Heart Choices: Fitness Friday ~ Dance -->

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Fitness Friday ~ Dance

I love to dance!  I'm not that good at it but that doesn't stop me from trying.  As a child, my mom enrolled me in dance classes because I was such a klutz.  I tripped going up and ...down the stairs. 

I found this photo from a dance recital.  I know ...don't laugh.

I was the Captain of my high school twirling team and choreographed our routines. 

Several years ago I took an adult dance class from Sheryl Cooper (Alice Cooper's wife).

However, I've never danced like the young people I see on the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance".  I'm amazed at their talent and some of them haven't even had much training.  Greg and I enjoy watching this show together.

So, this brings me to the point of this Fitness Friday post.  I told you last week that I've not been consistent in my exercise for the past six months.  And that resulted in my gaining some weight.  If you missed it, you can read all about it here

I know there's no excuse but stress, lack of exercise equipment and triple digit weather have caused some challenges for me.  This week I've done my walk/jog three times.  If I don't get out early enough, it's just too hot. 

So I had to think of alternatives. 

What about dance?  After all, National Dance Day is coming up.

(Photo Credit: Dizzy Feet Foundation)

Dizzy Feet Foundation is an organization founded in 2009 to help underprivileged young people realize their dreams of becoming professional dancers.  You can find out all about it on their website.  

In honor of National Dance Day, two fabulous Hip Hop choreograhers Tabitha & Napoleon D'umo have put together a fun dance routine and posted it online.  So you can learn it at your own pace and best of all ...in the privacy of your own home.  

Believe me, I've never danced a hip hop routine in my life.  But there's plenty of time to learn it by July 31st.  Are you game?  Think of all the calories you'll be burning.

Check out the video and see what you think, OK?  

If you take one segment a day and then practice, we might be ready for National Dance Day.  I would love to hear what you think about this.  So add your comments below, OK?

And don't forget to hop over to Sandy's blog God Speaks Today to hear what she's sharing on this Fitness Friday.  We also have a new contributor to Fitness Friday this week.  Barbie of My Freshly Brewed Life has a great post today.  Check it out  and be blessed and encouraged.

Blessings, love and ...healthy living!

Debbie Petras
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  1. Great post! I haven't told many people this, but I used to belly dance. It was the whole thing about being married to an Arab. LOL!! Before that I really loved to dance to rock n' roll. LOL!! I think I was pretty good at both, but it has been a long time now! If I try to dance now, it is so hard to get going.

  2. Oh, maybe I should add, I could actually belly dance with a sword balanced on my head!!! Never knew I was so talented, did you!!!! LOL!!!

  3. Can't quite picture myself doing this one, but I do love to dance around the house! Ryan and I have taken a few dance lessons (his present to me for Christmas) and we love it.

    You brought a smile to my face friend, as I too am realizing that I need to get out and exercise. Phew, this weather gets me sleepy just thinking about it.

    happy day,

  4. I love to dance even though I have 4 left feet.

  5. Hi my friend,

    Thanks for this message. You know I was so encouraged in the one you did last Friday. Since then I've worked out every day EXCEPT today. Treadmill 25 minutes, Leslie Sansone 4 mile/Boost 45 min and DANCING two days. I took a break today for my knee. I'm pressing in through the "change" (BLOATING and weight gain, mood swings and all of that) and the heat...OH MY GOODNESS it's HOT!!!

    You hang in there and know that I'm praying with and for you. I so appreciated your Email of support the other day that I just read today as I was off line. I am grateful for your love and support. You know you have mine.

    At times I feel like I'm two steps forward, eight steps back in this area of my life whereas ALL OTHER AREAS --thriving. I know the enemy tries to discourage us doesn't he?!! In everything BUT I'm reminded that it's all about JESUS only!!! We are not defined by our weight, or anything else other than by CHRIST!!!

    I love you very much Debbie and I'm praying for you darlin!

  6. You know I LOVE TO DANCE! Never heard of national dance day before! Guess there is a holiday for everything!

    Hugs and love - have fun learning this routine - maybe you will show us what you learned! :-)


  7. I love dancing but not sure if I could master all those steps. It will be fun to try. I'll let you know how it goes. Blessings, SusanD

  8. Oh, dear...I have NEVER been able to dance. NEVER! I truly have no rhythm at all. Both of my siblings were blessed with the gift of dance, but I got skipped right over! lol

    This looks wayyy over my head. I love the idea of it, though...you go, girl!

  9. Woo Hoo, you go girl. I love you. Cheering you on.

  10. Well you'll be happy to know that I'll have the jump on Dance Day, as I'm having a 40th birthday party on the 16th which will include a DJ AND some dancing. LOL! Oh it's going to be interesting alright. LOL!
    You look adorable in your dance outfit by the way.
    Now I'm going to watch this video and maybe learn some new dance moves!

  11. Oh...love, love, love this! This dancer's heart just jumped. I, too enjoy the show "So you think you can Dance". I sometimes giggle because my mind still tricks me into thinking I dance like I use to...no way!
    I will be checking this out...now I will have to do it while my teenage son is gone or I will never live down the harassment. :)

  12. Dancing is one of the best exercises! It uses all of your muscles and because of the music you "forget" you are working out! You may remember from one of my old blog posts, that my parents were dance teachers. They are now 87 and 89 respectively and are more physically fit than most their age. They attribute it to dancing (and I agree). Also, what a great way to praise the Lord! Pop on some upbeat worship music and dance around the living room - let's get our hearts pumping and muscles moving!

    "Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp." Psalm 149:3

  13. I'm a dancer in my own mind but what I envision translates differently as it comes through my body! lol!

    I'm rooting for Alex on "So You Think You Can Dance" and I think the national dance day will be fun.

  14. I use to love to dance....60lbs ago! I actually co-led an adult praise and worship dance team at my church. It was wonderful! Some day I might be brave enough to show a video clip!

    My Fitness Friday post is up!


  15. Happy Friday Debbie, Love this post and like you I wasn't born with grace(except from above)-more clutzy than anything else. I did do Folk Dancing in high school and college and even taught it. I like watching SYTYCD; don't like dancing in public anymore but love to dance around the house. Keep exercising early-it will reve up your metabolism.
    Have a wonderful weekend and 4th my friend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  16. I am so glad I popped over to see if you had posted any past photos! And tah-dah! You did :o) These are great photos! Hm...maybe I should have taken some dance lessons! (I mentioned in my current post about not having the wonderful "music genes" -thus I make a joyful noise when I "sing" and my clapping gets off beat...& since you also need to have rhythym to dance...well...) I gladly hop into the arms of my hubby when dancing, cuz I know that I just have to let him lead! :o) He grew up dancing! & our kids dance...

    As for exercising-my excuse has been how hot and humid it's been. I really need to "find" my running/walking shoes and get out there!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  17. Dear Debbie,
    I can't believe that I did stage one today. Jim has not yet seen me jumping jacking around the house. It was fun though. I figured that one stage per day would be enough.

  18. I should learn this and perform it for my daughters - they'd like that. Anyway, I did join a gym, actually, our insurance covers it. Be sure to check out your policy, maybe you can join "silver sneakers" too! Once I got over the fact that I am old enough for "Silver sneakers," it was easy.

  19. Are you going to post us a video of you dancing the Hip Hop? ;)


I love to read your comments! I know you have something to share so join in the conversation. And thank you for taking the time.

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