or Yahweh Tsuri.

Ann writes:

"Rocks provided shade, shelter, and safety in the wilderness and were used to construct altars, temples, houses, and city walls.  Heaps of stones were also used to commemorate important events in Israel's history.  God's commandments, given to Moses, were etched on stone so that all generations would learn his law.  The word "rock" epitomizes his enduring faithfulness."

No matter what appears to be happening in this world today, God's plans and purposes stand firm. 

I know I can depend on Him for ...He is faithful.

There is no Rock like our God.  1 Samuel 2:2

My husband's family name is Petras.  When we got married more than 25 years ago, I took his last name as mine.  I was thankful that it was a name that meant something. 

Petra is the Greek word for rock!

What a great word for God's protection, permanence and faithfulness!

Right now, I'm not sure what's going to happen in my life. 

Those of you who have read Heart Choices for some time know that I like to have my plan and to work my plan.  But how will I ever truly learn to depend on God as my Rock when I'm always trying to maintain control?

Do I really believe and pray to the Lord my Rock? 

It takes faith to believe.  When I am scared, I feel like Indiana Jones when he takes his leap of faith.  Do you remember this scene?

I'm not a fan of heights.  I like to have my feet planted firmly on the ground.

In the midst of uncertainty and fear, I make the heart choice to trust God as my Rock.

The Lord knows what's best for me.  He is reliable and faithful.  He holds me in the palm of His hand.

Are you willing to step out in faith and trust Him?

Blessings and love,

Debbie Petras
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  1. We have the strongest strength from our Father!

  2. Beautiful post Debbie - learning to keep my feet firmly planted on the ROCK!

    Love you,

  3. Great post...I remember that movie scene...don't know if I would have been that brave...

    How neat about your name meaning!

    Clinging to my Rock....

  4. Love this "Step of Faith" Video. My husband has referred to this scene in a sermon before, so I sent him a link to your site to see it here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Hi Debbie,
    I love your post today-beautiful and so encouraging!
    I am thankful we have our Heavenly Father to lean on ! I am learning more and more to keep my feet firmly planted on the Rock!!
    Have a great day!

  6. Hi Friend. When I think of God as my Rock, I think of Him as a shelter that can't be shaken. I run to Him as my Strong Tower.

    Thank you for sharing with us.

    Love & hugs!

  7. Hi Debbie,
    Thank you for this post - so full of insights in just a few lines, yet the thoughts you shared were deep, and even your personal testimony about you always wanting to work your plan... everything fit in so beautifully.

    You have a gift for saying what you need to say directly to the point.

    I always get a lot out of your posts each time I visit.

    Oh, and I did scroll down this morning, I love that picture of you on the slide!

    And, I will always treasure the days I spent in Carmel LA. Mayor was Clint Eastwood in 2003 when I last visited the US. Lovely lovely place... too good to be real, but it is!

    Blessings on your new week...


  8. Debbie, I, too, am learning to trust in our Rock! If I keep my eyes off circumstances and stay focused on Jesus, my faith is strong. However, the challenge for me is keeping the focus.

    Thank you for these motivating and powerful words!



I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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