Heart Choices: 2010-06-27 -->

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TSMSS ~ America the Beautiful

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders

In honor of Independence Day, I thought I'd post this video of the Gaither Vocal Band singing "America the Beautiful".

I'm so thankful to God for this beautiful land in which we live and for the freedoms we all too often take for granted. 

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend! 

Blessings and love,

Fitness Friday ~ Dance

I love to dance!  I'm not that good at it but that doesn't stop me from trying.  As a child, my mom enrolled me in dance classes because I was such a klutz.  I tripped going up and ...down the stairs. 

I found this photo from a dance recital.  I know ...don't laugh.

I was the Captain of my high school twirling team and choreographed our routines. 

Several years ago I took an adult dance class from Sheryl Cooper (Alice Cooper's wife).

However, I've never danced like the young people I see on the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance".  I'm amazed at their talent and some of them haven't even had much training.  Greg and I enjoy watching this show together.

So, this brings me to the point of this Fitness Friday post.  I told you last week that I've not been consistent in my exercise for the past six months.  And that resulted in my gaining some weight.  If you missed it, you can read all about it here

I know there's no excuse but stress, lack of exercise equipment and triple digit weather have caused some challenges for me.  This week I've done my walk/jog three times.  If I don't get out early enough, it's just too hot. 

So I had to think of alternatives. 

What about dance?  After all, National Dance Day is coming up.

(Photo Credit: Dizzy Feet Foundation)

Dizzy Feet Foundation is an organization founded in 2009 to help underprivileged young people realize their dreams of becoming professional dancers.  You can find out all about it on their website.  

In honor of National Dance Day, two fabulous Hip Hop choreograhers Tabitha & Napoleon D'umo have put together a fun dance routine and posted it online.  So you can learn it at your own pace and best of all ...in the privacy of your own home.  

Believe me, I've never danced a hip hop routine in my life.  But there's plenty of time to learn it by July 31st.  Are you game?  Think of all the calories you'll be burning.

Check out the video and see what you think, OK?  

If you take one segment a day and then practice, we might be ready for National Dance Day.  I would love to hear what you think about this.  So add your comments below, OK?

And don't forget to hop over to Sandy's blog God Speaks Today to hear what she's sharing on this Fitness Friday.  We also have a new contributor to Fitness Friday this week.  Barbie of My Freshly Brewed Life has a great post today.  Check it out  and be blessed and encouraged.

Blessings, love and ...healthy living!


Word Filled Wednesday ~ Hope

It's Word Filled Wednesday and I'm linking up with Internet Cafe Devotions.

My Bible is worn, written on, and highlighted.

My hope is in His Word.


In Other Words Tuesday ~ Suffering

It's In Other Words Tuesday.  This week our quote was chosen by Kathryn of Expectant Hearts.

I enjoy participating in this meme.  My mind is stimulated as I attempt to concisely share my opinion and thoughts on the chosen weekly quote.  I love how each participating blogger often has a unique take.  It may be from personal experience or just a different viewpoint.   

Here's Kathryn's chosen quote:

Suffering; what a timely quote for me in this season of my life.  From personal experience, I have to say a resounding YES in agreement with the author of this quote.

I cringe when I hear some well known preachers teach a health, wealth and prosperity message.  From my Bible reading, I read something quite different. 

As a Christian, there are many blessings I wouldn't trade for anything.  I know I am never alone.  I know I am loved.  I have joy as I abide in Christ.  He promises to provide for my needs (not all my wants).  I know the end of the story and ...I'm on the winning side.

But in the meantime, the Christian life may include ...suffering.   

1 Peter 4:12-13 says:
"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you.  But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed."

As I'm currently in the midst of a trial, I can tell you that I listen to and seek out wisdom from people who have been there too.  Although I don't broadcast personal details of my life to all, there've been a few close relationships I've formed with bloggers who have reached out to me.  How thankful I am that they are willing to share similiar trials.  Yes, we each have different particulars but they understand as they too have suffered.

Some examples that come to my mind are:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Death of a child
  • Miscarriage
  • Infertility
  • Financial problems
  • Abortion
  • Divorce
  • Unsaved loved ones
If you've ever experienced trials, the people who have also experienced that trial or a similar one will be the best people to minister to you. 

I'm not saying that being there, listening, sending a card or helping in some way isn't a good and comforting thing to do, even if you've never experienced that particular trial.

But I've found that people who seem to have an easy life without many trials, can sometimes be quicker to judge.  Think of Job's friends.  Yes, we should consider whether there's sin in our lives causing the trial.  Yes, we should know that choices have consequences.  Sometimes we may suffer for something someone esle did.  And sometimes suffering comes simply from living in a sin soaked world. 

But I also want to say that I don't want to waste my suffering and trials. 
  • There are important lessons to be learned. 
  • My character is being built during trials and suffering.
  • I learn to draw closer to the Lord as my ultimate source of comfort.
  • I want to be open and sensitive to others who are going through suffering.
  • I want to learn to focus on who God is; His attributes.
  • I want to learn to ...trust and obey even when I don't understand.
  • I want to keep my eyes on Jesus and not focused always on the problems themselves.
What about you?
What have you learned from suffering?
How do you minister to others who are suffering?

Blessings and love,


Praying the Names of God ~ King


I continue to study Ann Spangler's "Praying the Names of God" and linking up with Jill of Forever N Ever N Always.
This week our focus is on God as King or Melek. 
For the Israelites, the temple in Jerusalem was an earthly symbol of God's heavenly throne.  They looked forward to the day when their Messiah would come, save them from their enemies and establish His Kingdom over all the earth. 
Jesus is presented as the King of kings in the New Testament.  His perfect obedience would bring forth the Kingdom of heaven. 
Ann wrote about how the Israelites thought of Yahweh as their King.  But as you may recall, the Israelites eventually wanted to be like the other nations and have an earthly monarch or king. 
In 1 Samuel 8:19,20:
" ...We want a king over us.  Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles."
As I've read through the Old Testament, these earthly kings were far from perfect.  Some followed God.  Others depended on themselves making alliances and turning to other gods, leading the people away from the true God of Israel. 
How am I like the Israelites?

  • Do I look to our government leaders to solve the problems in our country and world?

  • Am I enthralled with the romance of monarchies?
Lest you laugh at that last point, think of how many of us are fascinated with kings, queens, and princesses today. 

I remember being glued to the TV that day when a girl named Diana married Prince Charles to become Princess Diana.  It looked so romantic and perfect on the outside.  But we know how that tragic story ended.

I also remember the day when an American woman named Lisa Halaby married King Hussein Abdullah of Jordan to become Queen Noor.  To me that was so very exciting!
Then there was the story of a movie star named Grace Kelly.  She gave up her career to marry Prince Ranier of Monaco. Although I was just a baby when they married, I loved to see pictures and stories of their lives. 
Think of Jackie Kennedy.  President Kennedy was as close to royalty in the mind of many Americans.  However, we now know that fairy tale life was far from perfect.
I'm not suggesting that it's wrong to enjoy stories of kings and queens and princesses.  But earthly kings, princes and princesses are human and imperfect.
The only One who will not disappoint is Jesus!  Even today while in this present world of imperfection, He can rule in my heart. 
As I pray to Yahweh Melek, I am praying to the God who "...watches over the whole earth and who will one day come in glory to usher in an eternal kingdom of peace and righteousness". (Ann Spangler)

  • Are you living under His rule in your heart and life?

  • Do you believe that one day He will set up His perfect Kingdom?

  • Are you living like you really believe that?
I've much to learn about God as King or Melek.  How about you?
Blessings and love,

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