I have the pleasure of hosting "In Other Words Tuesday" this week. Since I get to choose the quote, I decided to use one from a book I've been reading. It's called
Life is Hard by James MacDonald and it's been such a timely read for me.
So, here's our quote for this week:
I've been going through a tough season of trials. It seems to be lasting much longer than I'd prefer. My question to the Lord is often:
'How much longer Lord?'. But the season still has not ended.
I am an intelligent and often practical woman. I look at problems and try to solve them. I pray and ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance, of course.
Due to a changing business, my husband and I have found ourselves in the position of moving out of our dream home into a temporary house owned by a dear friend. We are down to one car. I'm clipping coupons and I stay out of the malls. It's been a bit discouraging and depressing. I returned to full time work but the job entails almost two hours of commuting each day. When I get home, I'm so tired and haven't been exercising regularly.
So, where do I look in these trials?
I look to the Lord.
It would be easy to complain to friends or even become bitter. I could fight with my husband and constantly question
why. But I've found that there are important lessons to be learned in the midst of trials. And only this morning, Greg and I sat and talked about all that we've learned through this difficult time.
God is sovereign. He knows all that I'm going through. And He knows exactly when it will end. In the meantime, I can tell you that I feel His presence even more so during this challenging time. When I pray and read His Word, He speaks to my heart. I have no doubt that He will not allow this time to go on any longer than He deems necessary.
God changes my perspective. I may see the long commute to work each day. But He gently reminds me that He has provided me with a job involving little children. For years, I longed to have children of my own but was unable. I get to go to work and feel the love of 18 three year olds. How good is that?
- When I step onto the playground, I'm greeted with "Oh there's Miss Debbie" and lots of hugs around my legs. I can't help but smile!
- I work with a wonderful teacher who is so easy to get along with. Heidi and I work hard. But we get to dance and sing and have fun with the children.
- I get lots of exercise between knee bends and running after the children. I've already lost some weight.
- Little Evan looked up at me as I was helping him form his letters and said "You're my best friend". It doesn't get much better than that.
- Three year old Rachel told me "I love you Miss Debbie".
I don't know where this trial will end up. But I do know this:
God loves me.
I am learning to look to Him and trust Him every step of the way.
If I hadn't gone through this time of trials, I might be inclined to depend on myself, others or things. But I know where to look now. How about you?
I invite you to join in and write a blog post on this quote. You can link up below. If you prefer, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments.
Blessings and love,