Heart Choices: 2009-11-08 -->

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Introducing Jackie Dishner

I was so excited to meet another fellow blogger yesterday. Her name is Jackie Dishner and the name of her blog is Bike with Jackie.

Jackie is a professional writer and public speaker. I first met her online when she was writing for b5media. She was the blogger for the Phoenix area. If you've heard of Darren Rowse of Problogger, he's one of the founders of b5media.

Anyway, back to Jackie. We are also Facebook friends and she posted an invite to a book signing at Pluma Designs located in the Signature Salon Studios in Scottsdale. She gets her hair done there and it's not too far from my house. So, I decided I wanted to take this opportunity to buy her book and give her a hug ...in person.

Here's what the cover of her book looks like. I haven't started reading it yet but it looks like a great resource for drives, day trips and weekend trips in Arizona. So, if you live here or are planning to take a vacation to the Phoenix area, you might consider buying Jackie's book. You can purchase it here.

Jackie is a woman who loves adventure and travel. She has a philosophy of life that she calls BIKE and speaks on this topic as a member of the National Speaker's Association. From what I've learned from Jackie's blog, she's dealt with many challenges in her life.

But I can tell you ...Jackie was a delight to meet.

Jackie is adorable and we were both so excited when I walked up to her and said "Hi, I'm Debbie of Heart Choices."

Now, you bloggers know what I'm talking about. You feel like you already know the other person because you've read what they share from their heart on their blogs.I know this won't be the last time I get to meet with Jackie.

As I glance through her book, I'm already mentally planning trips I want to take in my own state of Arizona. It's amazing how you can live in a place for 25 years and not take advantage of some of the beautiful and historic places that are close by.

I encourage you to stop by and say hi to Jackie on Bike with Jackie. Tell her I sent you. And while you're at it, you might check out her book.


Then Sings My Soul Saturday ~ I Offer My Life

It's Then Sings My Soul Saturday when I link up with Amy of Signs, Miracles and Wonders. Please feel free to join in and post a song on your blog and link to Amy's. It's such a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning.

At one time or another, each one of us will or may currently be going through trials and challenges in life.

We may not choose them but always remember that we have a choice ...in how we respond to them.

I don't always understand the why's but I'm learning to trust my God. He is trustworthy!

He is the One who created me. He knows what's best for me. He wants me to grow and not stay stagnant. It can be easy for me to depend on my own strengths and abilities. That's my comfort zone.

But I believe God is teaching me through circumstances that He wants me to step out in faith ...even though I don't know where He's leading.

That's been a struggle for me in the past since I like to know where I'm going complete with directions.

But lately, He has been changing me. And now my response is to make the heart choice to surrender ALL. I want to offer my life back to Him; nothing held back.

I hope you enjoy these sweet voices as they sing "Lord, I Offer My Life to You". My heart echoes the words to this song.

Happy Saturday and thank you for visiting Heart Choices!


Our Heavenly Home

Today I should be writing my Fitness Friday post but I have other things on my mind. Life is so uncertain and these times are like I've never experienced.

And yet the valuable lessons I'm learning right now are being used ...for good and for God's glory.

I'm a daydreamer. As a kid, I imagined exactly how my house would look when I got married. It would have a white picket fence and lots of flowers.

It would be a place of refuge. I often tell my husband that I think of our home as a nest. Greg and I may go out into the world but we know that we can come home to a place of rest, peace and solitude.

Here we are like two love birds; LOL.

I enjoy decorating and creating an atmosphere of love and beauty in my home.

I love to visit blogs like:

~The Inspired Room

~A Soft Place to Land

~Nesting Place

But God ...wants us to remember that these are not our permanent homes.

I read this love letter from Sheri Rose Shepherd's book "His Princess: Love Letter From Your King".

"Did you know that I have prepared a home for you in heaven? It is more beautiful than you can ever imagine. Your eyes have not seen nor have you ears heard the majestic beauty that awaits you. But for now, My chosen one, I need you to learn to see your life from an eternal perspective. When you cross over into heaven, you won't be able to bring anything from your home here on earth. You're only here to bring forth My life-changing news of salvation. Don't collect things; collect people. I have called you to bring others to me. Remember, no one will grow closer to Me because of what you have. Tell them how much I love them. They need to know about My amazing plans for their lives and about the eternal kingdom that awaits them, too."

Your King and your Eternity Builder

No matter what your circumstances or where you live, remember ...this isn't our permanent home. We're just passing through.

So, don't cling too tightly to the things of this world.

1 Corinthians 2:9 (GUSTAVE DORE)

May you spread the love of Jesus wherever you live.

Blessings to each one of you and thank you for visiting Heart Choices.


Thankful Thursday ~ Veterans

On this Thankful Thursday, we celebrate the veterans who have served protecting our country and the freedoms we all too often take for granted. Iris of Grace Alone has chosen this theme and it's perfect timing since yesterday was Veteran's Day.

I grew up during the sixties; a time of Woodstock and anti-war rallies. It was such a difficult time for veterans who returned home and weren't treated as heroes.

My brother Steve joined the Navy in 1969 since his draft number was low and he knew it was inevitable.

My cousin Ken was in the Army and was shipped off to Vietnam. When he returned home, his wife had left him and he lived with us for more than a year. I remember his first Fourth of July. He jumped every time a firecracker went off. It was a very traumatic time of readjustment.

I'm so grateful for the sacrifices so many in the military have made leaving behind their families to protect us and serve our country. I pray for their safety and for a day when there will be no more wars. However, I realize that will not happen this side of eternity.

I found this song by Casting Crowns called Who Am I (Tears of War). It's a tribute to those in the military.

Thank you for your service to this country and for the sacrifices you've had to make. I am thankful for each one of you.

You can visit Iris on Grace Alone to join in or visit other participating blogs on this Thankful Thursday.


The Habit of Memorizing Scripture

holy experience

For Walk with Him Wednesday, Ann Voscamp of @ Holy Experience asks us to post about the habit of memorizing Scripture.

There's that word ...habit.

But the habit ...of memorizing Scripture?

If you click on my 'About Page' on the upper right sidebar, you'll read the following:

"The focus of Heart Choices is ...your day to day choices will determine what your tomorrows will become. These choices impact your body, soul (mind, will and emotions), and your spirit."

Memorizing Scripture was much easier for me as a child. I vividly remember attending Vacation Bible school as an eight year old. Throughout that week, we memorized the whole chapter of Romans 12.

As I remember what Romans 12:2 says, what better way to transform and renew my mind?

How often do you pray and ask for God's will in your life?

Memorizing Scripture is a perfect way to replace the lies of the enemy that often crowd our mind and thinking.

Will you make the choice to begin to establish the habit of reading the Bible and memorizing Scripture? This is a perfect way to allow His Word to renew and transform your thinking. Then you will know His will.

As an adult, I've found it a bit more challenging to memorize Scripture.

But I've made the decision and choice to become a life long learner. So, I refuse to excuse myself because of:

  • My age
  • No time
  • Too hard
  • I'll look it up when I need it

So, I here I sit on my upstairs patio memorizing Psalm 19. What a blessing to view the beauty of God's creation as I recite verses one and two:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge."

Will you make the choice to begin to allow God to transform your mind and thinking through memorizing Scripture?

If you'd like to read other posts on this topic or write your own, it's not too late to link up. Simply go to Ann's blog @ Holy Experience.

I look forward to reading your comments ...or your posts.


In Other Words Tuesdays ~ Results

It's In Other Words Tuesday and our host this week is Esthermay of The Heart of a Pastor's Wife. She has chosen the following quote for us:
As I pondered this quote by John Piper, I looked up the word "pragmatist" in the dictionary. It says "a person who is oriented toward the success or failure of a particular line of action, thought, etc.; a practical person".

In our society, people often look at the bottom line. What were the results of the action? Was it a success or a failure? And how quickly was it achieved?

We turn to self-help books so we can follow a set of rules. Isn't that what the people in the Old Testament tried to follow? And how well did that work for them?

Spiritual growth and lessons take time. And often the results aren't seen immediately.

Think about the missionary Jim Elliot who died at a young age attempting to share the love of Jesus with the Auca Indians. He and three others were killed by them. Their bodies were pierced with spears and hacked by machetes!

Was Jim Elliot a failure? If the world read about this killing in the newspaper today, many would think his attempts ...were a failure.

But as his wife continued on in this ministry, the Auca's came to know Jesus over time. Elizabeth Elliot and the other wives of the slain men didn't leave. Instead, the people who killed their husbands were curious and many came to know the Jesus that these missionaries knew.

I'd say that ...Jim Elliot's life was a success.

So, let's not use the world's success or failure standard. Whatever you do, work at it as to the Lord. We may not see the results of our work but we can trust that they will not be wasted. Some plant the seeds and others may water them.

Do your part and ...trust the Lord with the results.


Dancing with Jesus

Would you like to dance with Jesus?

My Uncle Bob sent me this message along with the image and ...I loved it.

I wanted to credit the author so I googled it and found a site called John Mark Ministries.

Dancing with God

When I meditated on the word GUIDANCE,
I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.
I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn't flow with the music,
and everything is quite
uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,
both bodies begin to flow with the music.
One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back
or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.
It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.
The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness gentle guidance and skill ...

My eyes drew back to the word GUIDANCE.
When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "U" and "I"
God, you and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
My prayer for you today is that God's blessings
and mercies are upon you this day and every day.

May you abide in God, as God abides in you.
Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you
through each season of your life.

Isn't that beautiful? It reminded me of a video I had seen on YouTube that seemed to act out this dance with God.

In our flesh, we often fight Him and want to lead. We want to be like everyone else because it can be hard to be different.

Are you willing to trust Him, surrender to His will and ...abide in Him?

Our dance with Jesus will be different from the world around us.

But He is worth it!


Over at Laced with Grace

Today I'm over at Laced with Grace. I hope you hop over to read my devotional called Living Out Your Faith.

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